beliebelcan β€” FAERIC - CENIZO II - OGHAM DRYAD [πŸ€–]

#celtic #cenizo #deva #dryad #elemental #enigmatic #ethereal #fairytale #fantasy #floral #folkloric #illustration #mixedmedia #mystical #nymph #oc #ogham #original #portrait #trees #luengo #faeric #encantaria #arslumiel
Published: 2015-08-11 14:31:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 31183; Favourites: 1045; Downloads: 0
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Cenizo, the Dryad. She can be used to treat respiratory problems, such as coughs and bronchitis, as well as helping to relieve headaches and migraines. Leucophyllum frutescens is also used as a natural anti-inflammatory and may be useful in the treatment of diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism. This should only be taught by a specialist.

> Lore : Dryads are nymphs of forests, Nymphs of Oak trees, also called Querquetulanae Virae (women of the Oak Forest) or just Querquetulane. Dryads are elementals, spirits beings from trees, spirits from the flowers, vegetation in general. Dryads are designated for the species of Oak, the elementals of other plants are called Hamadryads.

The Dryads of the ash tree (Meliae), Nymphs of underground plants or telluric Nymphs (Epigeias), Nymphs of Aquatic plants (Hydriads), Nymphs of aerial or celestial plants (Uranias). Β According to an old legend, each dryad was born along with a certain tree, from which it exuded. The dryad lived in or near the tree. When her tree was cut down or killed, the deity also died.

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asari13 [2023-09-10 17:19:47 +0000 UTC]

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