Gothicakane — Hadean Creation Myth II - Chaos Sphere Creation by-nc

Published: 2013-12-03 02:38:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 419; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Oddly enough, the official myth did not stray far from what would later become the general consensus on what early Earth was like with respect to its chaotic conception, though Hadeans instead placed the Cosmic Creator as the architect of the elements that would later comprise it. With Andros came astral clouds that settled into storms that created the Earth's atmosphere and forged the Ancient Seas. However, not content with the solid core of the planet being drowned in the depths, Andros began the process of carving and raising from the deeps all of the elements that would comprise all landmasses and geological structures.

Personally, this work was particularly difficult to execute, and probably isn't up to par for some. For that reason, however, it is surely going to be one of my favorite works.

Media: Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, BAMBOO Tablet.

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