DotterelDog — Safe

Published: 2017-09-20 01:14:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 211; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 1
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  • Your Tokota crosses paths with an infant or child (animal or human) that is too young to remember where it came from or who it's parents are. Your Tokota must choose to either take mercy and care for and protect it until the parents can be located, or abandon it to nature.
  • 1/3 for SweetLunar

    • Optional: +10 for somehow including your Tokota's RoD companion in full body.
    • Optional: +10 for correct setting. (Maiksuk Meadow)

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    Comments: 2

    SweetLunar [2017-09-23 05:10:10 +0000 UTC]

    500 word bonus:

    Though it was the middle of the afternoon the cloudy sky blocked any rays from actually reaching the ground. Making the air frigid and chilly as the thick fog rolled through the forest and crashed across bark before dispersing into waves. Milkshake had been trudging along in the foggy forest for some time now. Her thick giant paws, covered with mud, and her breath was coming out with a slight huskiness to it, from exerting so much of her energy. When she had gotten up this morning, she had the strangest feeling to go for a long walk alone. Call it instinct, a vision, or just a weird feeling, she hadn't felt at ease the whole walk and it was starting to make her pinkish tundra coat rise up with unsteadiness. All she knew is she wanted the feeling to go away.

    At the same moment is when she first saw the small deer weave in and out of the trees, her carefully sculpted form looking so dainty compared to the bulky giant dire behind her. Thick with fur, with sharpened claws and teeth but inside Milkshake was a giant softy that hated inflicting pain on any creature. So when she hunted she made sure it was quick and painless. Her ears perking straight up just as she heard whimpering coming from the clearing just after the treeline. With more force than she needed she barreled out of the tree line. Her silver eyes taking in the grassy meadow. The thick fog making it hard to see, but the soft whimpering, a childs cry. It pulled at her heart strings, as she carefully moved closer to the coming sound.

    The deer that had been in the trees with Milky had followed her out, most likely to curious about the sound as she was. Dropping her head closer to the grassy earth, her shoulders hunched upward as her silver eyes made out the bits of dark tawny and brown fur. It was one of her kinds babies.... She swallowed hard, her heart speeding up as her claws slightly curled into the earth underneath her. She was un-sure if she should get closer, but the thought of a young pup out here all alone, cold and frightened made her aged eyes water some. Scouting around her at the surrounding grass and trees, she didn't see no sign of parents, only the small doe that had started to graze on some grass. Her interest in the giant dire waning away.

    Swallowing her fear and worries and taking a long breath in she closed in the last bit of space between her and the small pup. The small fur ball curled up into a small ball and trembling. Lowering her head down even further she lightly nudged at the small creature, her voice so gentle, only that of a mothers. Which she was no stranger too, her babies had grown and met into their new lives.

    “Young one where are your parents? Are you alone?”

    The time it took the small little furry ball to stir seemed like a century, as it continued to tremble from the cold. Un-curling slightly to gaze it's golden eyes up at the dire before him. He was so weak he could only muster a small nod before his head dropped back down onto its self. Curling tighter than before. Milkshake whimpered, the sound pure heartbreaking to behold as she finally noticed how skinny the little one was. Starving most likely... Very carefully and slowly she nestled down in the grass around the little one, nudging the small pup so he curled into her belly. The thick fur snuggling into his, as she started to lick his ears softly. She didn't have to think about it, she was already doing what was right. If she could not find the small creatures parents, she would become his mother and raise him healthy and happy. Waiting until he warmed up a bit from her body heat, she thanked Aippac for the urge that made her come all the way out here. As soon as he was warmed just enough she would carry him home to his new life.

    word count: 697 words. <3

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    SweetLunar [2017-09-22 19:22:10 +0000 UTC]

    I could have sworn I replied to this o-o
    This is heartbreaking amazing! I can't get over how beautiful this is, it literally looks like you can pet her q-q
    I literally just starred at this for a good 20mins when I first saw it, just trying to figure out how you did it.
    So stunning. I can't say that enough.

    I can't wait to see the other 2!! She is ready for alpha and I'm super stoked these are her pota images.

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