CreamSable — Geniusaur

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Published: 2024-04-24 21:32:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 941; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description Unsorted Variant
Electric Psychic
The science pokemon
Bulbasaur  > Ideasaur  (level 16) > Geniusaur (level 32)

Ability: Overcharge (electric Overgrow), Illuminate (H, also ignores a foe's raised evasiveness)
Stats: 80, 72, 73, 110, 110, 80. -10 from attack and defense to add to specials.
Moves: Growl, Tackle, Thunder Shock, Growth, Leech Seed, Confusion, Charge, Thunderbolt, Zen Headbutt, Flash, Morning Sun, Light Screen, Thunder, Lumina Crash. Could probably learn Luster Purge via relearn.

Dex: the electricity it gathers in its tesla-coil-like seed can be used to supercharge its brain, giving it grand ideas. It is unable to follow through with many of them as it lacks opposable thumbs.

Gender Ratio: 87.5m 12.5f
Height: 1.7m, smaller than Venusaur

Name Origin: venusaur + genius. Am actually pretty proud of the names of this line. I'd put a Colon D face here but I hate the way DA auto-emojis them.
Design: an electric psychic venusaur based on the lightbulb, scientists, ideas and maybe the tesla coil. I probably should have looked up what a tesla coil looks like before I drew the thing on its back. Please enjoy your nondescript sciencey electric thing. Much the same as ivysaur but more venusaur-y. I like red venusaur, he looks like a dinosaur. 
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