atypikk01 ā€” Steampunk Heavy Airships - Fantasy Map Assets

#airship #airships #balloons #symbols #zeppelins #antique #asset #assets #brush #brushes #cartography #element #elements #fantasy #gimp #handdrawn #handmade #inked #map #mapping #medieval #photoshop #png #resource #resources #retro #transparent #vintage #mapmaking #wonderdraft
Published: 2023-05-26 22:40:22 +0000 UTC; Views: 1726; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 28
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Description New assets / resources pack for your fantasy maps !

Get 30 heavy airship assets & other steampunk flying machine assets reproduced by imitating old cartography maps drawings and shared with you for a handmade and warm map feel !

PACK LINK :Ā fantasymapassets.com/product/sā€¦
This pack is designed for Wonderdraft, but easily usable in other software (Wonderdraft assets are just .png files).

You are free to use all my assets/resources for personal and commercial use !

Good mapping !
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