AcrossCrossovers — 0585-StrokeOfGenius-p2

#batmite #cartoons #comics #comicscover #crossover #crossovers #dc #dccomics #genie #genies #idreamofjeannie #jeannie #marvel #marvelcomics #marveldc #marvelvsdc #mxyzptlk #superhero #superheroes #thunderbolt #youaskedforit #dcmarvel #dcvsmarvel #mrmxyzptlk #greatgazoo #shazzan #acrosscrossovers #across_crossovers #youaskedforitlabel #aladdin
Published: 2022-04-09 23:38:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 4285; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 8
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Across Crossovers #585 - The Jinnasium! - "Genius stroke, Master stroke!" (part 2 of 2) [YOU ASKED FOR IT! label]

>>> Suggestion from BOB GREENWADE!

"If you're reading this, call 911! I'm still locked in the Broom Closet! Stinks here! I should have cleaned it up a long time ago... Wait! Is there a dead rat?! It is! HEEEEEEEEEELP!"


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I really didn't think it would be possible to fulfill this request from BOB GREENWADE! But, I really wanted to do this! I was surprised to get this 'impossible' in such a fun way!

Thank you BOB for always being with us and encouraging us so much! And, if you who accompany us also want to see your favorite characters gathered here, feel free to suggest! I promise I will always try to answer! Sooner or later, I will answer!

Out of curiosity, I almost included the Fairly OddParents in this cover... but I considered that despite 'accepting requests', I can't classify them as 'geniuses' but rather as 'fairies'. I believe that to be in the 'genius' category, some rules must be observed:

(1) being immortal and with virtually unlimited powers; (2) live (/be stuck) to some mystical object; (3) belonging to another dimension that comes to ours only when some rules are fulfilled; (4) having to grant wishes from some 'master' holding the mystical object.

Even though I know that Bat-Mite and Great Gazoo don't perfectly fulfill these requirements, I decided to keep them because they fit so well in the group!

The cover of the previous issue (ACROSS CROSSOVERS #584 - Mr. Myx - "Stroke of Genius!" (part 1 of 2) was very interesting to do. Mainly because we presented crossovers with very 'crazy' versions of our heroes that actually existed in comics!

Captain America as a child appears in issues #355-357 of his regular series (1968); Very old Superman appeared in 'Action Comics' (1938) #251.

The 6-armed version of Spider-Man is comic book canon and appeared in 'The Amazing Spider-Man' (1963) #100-102; This bat from Batman is from 'Detective Comics' (1939) #822.

Overweight Flash is 'The Flash' (1959) #115, while chubby Quicksilver appears in 'Excalibur' (1988) #14.


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If you want to know more about these characters:

Mr. Mxyzptlk








Great Gazoo


Jeannie (I Dream of Jeannie)


Genie (1992 Disney's Aladdin)


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Comments: 8

ADE-doodles [2023-08-26 16:49:56 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2022-05-28 03:16:36 +0000 UTC]

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CD-B2 [2022-04-10 13:39:28 +0000 UTC]

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astrocitizen [2022-04-10 06:45:21 +0000 UTC]

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Jace-Acastes [2022-04-10 06:14:29 +0000 UTC]

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kaaslave [2022-04-10 04:29:01 +0000 UTC]

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dlfurman [2022-04-10 03:32:35 +0000 UTC]

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Aurabellum [2022-04-09 23:44:57 +0000 UTC]

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