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stansonkelly [2004076] [] "Kelly, the other white meat."

# Statistics

Favourites: 153; Deviations: 115; Watchers: 27

Watching: 51; Pageviews: 11357; Comments Made: 1432; Friends: 51

# Comments

Comments: 163

tatehemlock [2014-01-01 08:48:42 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the new faves! Happy New Year!

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MizunokoArt [2009-11-18 18:39:55 +0000 UTC]

Hello my friend! Tis me, Harukashi! I moved my gallery so hopefully the stalkers won't find me there. lol
I came back to find you though! How have you been my friend???

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stansonkelly In reply to MizunokoArt [2009-12-02 22:38:56 +0000 UTC]

Hey Kashi. I've been artistically unmotivated lol How've you been? Glad to see you're still around and looking for me no less! I'm flattered

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MizunokoArt In reply to stansonkelly [2009-12-03 20:43:42 +0000 UTC]

lol course!
Things here are slow, I had an art spasm, but other then that, it stopped about a week ago,

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sabre-toothed-wolf [2008-04-21 04:28:07 +0000 UTC]

hello random deviant!

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stansonkelly In reply to sabre-toothed-wolf [2008-06-20 05:14:26 +0000 UTC]

Nice quote I love Terry. Though I confess, I liked his older stuff better.

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sabre-toothed-wolf In reply to stansonkelly [2008-06-21 14:14:35 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. He's becoming one of my favorite writers. I haven't actually read anything of his except for the Shannara series, though

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Jozus [2007-09-01 22:37:47 +0000 UTC]

i am going to watch you ^^
heres to hoping for more ryoko pics XD

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Smidgeroo [2007-08-08 06:31:12 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the +Fav lurve.

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stansonkelly In reply to Smidgeroo [2007-08-14 01:18:11 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome Loved the pic.

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GrendelRoach [2007-06-05 05:18:58 +0000 UTC]

OMG he lives!

Not doing 3D anymore?

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stansonkelly In reply to GrendelRoach [2007-06-05 05:20:40 +0000 UTC]

Still doing it, just needed to get back to the basics for a while. How the hell you been Joey?

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GrendelRoach In reply to stansonkelly [2007-06-05 06:10:20 +0000 UTC]

@#$%^&* Windows refresh...
As I was saying....(ahem)

Hanging on by a string to my temper, and maybe my sanity by putting up with a boss, who in a nutshell, seems to be exhibiting the symptoms of adult ADHD. Single again, as my attempt at winning my ex back fizzled when I suddenly realized one day, I couldn't stand her. Still working at the same place until I find a way to make my resignation letter civil. Never thought I'd say it, but work is getting in the way of me drawing Seventeen Candles....to say nothing of Space Cowboy Online.

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bettiesgirl [2007-05-23 21:45:51 +0000 UTC]

yeah i did a crazy streetseries of new bedford/fall river ma. but it's like 18 feet long so i won't put it up. but most of my pics are from that.

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amy-kawaii [2007-05-05 01:52:33 +0000 UTC]

wow nice work^^

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GrendelRoach [2007-02-22 06:29:09 +0000 UTC]


See my journal for details.

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MissOctober [2007-02-10 01:48:31 +0000 UTC]

No problem, its so awsome!!!

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GrendelRoach [2007-02-07 08:13:18 +0000 UTC]

heya! how goes? haven't spoken in a while.

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TwistedTrocki [2007-01-14 15:39:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave!

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bukket1138 [2006-12-24 15:44:02 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave! ^_^ Love ya man!

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babyinblue [2006-11-17 14:47:51 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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stansonkelly In reply to babyinblue [2006-11-18 00:05:00 +0000 UTC]

Wow a new comment! You're very welcome!

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bukket1138 [2006-10-28 05:37:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave, my good man!

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stansonkelly In reply to bukket1138 [2006-11-02 03:38:26 +0000 UTC]

Always welcome Ben my man.

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bukket1138 In reply to stansonkelly [2006-11-09 05:29:09 +0000 UTC]

You are thebest Kelly!

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SupremeLady [2006-10-14 00:16:05 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the

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kheleksul [2006-10-06 00:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the devwatch! I really appreciate the support... <3

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stansonkelly In reply to kheleksul [2006-10-06 16:49:00 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome! Great gallery.

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GrendelRoach [2006-10-02 05:31:35 +0000 UTC]

Yello. Just put up that drawing of Coral I told you about in my gallery. B&W only though. Maybe I'll color it when I can make time.

