Cougar28 — 3428 BHS Skyward Rain

Published: 2014-03-12 18:41:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 651; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 3
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Original Design:  fav.me/d5r1s12

Registered Name: 3428 BHS Skyward Rain
Barn Name: Sky, Rain
Gender: Mare
Breed: #Nordanner
Height (as adult): 18 hh
Age: 6 years
Color: Chestnut Spotted Blanket 
Genotype: ee/Aa/nLp
Temperament/Personality: She's a bit of a diva. Don't expect her to do anything that will get her coat dirty XD


SireXDam - 2454 Skyward Flash X 1828 RFS Skittles

Extensive Bloodlines: 

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: 560 Dane's Malachite
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: 2454 Skyward Flash
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: SPaVES Symphony of the Goddesses 249
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: SOS Mackinacs Stardust 1346
----------------- DS: HA Styx 1407 *deceased*
------------------------------------------ DSD: 1363 Fjyera
Dam: 1828 RFS Skittles *deceased*
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DD: 34 RFS Amadea *deceased*
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

DSSS: RDS The Foxx 841
DSSD: PS Aithne 850
DSDS: SKG Natfjer 1267
DSDD: Erytheis 902 *deceased*
DSSSS: DBVR Majeed 126
DSSSD: 87 HA Meoquanee
DSSDS: Rhyfedd 120 *deceased*
DSSDD: SH Ulmende 149 *deceased*
DSDSS: NWS Daimhin 476
DSDSD: 840 Femme Fatel
DSDSDD: SDS 98 Shiya *deceased*
DSDSDS: 47 DsWHs Arina *deceased*


Breeding Restrictions: Pure Nordanners only.
Breeding Price: n/a

Breeding Slots:

1. Open
2. Open
3. ArtistMaz
4. Tumblepatchkits
5. The-Bluejays-Song
6. TexAirWolf
7. Open
8. Open
9. Open
10. Open


6691 Symphonic Storm


Nordanner Breed (c) =*AgerskovArt

Reference Used:  GE Arab bay gallop front side view


Reference Image: 1 point

Uncolored Art: 0 points

Full Body colored, plain or no backgrounds: 0 points

Full Body colored painted backgrounds : 0 points

Show Entries, Training Images, Dragon Tack: 0 points

Animations: 0 points

Quality Blood Lineage:

Total: 1 points
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Comments: 2

horsy1050 [2014-09-29 20:03:50 +0000 UTC]

The nordanner group hasn't updated the archives and it still links to her old baby ref. You might want to let them know xD Since she is your baby now!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Emerald-Fields [2014-04-15 20:47:45 +0000 UTC]

is it possible to get an Breeding Spot from her? c: 

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