CorapTedata — Inktober 2023 - 04 - Why Didn't You Dodge?!

#dbz #dodge #dragonballz #fanart #ink #piccolo #piccolojr #tfs #pinktober #teamfourstar #inktober #drawtober #traditioinalart #inktober2023 #drawtoberpart1 #pinktober2023
Published: 2023-10-04 22:25:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 576; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description "Why didn't you DOOOOOOOOOOOODGE?"


Inktober prompt: Dodge
Pinktober prompt: Hard Times (I guess you could justify it as Piccolo having a hard time, watching his adoptive son get his butt kicked over and over again)

This is certainly not the best thing I've ever made, but that's okay.  I needed to do something pretty easy today, since I pulled something in my neck.  In order to make this not completely boring though, I decided to mess with these 'Inksense' pencils I got, which are supposed to be kinda like watercolor pencils (add water and it's a pigmented liquid now) but with ink.  They're very cool but kinda expensive, and honestly I'm not sure I see the difference between them and watercolor pencils?  The green is super vibrant though, I'll give it that.

So this was an easy day and me experimenting with some new art supplies.  And also making a Team Four Star joke that is like 100 years out of date, because I am old.  Apologies for him being off model, I haven't tried to actually copy an anime style in ten thousand years and Toriyama's is a very specific style.

Dragonball Z and related properties © Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation
Art © myself

Materials used: Canson Bristol paper (smooth), Tombow Fudenosuke ink pens, Derwent Inksense pencils
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JTXtheDesigner [2023-10-06 00:44:38 +0000 UTC]

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