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sour-lollipop [7467519] []

# Statistics

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# Comments

Comments: 234

KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-08-17 17:34:19 +0000 UTC]


I just wanted to know how are you. OTL;;
deviantART muro drawing

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-08-24 16:56:03 +0000 UTC]

ohgodI'msolateI'msosorry Q A Q

b'awww it looks sad.... but it's still cute, thank you! Q U Q and I'm ok~ summer vacation's just about to end and I haven't even started my homework... @ A @;;
but I'm ok~ how about you? it's been a while! :3

[I'll try and draw something too XD]
deviantART muro drawing

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-09-02 04:03:48 +0000 UTC]

No you're good! I'm also super duper late! xD

Oh it suppose to cause the first was blank when there was going to be a picure. Ahh summer how I miss it ; - ;
I'm fine. Just busy with college and -cough-guildwars2-cough-

aww the drawing is cute c;

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KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-08-17 17:30:23 +0000 UTC]

Hi~! c:
deviantART muro drawing

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hellozombie [2012-08-04 20:13:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for watching

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sour-lollipop In reply to hellozombie [2012-08-04 21:10:06 +0000 UTC]

no problem at all~ I really love your cosplays~! ( > U <)b

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Zj-kun [2012-08-03 00:20:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. o;
Still practicing.

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sour-lollipop In reply to Zj-kun [2012-08-03 00:26:41 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome~ ^ ^

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killuagirl123 [2012-07-15 04:29:21 +0000 UTC]


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TheTruthIsInMyLips [2012-05-27 18:34:15 +0000 UTC]

hey mah lil' nerd <3

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sour-lollipop In reply to TheTruthIsInMyLips [2012-05-28 07:19:53 +0000 UTC]

Hello there Tom. o u o; [if wasn't for your icon, I would've gotten a little creeped out. XDDD]
How come you opened another account? you do know that it's possible to change usernames now, right? o w o

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TheTruthIsInMyLips In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-05-28 15:48:00 +0000 UTC]

shut up

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RoOZze [2012-05-26 06:50:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the FAV ^^

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K-VO [2012-05-13 21:30:49 +0000 UTC]

omd asdfghjkl;;; HI!!! TTwTT Do you remember me? I used to be vocaloiddreamer!!! >< but then i died for a prettttyyy long time OTL I just want to say that you're an amazing person and you were so nice to me back then ; w ; LET'S REVIVE OUR FRIENDSHIP

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sour-lollipop In reply to K-VO [2012-05-15 14:51:38 +0000 UTC]

I was wondering why you suddenly disappeared! but never mind that, I'm just so happy that you're back!! ; U ; how are you? We've got sooo much to catch up on! [I see you've gotten into Kpop too~ * A *)b]

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K-VO In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-05-15 20:54:17 +0000 UTC]

I'M SO HAPPY YOU REMEMBER ME!!!! TTWTT <3 I'm great!!! ; v ; YES WE HAVE A LOT TO CATCH UP ON! Since I'm in highschool, you are too right? How are your classes? Do you like them? ^__^ omg yes k-popppp xD Liked it since '09 (thanks to SNSD)

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sour-lollipop In reply to K-VO [2012-05-18 04:33:44 +0000 UTC]

I was introduced to Kpop through my friend on youtube, who showed me BIGBANG and 2NE1 XDDD I think it was summer '10? not sure o u o; /shot
but SNSDDDDDD~ * A * I love them!
it's always so hard for me to choose a bias from all 9 of them. XDDD

my classes are... urgh. = w =;;
Some of the subjects are really interesting, but some just are dropdead boring to me (Heritage, Old Testament, HISTORY/shootsdown).
I actually really like science, but for some reason I kinda failed it in this big test we had. and all just because of this really small stupid section that made my score drop from 88 to 71. > u >;;;

How about you? any classes that are particularly interesting? o v o
or NOT interesting? haha~ XDDD

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K-VO In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-05-18 20:44:34 +0000 UTC]

