Published: 2007-06-03 23:42:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 22291; Favourites: 581; Downloads: 1303
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Akechi Mitsuhide, still from the PS2 game Samurai Warriors 2 (Sengoku Musou)Photoshop CS2 wacom
If someone is interested in Mitsuhide's life and know something about the Sengoku period, he can read this...
The so-called "13-day shogun", Oda Nobunaga's assassin Akechi Mitsuhide (1528-1582) is somewhat of a mystery. More of a bureaucrat than a warrior, Mitsuhide preferred negotiation to fighting and favored the more refined aspects of the samurai, taking great pride in his poetry, tea ceremony and calligraphy. Moreover he seemed to have very little ambition.
Mitsuhide began his career as an underling of Asakura Yoshikage of Echizen. When Yoshikage went over to Nobunaga in 1566, Mitsuhide went too, and gradually rose through the ranks of Nobunaga's army mostly through seniority rather than prowess in battle. In 1571 he was awarded Sakamoto estate in Omi province, worth 100,000 koku.
Suddenly in 1582, after years of faithful, if undistinguished service, Mitsuhide committed the ultimate act of betrayal. Revenge may have been involved. Five years before, Mitsuhide forced the surrender of Yakami Castle by Hatano Hideharu by kidnapping Hideharu's mother. Nobunaga, who bore a grudge against Hideharu, ordered his mother crucified. Hideharu responded by capturing and executing Mitsuhide's mother. Although he did nothing for five years, it is likely that Mitsuhide felt angered, shamed and embarrassed by this incident - not only did he lose his mother, but he lost face because he had guaranteed the safety of Hideharu's mother if he surrendered.
Perhaps Mitsuhide had gotten over the incident somewhat in by the spring of 1582, when he was again shamed by Nobunaga. After failing to defeat Mori Terumoto, Nobunaga withdrew Mitsuhide and sent Toyotomi Hideyoshi to finish the Mori. But Hideyoshi fared no better, and desperately sent to Nobunaga for reinforcements. Nobunaga, who was always a bit of a gambling man, sent every single man he had including Mitsuhide, leaving himself only 100 bodyguards instead of his normal 2000. Nobunaga then retired to Kyoto's Honnoji temple to await news of what he hoped would be a victory.
But Nobunaga had made a fatal miscalculation of Mitsuhide's loyalty. Supposedly marching to aid Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide marched to Kyoto instead and surrounded the Honnoji with his army of over 10,000 men on the night of June 1, 1582. Nobunaga and his tiny bodyguard were caught totally by surprise. Nobunaga retired to the temple and committed seppuku as his men were slaughtered and mansion burned around him. Mitsuhide gave no quarter.
Mitsuhide was now the defacto ruler of Japan, but had apparently given little thought to what he would do after killing Nobunaga, and retired to his castle at Sakamoto to think things over. on June 6, he sallied forth to attack and sieze Hideyoshi's stronghold at Nagahama and later captured Wakayama owned by Hideyoshi's ally Niwa Nagahide.
Meanwhile, news had reached Hideyoshi of Nobunaga's death on the 3rd. Fearing that his rival Tokugawa Ieyasu might reach and kill Mitsuhide before he could, Hideyoshi immediately made peace with Mori who he had been in the midst of besiging, and set about rallying the rest of Nobunaga's generals to his side.
Learning that Hideyoshi was on the march, Mitsuhide assembled his army near Hokoraga pass. On the night of June 12, Hideyoshi assembled his forces around nearby Yamazaki village. That morning Mitsuhide arrayed his forces on the far side of the Enmeiji River. That afternoon the armies clashed in a rainstorm, and Mitsuhide suffered a disastrous defeat when he became outflanked. Mitsuhide fled back to Shouryuji Castle, but the castle was soon surrounded by Hideyoshi's men. That night Mitsuhide snuck out of the castle under cover of darkness and headed for Kyoto. He died a coward's death when, while making his way through a rice paddy he was discovered and ignominiously killed by a farmer wielding a harvesting blade. Mitsuhide had ruled for 13 days. Hideyoshi was now master of Japan.
( from the website : [link] )
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Comments: 73
Byakuyaaa [2011-04-06 17:12:34 +0000 UTC]
Wow I love it, it is sooooo beautiful...keep the good work.
Akechi Mitsuhide is my favorite Samurai Warriors Character...
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ValondraDeva [2010-04-01 18:22:27 +0000 UTC]
It reminds me of one of those old portraits that you would see in a history book. Very beautifully done. I wish my shading was this perfect.
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Vithar-of-Enkardrei [2009-02-18 00:18:52 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful. I've played the Warriors Orochi games and Mitsuhide is one of my favortie characters to use.
