Published: 2023-02-21 17:29:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 177; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Trying smth a lil new in my traditional art?? More pencil and less pen??Event Title: Practice - Winter Sporting - Ice Hockey
Tokota's Import: Vladimir 3294
Tokota's Hierarchy: Dominant
Tokota's Health Status: Healthy
Tokota's Career Tracker: Vladimir's Activity Tracker
Traits/Companions/Items: Whistle, Competition Headstall
Tokotna Bank/Proof of Items: Alder-Branches's Tokotna Bank
Tribe: tokotna.com/tribes/index.php?t…
Faction Dominant?: No
Entry #: (3/10)
Tokota's Previous Entries: Feb CE 1 , Feb CE 2
Tokotna Monthly Limits: tokotna.com/profile/limits/ind…