LOL i tried to get my friend into k-pop by showing her lollipop by 2NE1 and Big Bang but she said she hated it with a burning passion OTL but thanks to Sunny she got into SNSD which got her into k-pop :'D and omg ikr it's so hard to choose a bias in SNSD ; A ; I think I'm leaning a bit more towards Jessica though because I seem to draw her a lot xDDD

Luckily for me, most of my classes are fun and interesting xD I find business class extremely boring though lol I've fell asleep so many times because my teacher's teaching method is so boring... Slideshow after slideshow of information we need to copy down TT___TT
omg science is my favorite subject!!! :'D and i hate it too when my mark is really high and then this one bad test brings it down by like 20% D':
I also really enjoyed art obviously xD

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sour-lollipop In reply to K-VO [2012-05-22 12:03:50 +0000 UTC]

pffft- "a burning passion"? O u O
oh well, I guess everyone's entitled to their own tastes~ T u T
I still can't choose between Tiffany, Taeyeon, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon Q U Q
I mean, I love the other five too, just these four a biiit more XD

you have business class? that sounds... like alot of math. o u o/shot
but oh god I hate teachers like those! My old testament and heritage teacher is just like that, and she made me hate the subject! you'd think that at least they'd make it a tad interesting. but no. they kill our wrists and eyes by copying down books of information. D:

Geography is my favourite [I seem to understand it better than science] but somehow, I fail at that too. XDDD
oh art~ it used to be really fun since we used to use actual paper and colours and stuff, but now it's all classes about simple stupid photoshop edits. ; A ;

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K-VO In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-06-03 21:16:37 +0000 UTC]

oh my goodness sorry for late reply! D': *throws a brick at self*

well the good thing now is that she's more open to k-pop~ TTwTT *happy tears*

omg yes TaeTiSooHyo <3 Taeyeon's drkiness, Tiffany's eye-smile, Sooyoung's legs I mean personality and Hyoyeon's dancing skillzzzz <3 What's not to love about those 4? xD

and actually business class is pretty easy since my teacher marks us not that hard LOL I can slack off in class, sleep, play with my ipod and talk while he's talking and still not get in trouble xD

I liked geography too, but my teacher crammed everything into the last week before exams because we were behind in the unit OTL

darn your art class sounds so not artsy ; ^ ; photoshop edits is what we do in tech class LOL In art, we paint, sketch and do other art things xD and OMG MY SCHOOL YEAR IS ALMOST OVER YESSSSS JUST A FEW MORE WEEKS!

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sour-lollipop In reply to K-VO [2012-06-04 15:55:09 +0000 UTC]

b'awwww it's ok~ no need for the bricks! ;; A ;; /meltsbricks

LOLOLOL the way you describe your business class is EXACTLY how my geography class works. XDDD heck, our teacher even lets us eat during class as long as we get everything written down and understood. = w = )b /she'sawesomelikethat ;D

IKR?! I mean- as much as I love my art teacher as a person, she's just not much of a great teacher. T u T; most of time it seems like she invents the classes she gives us on the spot, you know? ;;

Mine is almost over too! I've got [b]exactly[/b] two more weeks, and it's hello two-months-of-doing-nothing! :'DDDD

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SilberCorgi [2012-04-19 09:38:38 +0000 UTC]

~Hey could I pls have you username-story, cuz im collecting them! ^^

I collecting them in here ---> in the "Project-name-origins" ---> [link] (there should be all info's + post your story in there if you wanna join ^^)

...I would be happy to read your story in there  ...

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xDragon21 [2012-03-03 13:18:58 +0000 UTC]


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sour-lollipop In reply to xDragon21 [2012-03-07 21:50:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh god, so sorry for being so late!
Thank you so much! Q U Q

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KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-01-19 01:57:51 +0000 UTC]


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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-01-30 20:06:04 +0000 UTC]

Hi hi~! * w *
it's been a while! How're you?

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-01-31 02:08:40 +0000 UTC]

It has right! I'm good, I'm living my life for once xD
How about you?

