#adopt #adoptable #adoptables #adopts #bunny #easter #fantasy #kemonomimi #bunnyadoptable #fantasyadoptable #openadopt #openadopts #openadoptables #openadoptable
Published: 2020-04-11 14:23:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 494; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 0
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Offer to adopt, please readAccepting money + art as add on only*
*Please offer art only if I've manifested interest in your art before (i.e. if I've already commissioned you or if we've traded)
AB: 25 euro
AB1: 60 euro (flat colored tight up)
AB2: 80 euro (full colored tight up with simple background (sky, galaxy, flowers)
Examples of tight up illustrations
Base by johdaa
T.O.S. (for the customer)
- Payment within 48 hours and holds up to 72;
- you cannot remove the watermark;
- you always have to credit me/ Chairae/ ChairaeAdopts for the design and/or for the species;
- you're allowed to gift, trade or resell for the same price you bought unless you got extra art;
- you can change some things about the design but keep it recognizable; you cannot, however, edit my works;
- if you give it away (trade/gift/resell), tell me who's the new owner;
- no backouts, you'll get blacklisted, bid/claim only if you can pay.
Me, the artist
- You'll receive a transparent hires version;
- if you autobought, your order will be added to my to do list as soon as I receive the payment and all the orders will be done accordingly to the scheduling FPFS;
- maximum delivery time is a month, average is a week. Please only ab if you're willing to wait for this long.
Do not use in any way if you're not the owner.
Do not reupload, trace, reference.
Want to support me and to get access to rewards like this one? Join the Covenant!
Where to find me:
Twitter - twitter.com/Chairae2
Patreon - www.patreon.com/Chairae
Ko-Fi - ko-fi.com/chairae
YCH.Commishes - ych.commishes.com/user/Chairae…
ArtStation - artstation.com/chairae
For commissions: ilenialfano8@gmail.com
- Ping list -
Revan-Dawnstar Dame-of-Shadows Drevenax pr3gowhales Moonbeau Lia-Says2 Lia-Says Revontulet1982