GothicNarcissus — Riverside

#autumn #branches #bushes #canon #clouds #cold #italy #loneliness #malemodel #mist #pebbles #photography #portrait #prettyboy #river #riverbank #riverside #sagrado #solitude #stone #trees #winter #soča #philharmonics #alpne #isonzo #agnesobel #emotionalportrait #emotiveportrait #portraitphotography
Published: 2023-10-02 12:42:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 761; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description “Down by the river, by the boats,
Where everybody goes to be alone,
Where you won’t see any rising sun –
Down to the river we will run.
When by the water we drink to the dregs,
Look at the stones on the river bed.
I can tell from your eyes
You’ve never been by the riverside.
Down by the water, the riverbed,
Somebody calls you, somebody says,
“Swim with the current and float away
Down by the river everyday.”

Oh my God, I see how everything
Is torn in the river deep, and I don’t know
Why I go the way down by the riverside.

When that old river runs past your eyes
To wash off the dirt on the riverside,
Go to the water so very near:
The river will be your eyes and ears.
I walk to the borders on my own
To fall in the water just like a stone.
Chilled to the marrow in them bones,
Why do I go here all alone?

Oh my God, I see how everything
Is torn in the river deep, and I don’t know
Why I go the way down by the riverside.
Oh my God, I see how everything
Is torn in the river deep, and I don’t know
Why I go the way down by the riverside.”

[ Riverside – Agnes Obel ]

After shooting Guilt, Mark and I took some time to take a few more photos along the way, some right by the riverside (see what I did there?), some elsewhere as well. You can recognise the same vegetation patch as Shipwreck right behind Mark in this one.

One thing I absolutely love about the Isonzo / Soča river is how intensely turquoise or emerald green its water naturally looks, even in the dull light of a misty day like that: you can see it in my previous photos, A Winter’s Breath and How Tall The Trees. And here, it shows even in the small, shallow pond right behind Mark. Turns out, it’s not just a light trick, but due to the rock flour suspended in the water.

Photo, concept, editing, styling: GothicNarcissus Photography
Model, grooming: Mark Turtoo

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