figchan — Nagron Kiss #2 (Spartacus)

#fanart #gayromance #nasir #spartacus #agron #danfeuerriegel #nagron #panahemataylor #spartacuswarofthedamned
Published: 2015-07-18 17:18:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 1570; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 3
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Agron's obsession with Nasir's neck is a wonderful thing. Very
animalistic, like a lion marking his mate! And it goes without saying
it's sexy as the hottest fires of hell

I like that they don't show us exactly what Agron's doing over there.
We see glimpses of his mouth moving and Nasir's pleasure-drunk face,
and that paints an even more vivid picture. All those wet kisses and
love bites... like Agron wants to devour him! Agron's crazed with a
tidal wave of aggression and adrenaline, and Nasir absorbs it all
beautifully. There is so much love in the way Nasir gives himself over
to Agron. What perfect chemistry.

Nasir's long dark lashes are so pretty against his cheeks, and look at
the tight grip he has on Agron's hair! He's hanging on for dear life,
but reveling in the thrill of being overwhelmed and losing control.
His chin is angled upwards, his mouth is open slightly and he just
wants MORE of what Agron's doing to him. While they're certainly no
strangers to some rough play, I wonder if this is the first time
Agron's been *quite* this wild.

I think Agron is at his most aggressive in this early part of the
scene, right after Nasir falls back on the bed (or did Agron *throw*
him there? Hot.) When Agron actually gets down to fucking Nasir, he's
managed to rein himself in just a tad. Juuust a tad
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