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# Statistics
Favourites: 2243; Deviations: 30; Watchers: 759
Watching: 200; Pageviews: 26025; Comments Made: 1900; Friends: 200
# Comments
Comments: 657
golden-trace In reply to Etkri [2017-01-11 20:49:58 +0000 UTC]
<---PSSSSTUH Etkri ! is mox.
am back. on dA. ahh. and i moved. 'cause i can't get back into any of my old accounts. ;~;
it's been like 400 years, i'm sorry. i hope u are fien.
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Etkri In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-13 19:09:13 +0000 UTC]
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golden-trace In reply to Nahyon [2017-01-11 20:50:31 +0000 UTC]
ayo Nahyyyy, it's mox ;~;
i'm back? <3
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Nahyon In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-12 16:32:28 +0000 UTC]
I mean I am barely active on dA but who cares about that
I was curious about you not being active anymore since I love your style and presentation, incredibly inspiring so that's hella great news >:333333
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golden-trace In reply to Nahyon [2017-01-12 20:22:56 +0000 UTC]
BLArgh NO you too? ahhh everyone left dA, am now sad >:
where are you lurking these days i wanna follow you on all the things
also remind me to never indefinitely lock myself out of my account ever again. that was stupid.
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Nahyon In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-13 12:30:00 +0000 UTC]
careful I am good at reminding >:3
WEH I can't really tell, i never had big relations to dA to begin with or with people to meet. The most joy i felt was designing the Frontpage of your profile
The thing is that dA is so incredibly huge, to get into a scene/community is quite the effort like unless you aren't spamming llamas like crazy or shove every submission into tons of groups, you just don't exist. and not necessarly that it's difficult to become "famous", probably one of my last goals but ... I don't know what I'm getting it, I just don't feel like belonging here.
I started to get into NSFW art (pls don't tell my parents ) and joined furaffinity where I am most and only active. Where furaffinity is a smaller community circle and you get around there much more comfortable without the "formal" feeling i have here. It's a matter of attitude but it kinda got settled like that.Β
I doubt you have an account there ? either way, that's where i hang around now. It feels way more careless I can't really explain why . Of course it has it's downsides gross and sinful downsides and nothing comes close to gallery management as dA but there's kinda where I ended up, maily because uploading NSFW stuff is much more welcome there than here. I kinda would love to fart more around tumblr but I really REALLY hate everything that is even close to dash-board browsering. my mouse-wheel got really tired of Tumblr.Β
I am really looking fowards to see your stuff again >:3 ok tbh. I coulda seen it all on tumblr still but I go there like once a year or something ^^
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golden-trace In reply to Nahyon [2017-01-13 12:54:37 +0000 UTC]
dude you're totally right though; it is really hard to get into the community. especially if you're a dum dum like me and have been gone for 44922937 billion years.
honestly yep, group spam was exactly how i got anymore >.< some of my shit is in like 100+ groups......
i don't have an account on FA, no >: i was actually just talking to one of my other buddies about it and it seems like everyone's moving there. i've known about it probably since it first ever started gaining popularity, i just don't know if my work would fit in there...honestly i've been trying to get away from drawing floofy magical glowy foxes and move my stuff in a direction where if i show my work to anyone, they can understand it without me having to awkwardly explain it, ya know? but deep down idk i still really enjoy doing that stuff from time to time...especially 'cause the fur community is so super welcoming and friendly ;~; (man so much melodrama, sorry--i just don't know what i wanna do anymore haaa)
but dude i'm super glad you found a style you like! i was poking through your older dA stuff and damn u amazin'. can't imagine how good your new stuff is now [:
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Nahyon In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-15 22:11:38 +0000 UTC]
gee, same here, I used to really HUNT for as many groups as possible only to get an "average" result. Ok it's not like I'm some peak performance artist to expect a lot of followers but you get it
Well, Furaffinity has no actual art-direction, there are enough artist on there who don't draw anything furry at all, then again the majority will always be furry and with said art you'd have the best results in there. and no worries I completely understand last part, i mean that's why i moved over there, the stuff I draw is completely self understanding over there, this whole OC/sona/character/flowing animals foxes dragons wolfs whatever. It's not like this isn't here around, if anything it's most likely bigger but it feels so ... blunt ? since you have to pass thought all the other stuff before you managed to get your foot into the scene you'd like to be in. In specific websites/forums of course, you're with the people you want from the moment you create your account, from there on you just need to get dem watchers
(i hope I'm understandable, I feel like my english is going downhill this late)
Like with my NSFW art, I always wanted to get a slice of it but I would have felt so awkward to upload this here so uploading it over there was reliefing when the comments are and watchers pop outta nowhere. I've made 1500 Watchers in ~17 months and it took me almost 7 years to get to 600 here and the only difference is really just around ~13 NSFW drawings so it's not like made 500 times more drawings for FA compared to dA. There isn't even something like groups or folders there so kinda shows how hard it is to bite though stuff here. Not impossible of course, I mean with your art skill jfc, a few months of crying and suffering with group uploads and advertising and you'd be around 1000 in no time
>can't imagine how good your new stuff is now [:
hehe [sweats] most of my stuff is kinda up to date and pretty similar to my FA gallery expect the nsfw as said NO OFFENSE TAKEN OF COURSE, I wish I had more dedication to draw more often than once in a week to get some sick improvement but I'm pretty content about that u.u
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golden-trace In reply to Nahyon [2017-01-17 01:02:52 +0000 UTC]
blargh sorry took me 400 years to reply 'cause work
dude honestly though, you're really good. 'peak performance' is so damn subjective and it always bugs the crap out of me. i've seen some pretty crap art get tons of likes for the sole fact alone that it happens to be fanart. which don't get me wrong, i'm by no means the kind of person that will bash someone for their art. but ultimately you can have super unique work and a brilliant style and still go unnoticed. it's all about how you 'market' yourself (i.e. shoving your work into every group imaginable--which i seriously hate, but more on why i do that in a sec') -- i have tons of friends who have incredible art here, but they don't care about getting noticed, so they don't try. which is TOTALLY fine. you do you beb, kinda thing, ya know?
