#character #wolf
Published: 2021-09-21 12:06:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 3450; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Michael - The Nameless Landwww.deviantart.com/dswolfstar
September 19, 2021
Digital Design
Wacom One, Krita 4.4
Character and Artwork
Copyright 2021 dswolfstar, All Rights Reserved.
Application Template
Copyright 2021 saltsealed & WynBird. Unauthorized reproduction prohibited.
Reference Used
Copyright 2019 CastleGraphics, Some Rights Reserved.
Michael - The Nameless Land
RATING: Mature
WARNING: Mention of violence, abuse, and depression.
* 2021-09-19, Rev 1. - Entered The Land.
* 2023-02-20 - Finally added link to activity tracker in History section.
Status: Main
Name: Michael
Nicknames/Aliases: [ NONE - He always introduces himself as Michael ]
Age: 4 Adult (as of Fall 2021)
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 33"
Weight: 85lbs
Family: TBD
Pack: Aniwaya
Rank: Stranger/Newcommer
Role: Stranger/Newcommer, Interested in Wind Wolf or Shaman
Posture/Stance: Neutral, sometimes submissive
Quirks/Gestures: avoids eye contact
Health issues: None known
Michael is a quiet individual who usually keeps to himself. Although he will always say "hi" to his friends, he will not strike up a conversation himself or approach others socially. Having been uncomfortable around his peers at a young age, he finds it difficult to establish and maintain relationships even though he longs to have at a mate or a couple of close friends. He frequently avoids eye contact with anyone, even his friends.
He is rather intelligent. Although not quick-witted, he patiently observes and thinks through whatever lays in front of him. He likes to help others where he can. He is always keen to learn more and ready to teach what he knows to others.
He believes in the balance of nature and that all things are really one. Everything he sees is an expression of The One. He spends much of his free time meditating.
Although normally mentally stable, he can, however, have depressive episodes. These usually last a day or a week but will adversely impact the performance of his duties. He will claim tiredness or exhaustion if asked.
Not physically or mentally build for fighting or hunting, he is best suited for intellectual pursuits. But his training in his former pack has given him some level self-sufficiency.
He may collect and keep pretty things he finds for a short while but will let go of them easily.
* Positive attitude - "Well, at least we have *something* to eat."
He will always start the day with a positive outlook. He likes to make others happy, and that starts with a positive attitude. He will usually try to see the bright side of a down situation.
* Helpful - "I don't know that I can help, but I will certainly try."
He enjoys helping and teaching others. Always available to lend a helping paw or a thoughtful ear.
* Patient - "Don't worry, we're still here."
He is in no hurry. There is no point in rushing.
But sometimes he is too patient and lets the world go by without him.
* Empathetic
He will become deeply empathetic and supportive to those he's closest to.
But that makes him attached and a conflict with someone he's close to can send him reeling.
* Open-minded - "Well, sometimes someone has a wonderful idea."
He will always listen to new ideas. That's no guarantee that he will like it, but he will give due consideration.
* Intelligent, thoughtful, and observant - "Well, there are a few things to consider..."
Although not quick-witted, he carefully considers what's before him.
* Quiet - "..."
On rare occasions, if you can open him up, he can be talkative. But usually he keeps to himself. If you want to talk to him, he is a good listener.
But he will let others drive the conversation and he might forget to speak his peace before it moves on.
* Introverted
He doesn't seek out the company of others. He will go to a gathering but usually roam the perimeter. He is usually quite at peace by himself.
* Spiritual
His two former packs were not very spiritual, so he usually keeps this to himself. But the beliefs he's developed and adopted run deep within him. He likes to spend much of his free time meditating.
* Somewhat Timid - "Mmmm... maybe later."
Although open-minded, he is still somewhat hesitant to try anything new for himself. Since his time as a loner, this is starting to wane.
* Shy
Although introverted, he greatly desires a deep relationship with someone. But his uncomfortable childhood has left him without the ability to approach others and make friends. Others have to approach him first.
* Lacks Confidence
Despite having been told of his potential, he can't see it himself. He doesn't believe he can achieve much or even make basic life milestones.
External Conflict(s): " ... You know, just getting by can sometimes be hard enough."
External Motivation(s): "I like to help anybody anyway I can. I like to see happiness in others."
Internal Conflict(s): He greatly desires a mate, someone he can share his life with, someone to support and to support him. But he is too shy to be social. He has almost convinced himself that this will never happen.
