Published: 2024-04-12 21:50:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 2688; Favourites: 90; Downloads: 0
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COLLLLAABBBBBB with the ultra talented Dranoshots
thanks for letting your pair get a visit XD
With the entrants arriving at Obertauern, the "base" was really starting to fill with life, it is rarely as busy here on that side of the mountain, like when the White December has it's stop here. Everyone was prepared to welcome them at the site and lend a helping hand where they could. Staff presence was at the maximum as well since it was the Import season of the local Obertaurers. A very special girl made her arrival as well, and Lyo hoped to get a chance to greet her once settled and well fed. Fallow Strike is the daughter of his own endurance mount Pitchfork, making him practically grandpa of this mare. He carefully approached the pair "Ahoy, good to see you again! May i bother you for a moment?"
The air felt ever so slightly different from the Canadian winter one. The snow was there, the mountains, the pines, but from time to time, Marek’s eyes would lay on a typical traditional Austrian house. There would be a plant he didn’t recognize, or a bird flying in feathers he couldn’t name. This place was both unfamiliar and strangely just like home. For the young mare following his lead in the knee-deep snow, it was a different story. She was back on her turf, back where she was born. As they were walking from one place to another, both heard a familiar voice. Fallow recognized him first, then Marek, but only after turning his gaze in the direction of the man. It was the one and only Lyo, one of the people who had bred and raised Fallow Strike! She was faster than him at greeting Lyo back, nickering as she stretched to meet him with her nose. Marek appeared pleasantly surprised, although a little startled to be encountering such a big wig suddenly. He smiled shyly but enthusiastically. “Oh! Lyo! Likewise,” he exclaimed first. “I didn’t expect to meet you again so soon” he lightly joked, approaching. Fallow didn’t lose a moment and quickly reached Lyo, nudging him for a pat. “This girl seems happy to see you again!”
Lyo instantly turned into a very moved „horse grandpa“ when he saw Fallow coming to greet him, cooing to her instantly how pretty she is and what a strong pony to come all the way to the mountain station. „So am iiii, she is looking fantastic, you truly brought out the very best in her. And you also look like you could go on all the way to Canada if there wasn‘t the sea in between“ Lyo returned the light pat with a chuckle then gave Fallow a bunch of cheek and neck scritchies. „Are you enjoying yourselves?“
Marek chuckled lightly, proud dad he was of the little Fallow who had grown into this sturdy mount. " Aw man ! " he answered with a big smile he was slightly trying to stifle out, a mix of pride and embarrassment rising in his chest. "We did indeed train a lot back home " he continued. " But you know how Canada can be, just working on the farm was been enough at one point! But she didn't seem to care to be honest, she's a hard worker! " Marek couldn't help but pat his mare's neck, scratching at her crest, reminiscing all they had been through in the last year. " We areee! The place is amazing, although i gotta admit, the traveling has been long. We're happy to finally be there " Marek let out a little breathy laugh through his nostrils, letting his fatigue show a little in his expression. He was definitely happy to be there indeed.
One couldnt help but beam at the pair, Fallow seemed to be enjoying the affection from the man so much, it raised the joy in Lyo‘s chest with every interaction they showed and he had no doubt she got to the best home one could wish for. „I am also very happy that you made it..and can enjoy the well deserved rest.“ he smiled and could well imagine many ways to relax.
The big blond chuckled a little more at Lyo's comment. Ah yes, rest, that was what he had been thinking of for the past couple of hours now. He had forgotten how heavy and sore his limbs had grown in the last few days, and could suddenly feel his tiredness almost reach his bones. " Ah, yes, rest!" he replied. " That will certainly help" he extended his right hand towards Lyo : " I'll leave you on that then! It was nice to run into you! Hopefully we get to catch up later! " Marek added, looking to shake his hand in order to finish up this little talk. It had been great, but all he could think right now was of a shower and a warm bed.
"Charge up! have a wonderful time" Lyo said goodybe to them with a warm expression and hoped he could catch them and wish them a safe journey before they would head out again.
Marek & Fallow © by Dranoshots
Lyo © by the Cursed Pirate
The other half of the collab
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Comments: 3
Gold-Fleet [2024-04-14 15:39:14 +0000 UTC]
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ReQuay [2024-04-14 00:10:15 +0000 UTC]
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Celtic-Barbarian [2024-04-12 22:30:37 +0000 UTC]
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