Published: 2015-09-17 07:07:23 +0000 UTC; Views: 1079; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 44
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this is my simple rules if you want to try made some stock on my accountRules and Conditions
Credit me and link back to my site
LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU USE MY STOCK. Send a note or leave a comment with a link to the finished deviation.
*I hereby grant all DeviantArtists permission to use my stock in any and all Deviant Prints without restriction*
Do not redistribute my images or claim them as your own.
Nothing pornographic, racist nor discriminatory may be made with my stock.
Using Outside of dA
You may post artworks containing my stock on other websites on two conditions.
condition 1. A Stock credit is always displayed clearly near the image.
condition 2. I am to be shown all pages where my stocks have been used in any capacity.
Do not ask before off-site use - just be sure to credit and link me.
Do not use my images as layouts or avatars, or as part of website design or logos without my expressed written permission.