HatiMoonchaser — PH - Responsibility

#cave #direwolf #father #fatherson #fur #mountain #prehistoric #snow #son #wolf #worg #prehistoria #dire_wolf #prehistoriaarpg #prehistoria_arpg #direwog #dire_worg
Published: 2020-11-19 04:48:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 364; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Import: Belshazzar W644

Prompt/Theme: Your beast became a mother/father for the first time in their life. How do they feel about it?

    He had been surprised to find another worg here, let alone a female. The mountain pass was a dangerous place to roam in the depths of winter. Soft gray and covered in marbled markings, he had nearly missed her among the frost and snow. Antila. Her beauty had infatuated him at first sight. He was surprised when she accepted his company. Perhaps it was the cold isolation of the place that had softened her. It soon became clear that she wouldn't be leaving the pass any time soon without endangering herself, and the life they had made together.
    After their first week together, Antila's feelings toward the male took an abrupt turn. His presence was met with snarls, yet day after day he returned with something for the female to eat. A king did not abandon the mother of his pups, even if they weren't truly mates. Weeks passed. A single pup was born in the warmth of a den Belshazzar had dug with his own paws while the male himself shivered outside in a snowstorm. Over the next few weeks, he continued to bring food to Antila while she recovered and nursed the pup.
    As he neared the female's den this last time, his blood ran cold. A trail of pawprints left the mouth of the den and led off into the tundra. The edges of the prints were crusted over with ice, indicating their age. The female had fled sometime in the night, and was likely long gone. With his son? Belshazzar charged inside. The den was cold and quiet. Pressed against the back wall, the pup was curled in on himself in a desperate attempt to conserve any body heat he might have.
    With a sharp gasp, Belshazzar flopped down on the cold stone floor and pulled his son against his furry chest. The pup was cold and stiff, and Belshazzar wondered for a heart-pounding moment if he might be dead. After a moment, he stirred ever so slightly and let out a faint whine. Belshazzar exhailed, allowing a small amount of relief to wash over him. He lay there with his son in relative silence, allowing the pup to share his warmth.
    As he watched his son breathe, his eyes ran over the pup's soft gray markings and white spotting over his back. He looked like a snowstorm. Belshazzar smiled. The pup was born in the snow, and looked like the snow, so it was only appropriate that he would be named after the snow.
    When young Blizzard was warm enough to move more freely, Belshazzar carefully lifted the pup in his mouth to carry back to his den. As he made his way down the familiar path, he though about what this would mean for his future. His son was a mere six weeks old, not quite ready for solid food yet, and living in the pass had been hard enough with no more responsibility than a full-grown dodo. Taking on the task of raising his son as a single father would be a huge and immediate change in his life, but Belshazzar felt ready to make it. He was already thinking about how to get milk from the cave goats at the top of the mountain or maybe stealing another egg from the terror bird flock in the range on the other side of the pass.
    As he gingerly placed his son to rest in the soft, warm pile of pelts that littered his cave's floor, Belshazzar was sure of one thing: he would tear down mountains and shake the heavens to ensure Blizzard's wellbeing. He would die before he would let his son die, and he'd have a few choice words for Antila if he ever saw her again. If Belshazzar was a king, and he was certain that he was, then Blizzard was a prince to be beloved.

An HP piece for story purposes, finally introducing the boy  into the story. I tried something different with the shading and background here- I think it turned out pretty nice! MQ is next, then I can finally work on some stuff with Zluta~

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