Internal Motivation(s): To gain confidence in himself. To be able to approach others in social situations.
* Changing of the seasons - "I don't know, but I just love the feeling of each season. The transition helps me to feel the cycle of life."
* Being in nature - "It helps to empty my mind and meditate."
* Meditation.
* Stars - "I've heard you can use them to navigate. I'd like to learn to do that. Otherwise, they're very beautiful."
* Heat - "I can't shed my coat any more than I already have."
* Bullies / Politicians - "They are only in business for themselves and will harm anyone to get what they want. I've had enough of them."
* Meeting anyone from his either of his former packs - "I don't want to talk about it."
* Being a loner again - "My short stint as a loner that one summer was hard enough. I don't think I'd survive by myself in winter."
### Current Status:
_Updated 2021-09-19_
* [NONE] #Name (Faction, +/-)
* [NONE] #Name (Faction, +/-)
* [NONE] #Name (Faction, +/-)
* [NONE] #Faction - Registered Level (Points - Acquaintances, Friends, Enemies)
### Pre-Group:
Michael was born to a small pack of traders. He was bullied and made fun of as a pup. This left him with a fear and distrust of others. He developed a knack of disappearing in plain sight and observing from the perimeter. He became extremely introverted and shy. But as he and his peers grew up, that waned just a bit.
Michael was smart and capable. His packmates saw in him a great potential. Upon becoming an adult, he moved to an allied, neighboring pack to learn from them. This pack was different, it had unusual customs, but it worked out. He became a valued member of his new pack helping out in various capacities.
But only a couple of seasons later, _He_ showed up. Samuel was a loner, but was quickly admitted to the pack for his quick wit and gung-ho attitude. He married the alpha's daughter and became beta. But this wasn't enough. He bifurcated the pack in two and played his packmates to gain power. He disrespected the alpha and he verbally and physically abused anyone who dissatisfied him.
Michael could see the damage Samuel was doing. Michael used his "skill" of disappearing to avoid Samuel's abuse. He knew that someday he would have to either return to his birth pack or become a loner. He prepared for this eventuality; he trained with one of his packmates in his spare time, how to hunt and how to defend.
One early spring day, the alpha's son wanted to go visit another pack to learn from them same as Michael just a little while ago, but Samuel instead demanded he either stay or go into exile. The alpha's son was forced into exile. The last thing standing in his way now was the alpha himself. Only one moon later, Samuel approached the alpha late in the day and challenged him. Samuel won and declared his victory to the entire pack. He was now alpha.
After the declaration, Michael walked to his den. He had long seen the damage Samuel was doing. He couldn't believe he was alpha now. He passed his den and kept walking. And as an ally of the old alpha, he was now a target for Samuel's abuse. His walk became a trot. The various scenarios kept playing in his head over and over. At best, Michael would be abused, at worst, he would be killed. His trot became a run and he ran all night. Blinded by fear, he ran clear out of the region of both of his two former packs. Now lost and aimless, his preparation for loner life would be put to use.
His first few weeks as a loner were hard but small prey was plentiful and he made do. He eventually encountered an elder wolf wandering the lands. His name was Altair. He was a wondering monk. Altair allowed Michael to accompany him in his travels. The two hunted together and made loner life a little easier for them both. Altair taught Michael the philosophy of his pack: of the Non-dual, of the connection of all things, of being here in the eternal-now. This all rang so true with Michael and he wanted to learn more.
But the storm came quickly, without warning, and they were caught. They became separated. Michael looked for his friend for three days before deciding he had to move on.
Some wolves are built for the loner life. Michael was not, and he knew it. He barely made it through the summer and now, with summer ending, winter fast approaching, and without his traveling partner, he was in danger. He needed to find a pack and quickly.
### Group (canon):
### Memes:
[NONE: Stay tuned.]
### Non-canon and Miscellaneous:
[NONE: Stay tuned.]
RP Consent List
_Updated 2021-09-19. Subject to change._
Maximum Rating: Mature.
- Explicit.
- Direct involvement in*: enslavement, torture, physical abuse**, sexual abuse.
* Will RP conversation about these subjects. i.e. If you want to talk to Michael about these subjects in a non-explicit manner, that is open.
** For a one-time fight or shouting match, DM me first. But I will not RP ongoing abuse.
I kinda can't believe I drew that.
This is my first RP Group and I'm so excited to be a part of it. Thank you
for this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to many adventures here.
For those of you in TNL and want to RP, I can be reached by dA Note or Discord.