Published: 2013-03-24 20:39:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 15176; Favourites: 889; Downloads: 71
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Ah, yes! I finally finished this picture!I present to you Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time TV series, in all of his sassy glory ♥
I've been a fan of OUaT pretty much since the beginning, I adore fairy tales and I love OUaT's take on them, the series, while being a huge family drama, is absolutely magnificent, and I love it completely.
So the fanart was just a matter of time. Hook is my favorite character (together with Emma.. haha 'together' 8D), since he showed up I was all "let me love you!". I adore this guy, innuendos and facepalm inducing failures at being a villain included. Also, his clothes ♥ I mean, one of the thing I love about OUaT so much is the beauty of all the costumes that the fairytale characters wear. Hook is no exception. Everything he wears is absolutely stunning, his vests and coat with all the tiny details are so gorgeous, I love them!
Granted, it's a huge pain to draw, but hey, it's a GOOD pain, and me being a detail freak that I am, I love it :>
I'm really satisfied with this picture, I kind of combined my favorite 'mangaish' style of coloring with a more realistic drawing of the character himself, and I adore how it came out. I'm currently experimenting with my drawing style, I want to be able to draw more fanarts for my favorite TV series, so I'm really happy that I can pull it off, and it kinda looks good :>
Anyway, enough rambling, hope you like the picture! And if you haven't seen Once Upon a Time yet, go see it, it's great ♥
P.S.: Yes, yes, tons of references were used, I can't draw Mr. Colin O'Donoghue, nor can I draw his gorgeous clothing from memory, so I needed a lot of reference pictures for that, and let me tell you, finding a really good detail shots of his vest and belt was a true challenge!
P.S.2: Ther's a Captain Swan reference in this picture, because I'm a shipper at heart and I just couldn't help myself ♥
P.S.3: And yes, the background is me being deliberately silly... I regret nothing.
Killian Jones aka Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time © ABC
made with: PaintTool SAI
time: ... just don't ask...
music: Lots of different songs from The Vampire Dairies, actually, most of the time I was just watching TVD in the bg, being infinitely frustrated with Damon and Klaus (really, Damon, honey, stop being a jerk, and Klaus, your temper tantrums, they are not healthy, really, just stop it...)
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Comments: 62
Reizza [2013-03-26 00:49:12 +0000 UTC]
Family drama, I guess that's the correct term for evening soap? XD I adore this show too, in all it's soapiness. All I've wanted since I saw him was for he and Emma to get it on. I don't want true love, and I don't even care if they like each other. I just wanted them to have sex. Just. ONCE.
This is awesome. Amazing job, and the swan in the back is adorable too.
p.s. Costumes are one of my favorite parts of the show too. I just kind of wish they had better makeup artists.
p.p.s. They are REALLY good at picking who to play younger versions of people.
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Xakirmeh [2013-03-25 02:43:24 +0000 UTC]
OH MY GOODNESS. Finding out that you watch OUAT just made my night ENTIRELY!!!
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Numanom In reply to ??? [2013-03-24 23:36:06 +0000 UTC]
That's proly the hotest hook I've ever seen rofl!
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Razurichan In reply to ??? [2013-03-24 21:32:05 +0000 UTC]
okej, jego ciuchy są po prostu nie-sa-mo-wi-te. Ten skórzany płaszcz, pasek, wszystko takie..nie wiem jak to określić.....
o. mięsiste 8D. I pokazałaś że brokat może wyglądać męsko
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Mary1517 [2013-03-24 21:30:32 +0000 UTC]
nie znam serialu ale podoba mi sie detal i w ogóle źli piraci *_*
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