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| ryugurl0083

ryugurl0083 [1864172] [] "Pocky"

# Statistics

Favourites: 201; Deviations: 153; Watchers: 923

Watching: 122; Pageviews: 62245; Comments Made: 2114; Friends: 122

# Comments

Comments: 515

fullcreamilk [2014-12-09 15:53:44 +0000 UTC]

your stuff is very pretty <3 me gusta!

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fenrir741 [2014-06-20 12:58:41 +0000 UTC]

Hey it's me, don't know if you remember me at all, it's been so long but just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing!

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ryugurl0083 In reply to fenrir741 [2014-08-01 00:30:34 +0000 UTC]

Hey! How are you? I rarely forget anyone, hahaha!! It's a nice surprise to hear from ya. I've doing really well! I haven't drawn too much lately, just been busy with work and being a wifey. How about you?

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fenrir741 In reply to ryugurl0083 [2014-08-10 22:03:58 +0000 UTC]

I'm doing  good, I didn't think you still went on to deviant art but that's awesome you got my message! That's amazing that you're married! What do you do now?  How are things going with you in life as well?

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luckydraws [2013-03-25 22:09:26 +0000 UTC]

hello amazing person! I found you on college confidential and saw you got a 5 on your ap studio art portfolio (congratulations!) I'm thinking about taking ap studio art next year and I'm just wondering if you could tell me how much prior drawing experience you had before taking the class?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to luckydraws [2013-04-13 22:15:34 +0000 UTC]

Hey! I had been drawing for about 7 years beforehand, but I did not get serious until I was about 12. When I started high school I enrolled into a school for the arts, so my art classes were REALLY concentrated. If you have the willpower and the drive to get better at drawing and it's your passion-- I say go for it. I have many friends who've graduated and become successful that were in my AP art classes.

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luckydraws In reply to ryugurl0083 [2013-04-14 00:20:00 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the info! I hope I can take it next year!

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ReikiNoJutsu [2012-05-27 06:16:50 +0000 UTC]

Hello There, I'm Reiki Would You Be intrested in doing an Art Trade with ME please? I love your art

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ToomasKedrov [2012-02-28 13:30:20 +0000 UTC]

you are rly beautiful

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deathgirl9755 [2012-01-11 22:10:23 +0000 UTC]

Hello, our names are Pey and Britt. We are in the 7th grade and competing in TSA (Technology Student Association) web design competition. We would like to use this picture on our TSA website page. The pages will only be viewed for competition. We need a copyright release for this photo stating that you will allow us to use this photo for our TSA website design competition. Our website shows how oil spills effect our environment

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ryugurl0083 In reply to deathgirl9755 [2012-01-30 00:37:31 +0000 UTC]

7th grade competing in TSA? Smart kids.. email me at spicykiwi@live.com and I'll try to get you one ASAP.

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xPoppyMay [2011-11-03 18:20:18 +0000 UTC]

i would just like to say... your gallery is amazing! so many beautiful pieces of art.. your a real inspiration to me, and im sure many others

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ThePurpleOkapi [2011-08-18 21:44:01 +0000 UTC]

so, i was looking for an ap portfolio that wasn't just still lifes. my ap art teacher said we couldnt use creative fantasy stuff. i am much better at that though. do you have any pointers for someone going into ap art?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to ThePurpleOkapi [2011-08-20 01:22:47 +0000 UTC]

I would definitely recommend doing a lot of research on different styles of art as well as doing research on yourself, taking note of the different things that define you. If you are working towards a concentration, think of different themes as simple as "favorite things", an example being a bird house. Or even something more conceptual, I suppose. Whatever it is, do A LOT of research and thinking! That helped me, I was able to get 5's in AP Drawing and AP 2D

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ThePurpleOkapi In reply to ryugurl0083 [2011-08-20 02:28:47 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much! i am trying to get as much advice from former ap art students as possible! i definately have the work ethic, determination, and creativity. I just need to polish my drawing skills in the realistic area. i mean, i have done still lifes and portraits before, i just know that they could be refined. do you have any advice on creating a strong breadth? do they want multimedia if you are drawing-centered? do they accept drawings that are in sharpie and not ink? or is sharpie considered ink already lol?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to ThePurpleOkapi [2011-08-26 05:07:26 +0000 UTC]

I don't think it matters if you use sharpies or ink. To create a strong breadth, though, it all depends on what your assignment is, honestly, and to continue to do research. I've been told judges like to see progression of how much you've improved, I suppose.

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cottonvoodoo [2011-06-07 21:36:41 +0000 UTC]

I really love your watercoloring.

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Cirque-de-mystere [2011-01-31 04:42:33 +0000 UTC]

Your artwork is beyond BEAUTIFUL! I love your style. So pretty and elegant!

