exotic-legends — Avanti II 06 (Paaren im Glien, year 2010)

#2010 #auto #automobile #avanti #car #exotic #legends #marko #paaren #petsch #glien #markopetsch #exoticlegends
Published: 2020-08-13 18:03:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 53; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description The photo was taken with an analog camera. I scanned the negative with my semi-professional negative scanner. The image quality suffers from this. In addition, I am not a professional photographer. Rather, I use the images as templates for my traditional and digital paintings. They are enough for that. 
At the suggestion of the DA member www.deviantart.com/aneurysmguy  , whom I very much appreciate, I published my photos here - with all their faults and flaws that I also see. Unfortunately, I lack the technical skills, because I never dealt intensively with photography. My focus is on painting and illustration.
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