Charmander17 — Werewolves, Vampires, and High School. Oh My!
Published: 2012-05-06 01:04:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 281; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 3
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Description                   WVAHSOM-Senior Year isn't all it's cracked up to be.

                 I walk inside my house. Usually Ava's there, stirring her coffee, and saying 'cool' to everything I tell her. Today, though, she's not. I guess I should explain, Ava's mine and David's legal guardian. Our parents were killed in a plane crash on their way to London, England, for a job Saihge made my dad take. I hate Saihge. You know how leaders are supposed to be fair, kind, and, oh yeah, lead? She doesn't do any of that. She's the face of the Gineki. The Gineki are werewolves. Ava's a werewolf. By werewolf, I don't mean the shifters that run around shirtless in the thing called Twilight. I mean badass(yes, I said it. Badass)people like Ava who turn into big humanoid wolves. I'll explain more later. As I said before, Ava's not there when I walk inside my house. I step into the living room, and see David pinning somebody against the wall. At first I think he's choking an intruder. Then I see things like a pale hand in his platinum blonde hair, and another pale hand, err, grabbing his butt. I take the same voice mom used to when she scolded him," David Mercius Jr. and Lily Mynoko what exactly are you doing against that poor wall?" David pulls back and smirks at me. We look a lot alike, only he's got dad's pale hair and mom's dark grey eyes. I've got mom's ash blonde hair that's nearly grey, and dad's pale grey eyes. Lily straightens her dark red-brown hair and blinks those  big light green, almost blue, eyes and I nearly swoon.(I'm straight. I'm not aunt Miriam. That's another story, though.) " Nothing, Bretta."

                 I flick my hand in their direction. " Whatever." I go up to my room and find Ava stretched out on my bed next to Marvel, my dog. Ava's tall(6'11), broad shouldered, and muscular. She looks up. " Hey, kid." She's also got the trademark white skin and black nails as all Gineki, but she's got her mother's dark blue eyes and loose curls. Both very un-Gineki things. The rest of her is from her father. The light brown hair, thin lips, short eyelashes, etc. It sit down next to her and pet Marvel. " Lottie called. Said she's coming over." I sighed/groaned. Lottie was my best friend. She was also everything I wasn't. Brave, funny, pretty, tall, open. Black haired, pale blue eyed. She had pale, flawless skin, really thin eyebrows, really long, thick, black eyelashes, and perfect lips. She was what every boy in school wanted and what every girl wanted to be(or, maybe  wanted to kill). She was also Saihge's granddaughter.

                  The sound of somebody going up the stairs two at a time announced Lottie being there. " Bretta! I found something out that you won't ever believe!" Lottie was also a huge gossip. Lottie flings the door open, and leaps onto the bed, landing next to Ava. " Hey, Charlotte." Lottie hits Ava on one wide shoulder. " It's Lottie. I swear, Ava, every time I see you, you seem more and more stoned." Ava winks one dark blue eye at me. " Coffee is my drug. Mr.Coffee-Bright is my dealer." Ava grabbed a red plastic cup off of the nightstand and took a swig. " See?" Lottie ignored her. " You know my little sister, Snae?" I nodded. Snae was fifteen, had red-orange hair, green eyes, and pale skin. " She found this out. Grandma had her only daughter killed for loving a vampire. How cruel is that? Wrenn's the grandson of Saihge's daughter, Juliette. Juliette had his mom, Shaudre, before she died." Lottie rambles on. I ignore her. Even more reasons for me to hate Saihge.
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