Blacksand459 — tempus edax rerum
#darkness #death #life #light #melancholy #time #truth
Published: 2019-12-28 10:59:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 260; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Description like a mirage in the heat
the marmalade moon hangs low
against the mind
silent as we, but crazed, crazed as the flame
this was the resurrection in the desert

I have no culture;
hands lie with religion;
laugh in the troughs between the waves whitecaps;
here in this room, desiring you
as a foreign sail threadbare against the sun

on the long shore, lit by the moon
I'd be substantial
yet hidden
pouring a Scotch

to live in a name
as raiment, as songs of the harp-player
and nobody buys-
that's the way they are

an ancient bankrupt master of this house
brandishing the sword
far now from all the bannered ways
who has no aim but to forget
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