Bachelors Used: DiRPG Bachelor | Karsten , DiRPG Bachelor | Mehki
While Dunstan fights with the humans there's a flooding of howling filling the air. The humans grow more agitated and try there best to rope him down as if the howling was making them more angry.
A-run at the howling
B-wait what?!
C-turn attention away from the humans and predators are the herd okay?!
Dunstan pushes hard to lose the two riders behind him and leads them farther and farther away from Coren. He desperately kicks and makes sharp turns to try and dodge their attacks. He feels dirt, grass and whatever vine thing they’re tossing at him hit his sides and back hard. He glances back and notices that they’re pensively holding the vines at their sides, ready at any moment to start circling again. Damnit! The horses they’re riding seem familiar, bachelors? They must of been caught recently. Both seem reluctant but nonetheless determined as the humans kick at their sides, pushing them harder. Dunstan meets the eyes of the larger dark stallion. They share an almost pained stare before his attention is pulled away by the sound of howling filling the air. Wait what?! Shit! How many are there? He hears the indistinct yelling of the humans and watches as the two former bachelors eyes widen, ears trying to ping exactly where the howling is coming from as they gallop behind him. He sweeps his gaze and sees nothing ahead of him or to his sides in the grass, they must be in the forest…
Dunstan forces his legs to move faster, they’re nervous I can lose them! An angry whinny erupts from behind him, the smaller brown stallion has started fighting underneath the rider, “Get off of me! I won’t do this! I won’t go near those damned beasts!” The darker stallion and his rider keep coming after Dunstan. The rider kicks hard at his sides with an angry snarl and swings a vine to whip at the sides of the bachelor. Dunstan feels his heart clench as he watches the black stallion wince at the pain. I won’t be taken from my family. The howling still echoes around the area, shit…I can’t see anything. Is it wolves or wild dogs? Those hounds humans use? The howls are loud enough that’s for sure. His throat and lungs burn with the effort of galloping for so long but he desperately tries to push through it. Coren, I hope you’re ok…please find the herd, get out of here!
Word Count: 356