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darknessrisingabove [2008-12-22 22:11:52 +0000 UTC]
nice picture, like his hair and eyes, he look's very mysterious, but he is also hot ^ ^
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AngelKiller666 [2008-12-21 09:43:31 +0000 UTC]
You never ceace to amaze me with your work... Oh how I want to touch thaose hands of yours.
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alilydarkly [2008-06-21 04:39:45 +0000 UTC]
I absolutely adore him!!!!
this is realistic like a sepia photo!
seductive and mesmerizing! SO that said, This Awesometastic ,touching piece is featured here !
[link] THANKS!
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YukoHoon [2008-05-26 15:48:55 +0000 UTC]
He seems like he\'s looking at your very soul. It\'s really great. And it was nice to learn a little bit more about him. He\'s my second favorite character of all the game, just behind Date Masamune.
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kika1983 [2007-12-17 08:06:36 +0000 UTC]
i like his expretion really good hair
think he needs a little more shading on the face
but without it looks really nice
reminds me of sephiroth cause of his hair
not because of the colour naturaly
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John-the-Jew [2007-12-14 07:08:38 +0000 UTC]
Good stuff... sooo it's a still taken from a cutscene, or did you actally draw it? Either way it kicks ass and it's an awesome game to make fanart off of.... But, seriously... I can't even tell if it's taken straight out of the game.
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mithrandirff7 [2007-12-14 05:23:40 +0000 UTC]
YEAH! Way to go! Mitsuhide is awesome! This is a piece that I have seen floating around here for quite some time now, and it's a shame that it didn't get this kind of attention before the DD...but I guess all's well now. ^^ The work is stunning. Fan art or not, this deserves recognition. Congrats!
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wolfwatcher667 [2007-12-14 04:47:47 +0000 UTC]
theres not much that I c needs to be critiqued, its amazing, lol.
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Alanza [2007-12-14 04:43:03 +0000 UTC]
That looks great! Congratulations on the DD! Love the eyes and wonderful detail on the hair!
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convenientlyXdying [2007-12-14 03:07:30 +0000 UTC]
omg!!! that is amazing!!! i love that game.
looks like, exactly like him. i loves it
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What-We-Are [2007-12-14 02:48:01 +0000 UTC]
very nice. Ha ha I love that game...Mitsunari is fantabulous. I love the details in the eye.
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boomcazoom [2007-12-13 23:28:50 +0000 UTC]
oh my god his my favorite off that game so good and cute
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resuki [2007-12-13 23:23:15 +0000 UTC]
I don't know the game at all, but this is an awesome piece. Great eyes and I like the way the line of his nose looks.
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MrsHatake [2007-12-13 23:10:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm going to be absolutely dopey and just say he's beautiful! Congrats on your DD!
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tigerzpaw [2007-12-13 23:06:04 +0000 UTC]
that looks awsome! kinda looks like the guy from genji too. cool guy
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gunjoh [2007-12-13 21:55:35 +0000 UTC]
Akechi! My favorite char :3
Great work on this! He looks gorgeous : D
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sn00kie [2007-12-13 21:21:05 +0000 UTC]
Wow.. I wish they had Sephiroth look more like this in the Advent Children movie. Awesome image.
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Arzuza [2007-12-13 18:37:07 +0000 UTC]
hey, great image, i like the expression...
Congratulations for the DD
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Uchiha-Kon [2007-12-13 17:45:46 +0000 UTC]
Nice work, I like the eyes and hair most.
Kinda looks like Neji I think
Btw, what does the signs in the background say?
And if u like Samurai Warriors, u should go play Orochi Warriors, best game ever!! (well for ps2
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KyraShangea [2007-12-13 17:32:06 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful details. Absolutely fantastic work. Congratulations on the daily deviation~
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Cup-O-Java [2007-12-13 16:31:11 +0000 UTC]
This is absolutely beautiful! His eyes are so full of...confidence and...almost a lustful quality that I find hard to adequately describe. I sense hurt, betrayal and strength hidden deep within the orbs that are hard to convey, yet you did so exquisitely! For the most part, I have to say that this shocked me. It is life like, yet has a surreal quality to it. I am deeply moved by his eyes in a way that I cannot convey. His mouth also draws me to him, and I like the strength in his nose. You did a marvelous job! ** Oh, and the background on this character not -only- has me ready to run out and rent the game, but adds so much to your work by showing why he looks as he does.
*sigh* It's a wonderful peice of work. I can't wait to go and check out more of it.
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Mallenroh001 [2007-12-13 15:17:43 +0000 UTC]
warring states period, right? or something like that. . . my japanese history's a bit rusty. . .
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