Deviantfantastic — Ben 10 Joke Drawlloween Alien 5: Skitterbug

#ben10fanaliens #drawlloween2021
Published: 2021-10-05 13:18:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 4334; Favourites: 70; Downloads: 7
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Description Skitterbug is the DNA Sample of a Torodelian from the planet Torodel


Powers and Abilities:

- 360° vision

- 360° Neck Rotation

- Flight

- Wall Crawling

- Sharp Claws

- Sharp Feet

- Sharp Tail

- Enhanced Strength

- Enhanced Durability

- Enhanced Agility

- Enhanced Dexterity

- Enhanced Reflexes

- Enhanced Speed

- Danger Intuition

- Contaminant Immunity

- Enhanced Survivability

- Radiation Resistance



- Is vulnerable to air freshener and scented candles.



1.) Skitterbug based on the Judas Breed from the film “Mimic” by Guillermo del Toro.

2.) “Torodel” is an anagram of del Toro, a nod to “Guillermo del Toro”.

3.) Torodel is planet flooded woth trash, litter and debris. The environment would kill most other races, but the Torodelians are used to such a lifestyle.

4.) Skitterbug's name is a mix of the words "skitter" (move lightly and quickly or hurriedly) and "jitterbug", which is a fast dance popular in the 1940s performed chiefly to swing music, or a term to describe a nervous person.

5.) Skitterbug have an enhanced digestive system, meaning they can eat just about anything they set their eyes on.

6.) Torodelians live squalor lifestyles.
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Comments: 1

Magimince [2023-11-13 07:53:48 +0000 UTC]

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