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| zuckerfuss
# Statistics
Favourites: 631; Deviations: 259; Watchers: 1306
Watching: 291; Pageviews: 122430; Comments Made: 1903; Friends: 291
# Comments
Comments: 895
GioArturi [2019-11-03 23:08:15 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, magnificent lady!!
I really hope you are fine and you can post some more of your wonderful pictures soon!
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GioArturi [2018-11-03 12:04:52 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, marvelous lady!!!
Thanks for sharing your so nice, delicately sensual and elegant portraits!!
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GioArturi [2016-11-03 05:14:06 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday, lovely Nadine!!
Thanks for your wonderful, delicate and fine portraits (especially when you are the fabulous model!)
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jonesblachowicz [2013-08-02 18:52:17 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to #UnexpectedPhotos !
I look forward to your future submissions,
and hope you find some beautifully unique
photographs from the group's gallery to
add to your own favorites.
Go post away unexpectedphotos.deviantart.co…
--Emily Jones-Blachowicz.
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jonesblachowicz [2013-07-28 17:51:16 +0000 UTC]
Featured, Sunday 07.28:
sunday collection - 2013.07.28
the frail by ~ultramaryna shower time by ~poivre
summer 78 III by ~wyrazobcy
Cold rocks by *psychiatrique Somewhere near Antwerpen by ~wheepingguitar
when tears are you in your eyes by *iNeedChemicalX
Diptych and Triptych stories by ~WithinEye
Stranger 7 Revisited by ~dannyst
Refraction by `larafairieClaire 2 by ~lloydhughes
Dark mind by ~xocarla
Micro_Island by ~correiae
I want to get these features as
much exposure as I can, so go view it,
fave it, comment on it, share it, etc!
you are also invited to join #UnexpectedPhotos , if you have not joined already.
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nicholaskilp [2012-11-02 15:29:01 +0000 UTC]
I felt it necessary to say how wonderful your Gallery is. I just about wanted to go through and favorite it all.
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foot-portrait [2012-04-23 18:48:09 +0000 UTC]
Großartige Galerie, tolle Arbeiten!
Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland
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hunky-doris [2012-04-22 16:50:06 +0000 UTC]
hi, welcome to #film-photography ! please make sure you understand the rules of submitting and enjoy the group
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GioArturi [2011-11-03 15:36:45 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday!!
And many thanks for sharing your wonderful portraits (especially your lovely self-portraits!!!)
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miffyx [2011-09-01 15:26:19 +0000 UTC]
More of the holga-stuff! Really really love the double exposure!
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somebodysomething [2011-01-27 00:43:55 +0000 UTC]
schön hier!!!!!!
liebe grüße aus stuttgart west
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LegacyNudes [2011-01-12 20:48:55 +0000 UTC]
Tolle Galerie... Immer wieder begeisternd! Würde Dich ja gerne auch mal als Model vor der Linse haben...
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CaseyDN [2010-11-27 01:57:30 +0000 UTC]
I looked into your gallery a little, It was great! I will come look more when I have time! Thanks for sharing. And I think you are beautiful too!
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greenday862 [2010-11-26 10:21:29 +0000 UTC]
tolle gallerie. ich liebe holga fotos einfach *-* <3
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javedlodhi [2010-11-20 23:20:10 +0000 UTC]
Happy Belated Birthday, many happy returns of the day!
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SilentlyDamned [2010-11-17 06:21:55 +0000 UTC]
I will say happy birthday now, since I will be on a plane for most of the time between now and your b-day.
Hope that it is better than all that came before... and that you are well.
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TacoKing1013 [2010-09-30 14:29:28 +0000 UTC]
i love visiting your gallery from time to time - very intriguing
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b2spiritcat [2010-09-30 10:43:10 +0000 UTC]
Such beautiful work, i would love for you to join my group!
Your work is so suited for the group!
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