Dachmyre — Firdran - Matriarch of the Swarm

#fantasy #monstergirl #dndartwork
Published: 2022-12-06 05:46:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 761; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description Firdran Life Cycle
The typical Firdran encountered in swarms by fishermen across the realm are considered as little more than intelligent jellyfish, and wirey ones at that. While offerings are sometimes made to swarms of such creatures in the ocean for a bountiful catch, they are a sign of impending death to those adrift or lost at sea. Those Firdran that are lucky or smart enough to take up residence in the safety of a corpse will steadily go about hardening the outer flesh into a calcified carapace-like shell. Nicknamed Bloatheads or Turnipmen, these aberrants can be found shambling along rivers and beaches collecting shiny things to decorate their new fleshy home with. Typically disinterested in mortals, these semi-intelligent creatures are often confused for undead and are best avoided by the frail and the young.

Turnipmen that are particularly intelligent or vain will gather increasingly high quality decorations for their bodies, magically calcifying human flesh, gold coins, gems and beautiful shells into a patchwork appearance emulating its own version of aberrant beauty. Well protected inside its ornamental shell, the bloated head within the torso and numerous tendrils act as a kind of nervous system, slowly growing in skill and intellect over the years. Coupled with a growing affinity for the divine power of the Presence, these Firdran evolve into the more dangerous and powerful Matriarchs and Patriarchs of the Swarm. While Firdran have no gender themselves, they often take on the appearance of the gender and species they most often "collect" from. Capable of mortal languages native to their region, Deep Speech and expert mimics, these creatures often become defacto nobles and lesser divinities in rural and coastal areas. Able to direct lesser Firdran and impart their "collected" knowledge to other Turnipmen, they have been known to start entire societies of aberrants far from the eyes of the church.
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