Arielle-Lavecchia — A bookworm Faery

Published: 2016-01-05 16:22:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 336; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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She loves books...

Another picture that I really like... I'm probably going to work some more on her wings because I want it to be more detailed before I can call it done... Design-wise I love her pose, she is, after all, the little faery who loves to listen read books and regularly haunts places like libraries and study halls.

People would know that she's around when they're reading something and somehow find themselves unable to let go of a story... or put down the book.

Curious and shy, she does not make any noise at all. She would, however, inspire such curiosity in you that you can't help but turn the page...

She might borrow your reading glasses from time to time. So you would wonder where they went off to. Often, she would return them when you truly need them and you would only feel that you had misplaced them.

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