Sorry for the multiple posts, but my browser kept messing up for some reason. While I'm typing, it hiccups and suddenly highlights "send" so when I hit the spacebar, the message got sent instead of me continuing to type.

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stansonkelly In reply to GrendelRoach [2006-10-02 16:04:19 +0000 UTC]

Love the pic man. I can't say thanks enough. That was really, really cool of you. If you want a pic of anything back, let me know. I'd be happy to do it. As for the messages, my page is all messed up on messages too. I just type them in my emailer and cut and paste. DevArt's messed up on their new incarnation.

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MoonLightSpectre [2006-09-21 10:18:02 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much for the watch

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stansonkelly In reply to MoonLightSpectre [2006-09-21 15:24:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I loved Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver btw, so your pics for Nosgoth's realm and such I particularly enjoyed. Like Spectrenaissance. Just some really great work.

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MoonLightSpectre In reply to stansonkelly [2006-09-22 11:54:56 +0000 UTC]

yay for LoK fans!

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stansonkelly In reply to MoonLightSpectre [2006-09-21 15:18:36 +0000 UTC]

Anytime, I loved your gallery.

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bukket1138 [2006-09-04 03:11:01 +0000 UTC]

Is it all in that pretty little head of yours?
What goes on in that place in the dark?
Well I used to know a girl and I could have sworn
that her name was Veronica
Well she used to have a carefree mind of her own
and a delicate look in her eye
These days I'm afraid she's not even sure if her

name is Veronica


Do you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,
Veronica has gone to hide?
and all the time she laughs at those who shout
her name and steal her clothes.
Veronica, Veronica, Veronica

Did the days drag by? Did the favours wane?
Did he roam down the town all the while?
did you wake from your dream, with a wolf at
the door, reaching out for Veronica
Well it was all of sixty-five years ago
When the world was the street where she lived
And a young man sailed on a ship in the sea
With a picture of Veronica

On the "Empress of India"
And as she closed her eyes upon the world and
picked upon the bones of last week's news
She spoke his name outloud again


Do you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,
Veronica has gone to hide?
and all the time she laughs at those who shout

her name and steal her clothes.
Veronica, Veronica, Veronica

Veronica sits in her favorite chair
she sits very quiet and still
when they called her a name that they never get right
and that they'l know nobody else will

well she used to have a carefree mind of her own
with a devilish look in her eye
saying you can call me anything you like
but my name is Veronica


Do you suppose, that waiting hands on eyes,
Veronica has gone to hide?
and all the time she laughs at those who shout

her name and steal her clothes.
Veronica, Veronica, Veronica

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stansonkelly In reply to bukket1138 [2006-09-04 03:34:07 +0000 UTC]

Ok man, if we're gonna play this I have to
put my fav of his right back at you.

I wish you'd known me when I was alive, I was
a funny feller
The crowd would hoot and holler for more
I wore a drunk's red nose for applause
Oh yes I was a comical priest
"With a joke for the flock and a hand up your
Drooling the drink and the lipstick and
Down the cardboard front of my dirty dog-collar

Now I'm dead, now I'm dead, now I'm dead,
now I'm dead, now I'm dead
And I'm going on to meet my reward
I was scared, I was scared, I was scared, I was
He might of never heard God's Comic

So there he was on a water-bed
Drinking a cola of a mystery brand
Reading an airport novelette, listening to
Andrew Lloyd-Webber's "Requiem"
He said, before it had really begun, "I prefer
the one about my son"
"I've been wading through all this unbelievable
junk and wondering if I should have given
the world to the monkeys"


I'm going to take a little trip down Paradise's
endless shores
They say that travel broadens the mind, till you
can't get your head out of doors

I'm sitting here on the top of the world
I hang around in the longest night
Until each beast has gone bed and then I say
"God bless" and turn out the light
While you lie in the dark, afraid to breathe and
you beg and you promise
And you bargain and you plead
Sometimes you confuse me with Santa Claus
It's the big white beard I suppose
I'm going up to the pole, where you folks die of cold
I might be gone for a while if you need me

Now I'm dead, now I'm dead, now I'm dead,
now I'm dead, now I'm dead and you're all
going on to meet your reward

Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared?
Are you scared?
You might have never heard, but God's comic

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bukket1138 In reply to stansonkelly [2006-09-05 20:40:46 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. Man you are the coolest.

And a Garbage fan so you are THE MAN!!!

