Darth-Marlan — Splash

Published: 2016-09-24 14:40:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 286; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 1
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Description Bird in the foreground was probably like... WTF????

African elephants are the world's largest land animals. The biggest can be up to 7.5m long, 3.3m high at the shoulder, and 6 tonnes in weight. The trunk is an extension of the upper lip and nose and is used for communication and handling objects, including food. African elephants have two opposing extensions at the end of their trunks, in contrast to the Asian elephant, which only has one. Tusks, which are large modified incisors that grow throughout an elephant's lifetime, occur in both males and females and are used in fights and for marking, feeding, and digging. The other notable feature of African elephants is their very large ears, which allow them to radiate excess heat. ( Source: htp://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/elephants/african_elephants/ )

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