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-02-03 19:02:51 +0000 UTC]

Living life is important~ you only have one shot ; U ;
Me? some emotional rollercoasters I've been passing, but I think I'll be able to end it soon enough. ; w ; I just need the right amount of courage to do it..

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-03-06 02:14:44 +0000 UTC]

Aw I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you're all better now<3

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2012-03-07 21:58:30 +0000 UTC]

whuuuut. D: what happened to "I'm living my life for once"? where'd that go? ; A ;
and I guess you can say I'm feeling better, yeah. Thanks for the concern Q u Q)b

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-03-10 17:54:24 +0000 UTC]

It has gone away once again. OTL;;
Apparently I can't be truly happy yet cause a lot of drama these past week
I'm glad you're better<3

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vampenzelordess [2012-01-14 00:39:43 +0000 UTC]

can I eat your icon?

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sour-lollipop In reply to vampenzelordess [2012-01-30 20:10:27 +0000 UTC]

noooo~ not my sweet little orange-apple! XDDDD
Thanks for the watch, by the way~ ;3

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vampenzelordess In reply to sour-lollipop [2012-01-31 18:53:16 +0000 UTC]

OK I won't eat him and your welcome for the watch.

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Karebear222 [2011-11-29 00:02:46 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the llama!

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sour-lollipop In reply to Karebear222 [2011-12-01 20:08:05 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome~! > U <

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AmberGFX [2011-10-23 21:57:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave~

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sour-lollipop In reply to AmberGFX [2011-10-24 20:30:42 +0000 UTC]

you're very welcome~ I might make an SNSD edit sometime, so thank you for making the renders! ^ ^

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AmberGFX In reply to sour-lollipop [2011-10-24 21:07:10 +0000 UTC]

Haha alrighty~ n_n

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KOKORO-KISEKI [2011-10-06 02:32:19 +0000 UTC]

Hi c:

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2011-10-06 14:11:39 +0000 UTC]

Hi Sophia~!
How are you doing? Q U Q

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2011-10-08 15:02:44 +0000 UTC]

I'm fine and tired. Mostly tired LOL
How about you? Anything good happen to you?

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2011-10-09 19:42:36 +0000 UTC]

same here. ; U ;
despite the fact that my two-weeks worth of vacation just started, I'm already dead beat. > w >;;
Good? uh... I'm going to download Portal 2 soon..? o u o/lolololshot
That's the only good thing I can think of, since just yesterday I broke my bike and got bruised all over XDDD

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2011-10-12 01:53:47 +0000 UTC]

A vacation for what? O u O
What's Portal 2. I've heard of it but I actually don't know it.
Oh my gosh are you okay? I've haven't had a real bruise since I was like 7-10 years old xD

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2011-10-12 19:17:18 +0000 UTC]

It's like this Jewish holiday called "Sukkot" which just practically gives us students two-weeks worth of no school XDD [I'm not Jewish so I don't celebrate it, but you can look it up of you want > w >;;]

Portal 2 is the second release of this really popular game that's main idea is to go around and blast portals which get you from place to place [I haven't played it yet so I can't really explain, but I want to~ and I've seen a few gameplay videos on Youtube XD]

and yeah, I'm ok, no worries~ they're actually healing pretty fast, so it's all good ^ ^

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2011-10-15 00:21:00 +0000 UTC]

Wha-?! That's cool. 2 months of no school? akfdj;ljdf it would be summer all over again O u O

Ahh okay.

I'm glad you're okay c:

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2011-10-15 07:48:21 +0000 UTC]

it's 2 weeks, not 2 months XDDDDD

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KOKORO-KISEKI In reply to sour-lollipop [2011-10-15 22:50:16 +0000 UTC]

But at least it's better than nothing

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sour-lollipop In reply to KOKORO-KISEKI [2011-10-16 11:43:04 +0000 UTC]

true, but nonetheless, I still haven't touched my homework. [it's literally collecting dust on one corner of my desk. o w o)b]
and I have like only a week left, aghhhhh time flies by too fast TT ^ TT

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DarkLord232 [2011-09-23 21:58:52 +0000 UTC]


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