AmeliaNaomiArtDA — October 7th

#israel #peace #war #artoninstagram #istandwithisrael #standwithisrael #artistinisrael #hamasisisis
Published: 2023-10-16 06:28:28 +0000 UTC; Views: 553; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description On October 7th, 1300 hundred lives were brutally murdered by the evil terrorist organization Hamas.
Many more lives were changed forever.

I am still trying to process the tragedy, the fear, the rage, and the despair, as I am sure others are in Israel and worldwide.
I think a lot about that morning.
I think about how many people woke up that morning excited for their day.
I wonder what big plans they had.
I wonder if they had sweet dreams the night before.
I wonder so many things.
Life can change in an instant.
That is one of the tragic things about war.
It will take a long time to recover and heal from this devasting day.
However, we will continue to fight, heal, and honor the lives that were taken that day.
Please pray for the lives lost, their grieving families, the hostages, the men and women who stepped up to defend, and the nation of Israel.

PS. My apologies if these thoughts are not very readable. I am still at a loss for words so my thoughts are not very coherent right now.
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