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# Statistics
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# Comments
Comments: 1800
BFG-9KRC [2017-06-18 09:29:06 +0000 UTC]
If that ain't the coward's way out of a trivial annoyance in a Deviant's life, then I don't know what it is Β
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kayanne21 In reply to BFG-9KRC [2019-10-21 10:50:40 +0000 UTC]
Honestly tho....who cares if it's the coward's way out or not really.
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BFG-9KRC In reply to kayanne21 [2019-10-21 11:15:03 +0000 UTC]
Quite how a negative comment on some rando's profile I made 3 years ago is worthy of anyone's time to reply to is beyond me, but I'll just say this...
Within the context of an online platform calling a user's idea of content into question on grounds pertaining to Mature tags or whatever, there has to be a more level-headed way of handling the situation, one that doesn't involve taking the proverbial toys back home and treating said situation as a miscarriage of justice on par with the trial and conviction of Alfred Dreyfus.
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kayanne21 In reply to BFG-9KRC [2019-10-21 11:41:22 +0000 UTC]
Time has not concept on the internetΒ
I get what you mean I'm just curious as to why you care? Like, maybe I'm reading this whole thing wrong, but I'm not sure why you're assuming that they've decided this to be a "Miscarriage of justice." It looks like they've just gotten fed up with it and decided it's not worth the effort, as little effort as that may be.Β
I mean...it's the internet, ya know. Taking the cowards way out doesn't really matter here does it? Hell, it barely matters in real life.
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BFG-9KRC In reply to kayanne21 [2019-10-21 12:46:45 +0000 UTC]
Time has not concept on the internet
If I were to take this admission wholesale, I'd be in a position to have to also accept the fact that the respective timestamps of two different uploads by two different users of the exact same bit of media (image, video, audio clip...) are useless in helping to determine who's the original uploader of said media. Which, considering that upload time is a crucial (although not necessarily conclusive) bit of evidence in copyright infringement arbitration over the Interpipes, would be a rather bizarre thought to entertain.
I get what you mean I'm just curious as to why you care?
Ask yourself this instead: Why did I care at the time?
See, 2017 me was quite the hot-headed type, feeling the need to call out everyone's bullshit however little it involved my person.
Fast-forward to...now? I long since decided that Internet slap fights aren't exactly a productive use of one's time. In fact, I forgot about that comment on this particular profile, that is until a nice little reply landed in my inbox 3 years later for some reason, so now I am here breaking down my thoughts on something I hoped I'd move on from never to look back again.
I'm not sure why you're assuming that they've decided this to be a "Miscarriage of justice." It looks like they've just gotten fed up with it and decided it's not worth the effort
It's one thing to decide that a platform is not worth the trouble anymore and move on to other platforms. It's another to lose one's shit about mature tag inquiries of all things. (yes, I do mean it when I claim that he lost his shit since his parting message is conceptually just "boo-hoo staff decided to put my stuff under Mature Content so I'm moving to Blogspot". Trust me, it's not a good look, not on the Internet, and you'd do well to believe it's never a good look in real life.)
I mean...it's the internet, ya know
And how is that a reflection on anything? At the end of the day, humans are still involved in the grand scheme of things, albeit with the caveat of exacerbating both the best and worst of human nature.
Taking the cowards way out doesn't really matter here does it? Hell, it barely matters in real life.
However much I want to think you're right on this one, I just can't and therefore won't.
Whether we like it or not, people are always judged to some degree by their ability to face opposition in a rational, carefully thought-out way.
Consider the following scenario: You walk by a small convenience store where the cashier minds his own business when some soccer mom (neither of whom you have previously met, and you have never stepped foot in that store) barges in and goes on to mouth the guy off over an allegedly defective product. The cashier takes full responsibility, tries to explain calmly what went wrong and even offers to refund out of his own pocket. All the while said soccer mom is having none of it, loudly and repeatedly demands to have a talk with his manager in an obvious attempt to have the poor bastard sacked.
Based strictly on these events, whom of the two parties you'd be more likely to sympathize with?
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kayanne21 In reply to BFG-9KRC [2019-10-23 00:22:40 +0000 UTC]
The thing about the internet when it comes to time I feel, is that a time stamp doesn't really...do much. It indicates when something was said, but in doesn't really work the same way it does in real life. In real life, you can say stupid shit and people will forget about it over time and it won't matter anymore. On the internet, what you say is there forever. There's no getting away from things you've said. Which is why there's so much attention put on the fact that you need to be careful what you say, cause it's there forever, ya know?
