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# Statistics
Favourites: 34; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 20
Watching: 16; Pageviews: 6312; Comments Made: 447; Friends: 16
# Comments
Comments: 37
pocketnweezer [2006-05-11 00:04:16 +0000 UTC]
No problem. You are amazing. Marry me.
<3 a.s.h
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pilotZ3ro [2006-04-12 23:21:55 +0000 UTC]
actually the ocean color was like a brownish color cus in the day b4fore it had been raining like crazy
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runnerboy49 [2006-03-30 19:57:41 +0000 UTC]
check out my journal, you're in there. congrats
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NuLux [2006-03-20 07:06:44 +0000 UTC]
hi there.
i enjoy your portrait work, we had chatted mildly earlier when ella made a chat room. i hope to talk to you again sometime.
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oOoserenityoOo [2006-03-11 18:09:41 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I really like your style of photography.
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Ref-u-G [2006-03-11 17:33:47 +0000 UTC]
hi larry, long itme no talk, we should go get some shamrock shakes sometime ok? lol if you do, this little guy will love you forever!!!
lets go shopping on teh east side to go thriftin.
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redrufio [2006-03-09 11:08:39 +0000 UTC]
Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm glad you recognized that! I love that book very much. I've purchased so many copies by now. I let my friends read it and they end up keeping it, so I always have to buy a new copy for myself. Its a really good book in that it makes me think when I read it. And I figured out that its one of those books that I can read quickly because its so good, I can't put it down, but I can't tell you a summary of the book in great detail. And sometimes I'll read it a second time and read a part I don't recognize. Its funny, but I think its because certain parts mean more to me at certain times, depending on what I'm going through.
I just got my Nikon D50, so hopefully I'll get some stuff up relatively soon. I had all kinds of awesome opportunities for great shots the past week, but I had no camera until now, and it seems those opportunities are less frequent now :/ Hopefully this weekend will make for nice photo opps.
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kreis [2006-03-09 01:39:27 +0000 UTC]
you have osme great portrait phtography. I can't wait to see some more.
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trumpfass [2006-03-09 01:36:20 +0000 UTC]
hey, welcome to DA! nice gallery, it looks very promising
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redrufio [2006-03-09 00:21:54 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. I had a lot of stuff but it was all deleted by myself during the whole Jark uproar. I'm starting to get into photography more now though.
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runnerboy49 [2006-03-08 05:04:49 +0000 UTC]
you've got some cool stuff here, I saw that you stopped by my page, so you know that I do a monthly feature now, if you're interested, send me a couple of your best, and you might just make it in there for april. if you're interested that is.
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captg [2006-03-07 00:06:40 +0000 UTC]
Plans for more in the We Belong Together series? I love those so much!
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Ref-u-G [2006-03-05 04:28:06 +0000 UTC]
......yes it is a stupid reason to change your account...i thought it was fine...but o well...hey i still want u to take pics of me pimp juicer... hey r we ever gonna have a hang otu session w/ tom and alyssa
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cosanameimagi [2006-03-03 17:54:17 +0000 UTC]
welcome to DA world mate . . .
nice tone did you hev on yer gallery . . .
thanks for the . . .
keep up yer good works . . .
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death-of-season [2006-03-03 08:26:51 +0000 UTC]
welcome to DA
thanks for the comment and nice gallery...keep it coming
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glowing [2006-03-02 01:58:07 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to DA!! I look forward to seeing more photos from you!
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