ErnestAlcrin — Konata and Kagami EXTRA 1 by-nc-nd

#adorable #anime #animegirl #animemanga #beach #bikini #bluehair #couple #cute #cutekawaii #figure #girl #greeneyes #hiiragi #hug #kagami #kawaii #lucky #luckystar #manga #mangaanime #photo #photography #photoshoot #purpleeyes #purplehair #romance #sand #shoujoai #star #tsundere #yuri #kawaiicute #hiiragikagami #izumi #otaku #konata #konataizumi
Published: 2014-11-09 11:28:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 731; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Description Session of Hiiragi Kagami and Izumi Konata from the anime Lucky Star. Wearing both a super cute bikini.
Made by Wave on 1/10 scale and 12cm and 11cm each one.

Hope you enjoy it.
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