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hiven99 [2010-11-10 11:49:46 +0000 UTC]


I adore your work. Would you consider creating something for the side bar of my blog? (www.hivennn.blogspot.com. I wish i could offer money but i'm a poor student, would you maybe pretty please do something for free? I'd of course credit you under it).
Maybe something of me? (there are a few photos of me here,
[link] & [link] &
& [link] )

(please email hiven@live.co.uk)

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xsayarsa [2010-11-09 14:30:50 +0000 UTC]

wow nice gallery

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InnocentxGuilt [2010-11-07 03:45:25 +0000 UTC]

Your gallery is very nice! <3

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Tatsu-Ah-Rei [2010-10-12 23:12:21 +0000 UTC]

Your drawings are so good. oAo WATCH! <33

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MagicSpazzingDragon [2010-08-31 23:48:39 +0000 UTC]

Happy DeviantArt birthday! As you well know I love all your stuff. And I also wanted to let you know that last year I received a lot of compliments from my friends on the works I bought from you at Jcon ^.^ Cannot wait to see more of your stuff. ^.^ Hope things are going well for you.

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EnlightenedEnigma [2010-08-28 15:00:36 +0000 UTC]

Happy early birthday to one of my favorite artist..!

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ryugurl0083 In reply to EnlightenedEnigma [2010-08-29 03:37:17 +0000 UTC]

...my birthday was over a month ago xD

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EnlightenedEnigma In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-09-01 18:33:36 +0000 UTC]

o.o'' Sorry..!!!

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ryugurl0083 In reply to EnlightenedEnigma [2010-09-05 01:43:08 +0000 UTC]

hehe it's ok.. i realized that it was a deviant birthday

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KarmicCircleArts [2010-08-27 16:54:36 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday!

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EnlightenedEnigma [2010-08-15 07:58:36 +0000 UTC]

I love your art style sooo much..! I hope you remember me from AFO..! I bought one of your paintings at last minute..!

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ryugurl0083 In reply to EnlightenedEnigma [2010-08-15 15:01:24 +0000 UTC]

oh yes i remember

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RanguxP [2010-08-08 23:38:06 +0000 UTC]

Yay fount you
got the card from AFO

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phantomsimmer [2010-08-05 10:49:01 +0000 UTC]

I'm about halfway through my art GCSE, and its been going really well, I'll have to show you some of the work I've been doing, again- thank you so much! For my next unit, I have to study a similar artist to you- or one that inspired my artist, so just wondering are there any artists that you adapted your style from or was inspired by?
-Sophie xxx

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ryugurl0083 In reply to phantomsimmer [2010-08-06 11:38:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes Russ Mills, Audrey Kawasaki, Tim Walker, Tim Burton,... That's really it. As far as Tim Walker goes, I liked his work and was kinda inspired by them until a few months when I realized that we both think similarly artistically.

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phantomsimmer In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-08-15 18:22:06 +0000 UTC]

I think I'm going to study Audrey Kawasaki- absoloutely love her style. Totally swamped at the moment, four large studies to do in the next three weeks before I go back to school= aaaahhhhh! D:

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puercoespina [2010-07-27 07:02:08 +0000 UTC]

i love your little houses that you draw

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unborn-serenity [2010-07-18 18:03:41 +0000 UTC]

hey i found you, well i put more art if you want to see!!!

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fawnmaiden [2010-06-07 01:24:07 +0000 UTC]

Very beautiful artwork!

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Aguswu [2010-05-02 06:50:16 +0000 UTC]

Nice art work.

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strixthef-ingbird [2010-04-20 20:45:36 +0000 UTC]

Hey! So I saw your work on DA Revolution. I think I've met you before. Were you in the artist Alley at AFO?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to strixthef-ingbird [2010-04-22 02:29:20 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I was there last year. I'm trying to make my way in this year

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strixthef-ingbird In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-04-22 14:42:27 +0000 UTC]

Ok so I'm not crazy! Lol you probably don't remember me. I work in the dealer room and I dressed my co-worker up in one of our dresses on that Sunday, a Scrawny Chinese guy?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to strixthef-ingbird [2010-04-24 00:19:32 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes how could I forget? And we put makeup on him xD

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strixthef-ingbird In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-04-24 15:33:46 +0000 UTC]

You do remember! Yay! Yea we both bought a pcture form you! But mine gt ruined when I mved
So are you goiing to try to get to metrocon?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to strixthef-ingbird [2010-05-04 14:56:23 +0000 UTC]

I wanted to, but a lot of shows this year are completely booked. I was going to do AFO, but they're sold out, even when I registered months in advanced So unfortunately I may not be in any shows this year. I hope there'll be some clearance so that I can...

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strixthef-ingbird In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-05-04 18:20:33 +0000 UTC]

I hope so too! You don't do commisions, do you? I can't remember

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ryugurl0083 In reply to strixthef-ingbird [2010-05-07 01:55:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes I still do commissions

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strixthef-ingbird In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-05-08 02:25:13 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm what are your prices?

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ryugurl0083 In reply to strixthef-ingbird [2010-05-14 15:00:49 +0000 UTC]

for prints? it ranges from $10-$30. The pricier they are, the larger it is and I paint on gloss and iridescent medium to make it more like the original.

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strixthef-ingbird In reply to ryugurl0083 [2010-05-16 00:40:50 +0000 UTC]

Awesome. Would it be possible to make a commision and pick it up at the next con? Save shipping

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ryugurl0083 In reply to strixthef-ingbird [2010-05-17 18:17:53 +0000 UTC]

I can do a commission, but I don't know if I'll be able to be at the next con. It's been hard getting into cons lately..

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