The internet works differently. Different social rules. Different everything. Personally I read his message as more along the lines of a "Yeah. Don't wanna deal with this mature filter stuff anymore so I'm going somewhere else. Peace." Cause unless he's a professional artist or something....it doesn't really matter. Not on a hobby page anyway. That's kinda the nice thing about the internet, unless your career depends on it, it's kind of a play ground where you don't really have to face anything you don't wanna. In real life, you have to face up to things, but here...it's like...barely real. Ya know?
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BFG-9KRC In reply to kayanne21 [2019-10-23 03:44:36 +0000 UTC]
In real life, you can say stupid shit and people will forget about it over time and it won't matter anymore.
Excuse me?
Stupid shit IRL does have a way of coming back to bite you in the ass years later, be it in form of guilty thoughts or a third-party/seemingly unrelated set of circumstances coming in and reminding you of the day it all happened.
And this isn't a fluke either, I think we've all been faced with that kinda thing to some extent or another...
Personally I read his message as more along the lines of a "Yeah. Don't wanna deal with this mature filter stuff anymore so I'm going somewhere else. Peace."
Somehow the contents of his blog seem to sing along a whole other tune: scuzzoblog.blogspot.com/
For all this body of stunningly-rendered artwork (which appears to be done on a semi-professional basis), his attitude is still confirmation of my doubts about his emotional maturity, or lack thereof.
Proof of that lies in a specific post called "Fachobook" (Make sure no one's around you before viewing, NSFW imagery within the link: scuzzoblog.blogspot.com/2012/0β¦ ) where he goes on to raise an even more childish stink than with DA about Facebook allegedly being a bunch of fascist fucks for restricting his account over him having the marvelous idea of uploading a crude, artistically bankrupt color pencil scribble of an adult couple doing what adult couples do when no one's watching, all while possessing full knowledge of the only possible consequence of such a contribution to a reputedly "all ages" platform.
If even with that you are somehow still convinced that this is the unfortunate tale of mature tag-induced inconvenience and not an otherwise skilled artist with a dismally juvenile understanding of online social norms, then I really don't know what else to tell you. And it's not like any of that nonsense worked out for him anyways, as his online trail past 2012 all but went cold.
it's kind of a play ground where you don't really have to face anything you don't wanna.
No it's not. It never was the case, and it never will be. And that's been the case since 19-goddamn-94.
Just...Give this a proper read.
What's more, you even admitted to as much when stating that one needs to be careful what they say online, thus laying waste to the "playground" bit and causing much of your reply to go moot by virtue of self-contradiction. Especially when even playgrounds abide by their own set of rules...
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kayanne21 In reply to BFG-9KRC [2019-10-23 10:22:45 +0000 UTC]
That's not what I mean exactly. It's less about consequences and more about people bringing stuff up that you said 4 years ago. Weird in real life, not so weird online. imho
Ok, sure. I agree with you. He seems like a big baby.
I'm still not seeing why you care though. I'm not trying to keep this going just for the sake of it but...I really don't. Do you know this guy in real life? Cause that's the only reason I can fathom as to why someone's cowardice annoys you so much.
But you know. Each to their own.Β
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BFG-9KRC In reply to kayanne21 [2019-10-23 11:16:05 +0000 UTC]
It's less about consequences and more about people bringing stuff up that you said 4 years ago. Weird in real life, not so weird online. imho
Huh, fair enough. Still, I've seen many a "cancel culture" cheerleader spin this argument into a justification for disrupting the lives of people they don't dig over an old-as-Mehtuselah tweet or an ill-conceived FB status post.
But I'm getting off track...
I'm still not seeing why you care though. I'm not trying to keep this going just for the sake of it but...I really don't. Do you know this guy in real life? Cause that's the only reason I can fathom as to why someone's cowardice annoys you so much.
No, and based on what's before my eyes, I'm rather thankful I don't.
So, let me unpack this one for the last time because I honestly feel as though I'm repeating myself, and TBH it's getting mind-numbingly dull.
- June 2017: Young-and-dumb me stumbled upon this chap's profile and left a little "love letter" on the basis of him flouncing off in a laughably petulant fashion.
- June 2018: Nothing happened related to that comment, and by then I agreed to let sleeping dogs lie.
- June 2019: Still nothing, and was long since done with online arguments as an occupation.
- Now: I pretty much forgot that ever happened, until a fellow Deviant went on to ask me why do I care so much.
But you know. Each to their own.
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kayanne21 In reply to BFG-9KRC [2019-10-23 13:10:52 +0000 UTC]
"I've seen many a "cancel culture" cheerleader spin this argument into a justification for disrupting the lives of people they don't dig over an old-as-Mehtuselah tweet or an ill-conceived FB status post"
Well that's stupid.