You can look, but you can't touch
I don't think I like you much
Heaven knows what a girl can do
Heaven knows what you've got to prove

I think I'm paranoid
And complicated
I think I'm paranoid
Manipulate it

Bend me, break me
Anyway you need me
All I want is you
Bend me, break me
Breaking down is easy
All I want is you

I fall down just to give you a thrill
Prop me up with another pill
If I should fail, if I should fold
I nailed my faith to the sticking pole

I think I'm paranoid
Manipulate it
I think I'm paranoid
And complicated

I think I'm paranoid

Steal me, deal me, anyway you heal me
Maim me, tame me, you can never change me
Love me, like me, come ahead and fight me
Please me, tease me, go ahead and leave me

Bend me
Break me
Anyway you need me
As long as I want you baby it's all right

Bend me
Break me
Any way you need me
As long as I want you baby it's all right.

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stansonkelly In reply to bukket1138 [2006-09-07 04:01:10 +0000 UTC]

Dude, go listen to the song in my
journal entry and tell me it's not

I said do it!!! lol

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bukket1138 In reply to stansonkelly [2006-09-10 09:33:58 +0000 UTC]

It totally is!

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stansonkelly [2006-09-03 16:48:27 +0000 UTC]

Crap, now I want to put up more Garbage lyrics
lol The end of 'You Look So Fine' is one of my
favorites. I just love the tone her voice hits.
Milk is a phenominal song too.

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stansonkelly [2006-09-03 16:42:21 +0000 UTC]

Ben you're a good man. I thank you
most sincerely for the comments and
compliments on the Grubbadubs and
everything else. It's about 5 min after my last comment and I still can't get Peace Love and Understanding out of my head lol
You know I didn't even recognize the
Garbage song until I'd read the lyrics
a few times. Stupid = Me especially
since I'm a fan lol I should do a pic of her.
Shirley's the bomb.
However, as I'm running REALLY behind
on doing a pic for the Blizzard contest
I should probably do that one first.
(chuckles) I know this is a rather long
and rambling response, but it seemed
appropriate to your varied comments
and appreciations. Cheers to you Ben.
I'll put out my Ren Fair drinking horn
and have one for you tonight.

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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:50:43 +0000 UTC]

Cut my tongue out
I've been caught out
Like a giant juggernaut
Happy hours
Golden showers
On a cruise to freak you out

We could fly a helicopter
Nothing left to talk about
Entertain you
Celebrate you
I'll be back to frame you

When I grow up
I'll be stable
When I grow up
I'll turn the tables

Trying hard to fit among you
Floating out to wonderland
God I'm pregnant
Damn the consequences

Blood and blisters
On my fingers
Chaos rules when we're apart
Watch my temper
I go mental
I'll try to be gentle

When I grow up
When I grow up
When I grow up
I'll turn the tables

Don't take offense
Better make amends
Rip it all to shreds and let it go

I rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go
I rip it all to shreds and let it go.

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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:48:43 +0000 UTC]

As I walk through
This wicked world
Searchin' for light in the darkness of insanity.

I ask myself
Is all hope lost?
Is there only pain and hatred, and misery?

And each time I feel like this inside,
There's one thing I wanna know:
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding?

And as I walked on
Through troubled times
My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
So where are the strong
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.

'Cause each time I feel it slippin' away, just makes me wanna cry.
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding?

So where are the strong?
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.

'Cause each time I feel it slippin' away, just makes me wanna cry.
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace love & understanding?

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stansonkelly In reply to bukket1138 [2006-09-03 16:35:15 +0000 UTC]

HAHAHAHAHAHA Ok just you putting
Elvis Costello lyrics up made my
damn day. Great pick too. While
Peace, Love... isn't on it Spike is
still one of my favorite albums.

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bukket1138 In reply to stansonkelly [2006-09-04 03:19:41 +0000 UTC]

Just posted another one for you!

One of my favorite Costello songs, probably helps that Sir Paul co-wrote it with him. LOL

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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:46:08 +0000 UTC]


I honestly don't know if this is helping. LOL

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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:45:11 +0000 UTC]


What happened here??? LOL^_^

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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:44:42 +0000 UTC]

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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:13:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh, Sorry, to keep bugging you like this but, have you decided

which print you would like from my gallery?

No rush, I was just wondering. I have to put in an order soon

and was going to add yours to the order if you had it.

If not then just lemme know and I can order yours later!

Take Care!


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bukket1138 [2006-09-03 12:06:43 +0000 UTC]

DUDE! Your Vivid Simpson is sooooooooo amazing! Seriously! I saw that she loved it too! Way to go my friend!!!

You're a champ!

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