Just curiosity, bud. Just curiosity.Β
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BFG-9KRC In reply to kayanne21 [2019-10-23 14:26:51 +0000 UTC]
This wasn't aimed at you though...
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Darkartist82 [2015-02-28 02:58:22 +0000 UTC]
Hello scuzzo,
My name's Prairie. You know, I don't know if you'll see this or if you've even gone on dA for years, but, I hate it when artists just give up, I'm not calling you a coward, but I don't think you should have taken everything down and completely abandoned DeviantArt. A lot of people liked your work and, yes there are a few who dislike it and insult you. I know I'm just a stranger living no where near you but, please don't abandon this beautiful place where people can share their unique works of art. Look in the comments of where you art used to be, see how everyone misses your art? I never got the chance to see it but I sure that all of it was great. Please, scuzzo, come back to DeviantArt, many people miss your works, and they miss you. Don't deprive your watchers, and those who enjoyed your work but didn't watch you, of your glorious talent.
~Prairie D. Thompson (Darkartist82)
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Nishikihebi [2013-03-09 15:55:22 +0000 UTC]
Congratulatios, you have displayed a picture hundreds of times, with different titles. Stop all the drama, and get your account deactivated.
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Midnight-Blackened [2012-12-21 22:44:00 +0000 UTC]
Good fucking riddance you prostitute obsessed, zit infested, anorexic hunchback, disgusting little creature.
So seriously, top yourself before you make even more disgusting DNA copies of your defective self. No joke.
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Celia94 In reply to Midnight-Blackened [2013-07-02 01:05:49 +0000 UTC]
why all this hate?
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Celia94 In reply to SinBarreras [2013-07-26 21:31:45 +0000 UTC]
yeah, it is not like if the boy has uploaded something controversic, all his works were pretty normal
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morov88 [2012-09-28 20:39:11 +0000 UTC]
losiento macho yo no te podria criticar sin ver lo que haces..bueno yo nodiria criticas ,, sino opiniones de alguien que te da una opinion se a buena o mala saludos y espero poder opinar
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birthdays [2011-07-14 10:52:37 +0000 UTC]
It's July 14th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: *hiddendelights
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ice-or-fire [2011-07-13 18:08:56 +0000 UTC]
Happy early birthday!
Hope you have a good one!
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skayfallen [2011-06-13 11:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Porque te fuiste, me gusta lo que haces, pero no puedo ver mucho, seguro fue un idiota envidioso de tu trabajo
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skayfallen [2011-06-13 11:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Porque te fuiste, me gusta lo que haces, pero no puedo ver mucho, seguro fue un idiota envidioso de tu trabajo
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birungbells [2011-03-06 06:52:18 +0000 UTC]
is there any site youve transfered your art to? wish youd come backXD
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camargosa [2010-12-20 04:50:01 +0000 UTC]
PD.- vi tu flog por q vi publicados dos de tus trabajos en digital design, Y me gustaron !!!
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camargosa [2010-12-20 04:47:58 +0000 UTC]
no es por ganarme enemigos peeero...(tarado el de abajo)
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XxMitsukiWolfxX [2010-10-06 19:05:22 +0000 UTC]
hermano, no porque a algun bo**do se le de la gana de joderte tenes que dejarlo todo. por lo visto te fuiste hace laaargo rato pero todos aca parecen extraΓ±arte
fuerza hombre. te apoyo
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ra76 [2010-09-16 23:12:46 +0000 UTC]
I'm watching, hoping you come back. I love your works man.
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birthdays [2010-07-14 12:27:47 +0000 UTC]
It's July 14th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!
Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team
Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: =XiaoShuai
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ice-or-fire [2010-07-13 13:29:27 +0000 UTC]
Happy early birthday!
Hope you have a good one!
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tiny-french-vampire [2010-06-16 20:57:51 +0000 UTC]
what did your masked killer look like?
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Mr-Howl [2010-03-07 02:42:23 +0000 UTC]
Wouldn't it have been simpler to simply report your detractor?
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abtc89 [2010-02-18 07:13:33 +0000 UTC]
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Hitaro245 [2010-02-04 12:37:12 +0000 UTC]
Maldito estupido, entremetido, quien se atreve a hacerte esto.
Donde podemos encontrarte ahora
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Vioven [2010-01-26 21:12:19 +0000 UTC]
Dude, so you went through every deviation and replaced it instead of just deactivating your account. K wtf...
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LadyFromEast In reply to Vioven [2010-02-17 17:23:34 +0000 UTC]
Well, to be more precise, he left before dA made that option available.
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Vioven In reply to LadyFromEast [2010-02-17 20:30:27 +0000 UTC]
What about the option of simply storing them all?
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