me personally? story-time (between you & me): i basically just requested a few days ago to move down from working full-time (40+ hours/week) to part-time (about 0 to 27hours/week) FROM HOME...ultimately so that i can get back into art. and they were fine with it, (which is still shocking to me, but w/e) sooo...i'm kind of in a position where i feel like i have to get noticed, otherwise i'm not gonna be able to pay my bills. which is fine. it's what i wanted. i just really hate the whole self-promotion thing...i really do. but. hey. you gotta do it i guess. /rant over
i totally get it though. it is pretty blunt here. hell. i've been around dA since i was 12 (i'm 26 now) so i can honestly say with certainty that it's definitely died down a little bit. but i think in some sense that the 'pros' that i grew up with, have now moved away from dA, and are working full-time, successfully selling art, commissions, concepts, that kind of thing, and now can't necessarily be bothered with more...'mediocre' things /shrug again, ALL FINE.
i'm super super super glad though that YOU finally found a place you're comfortable and can do stuff you love, because in the end, money, popularity, all that stuff is secondary (assuming you're trying to make a career out of it, then that's different.) me? i'm not really too sure what i want anymore. ultimately just to have friends i can go to online & bullshit with again, and catch up in the art work. i miss making stuff.
...long reply is long. tldr; I MISSED U & I HOPE U ARE FINE. happy to see you are happy [:
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skyfever [2014-08-06 15:32:58 +0000 UTC]
Oh wow, you have a seriously beautiful gallery, just thought you should know!
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Scherbensplitter [2014-04-30 15:59:40 +0000 UTC]
Hey hon. Just wanted to leave some love. Hope you're doing fine!
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waterwish In reply to Scherbensplitter [2014-07-05 00:39:19 +0000 UTC]
I should let you know: Mox has permanently retired her account. I spoke to her recently though, and she is doing quite fine. <3 I'm sure she appreciates the concern.
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Scherbensplitter In reply to waterwish [2014-07-18 10:59:59 +0000 UTC]
Glad to hear! I wish her only the best
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waterwish [2013-12-03 23:53:02 +0000 UTC]
Mox has a tendency to disappear for long periods of time. I can assure everyone that she is doing fine!
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canobefnur [2013-11-03 18:18:04 +0000 UTC]
Where'd the Moxster go? :c
I hope everything's okay!
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golden-trace In reply to canobefnur [2017-01-11 20:51:29 +0000 UTC]
caaaaannnooo heyo u <3
it's mox c: i moved. i hope you are doing ok!
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Chi-Akuryou [2013-10-02 05:33:29 +0000 UTC]
Mox! Where'd you go? Hope everything is ok! Come back soon, I miss you and your artwork! (:
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golden-trace In reply to Chi-Akuryou [2017-01-11 20:52:28 +0000 UTC]
chi! omg hay.
it's mox x: i moved! hope you've been doing ok. i know it's been like a billion years since i was last here ;~;
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Chi-Akuryou In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-12 05:42:40 +0000 UTC]
I missed you! Though I have to admit I'm not on here very often anymore either
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golden-trace In reply to Chi-Akuryou [2017-01-12 14:07:04 +0000 UTC]
i missed you too! <3 and it's ok, i'm hearing that from a lot of people; that they're not using dA as much >:
where are you posting your art nowadays?
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Chi-Akuryou In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-13 13:01:55 +0000 UTC]
I don't post my work anywhere now. I just enjoy taking pictures and editing them
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golden-trace In reply to Chi-Akuryou [2017-01-13 13:24:22 +0000 UTC]
aww, well i'm glad you're still keeping creative [: if you ever do start posting again anywhere let me know; i'd love to see what you've been up to!
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Chi-Akuryou In reply to golden-trace [2017-01-17 07:01:33 +0000 UTC]
I most definitely will!
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CourtneyLynnWashburn [2013-09-09 15:53:38 +0000 UTC]
has featured you:Β feature-it-monday.deviantart.cβ¦
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HentaiMags [2013-09-07 18:47:08 +0000 UTC]
;n; Hope you are okay... I miss you and your art. ;w;
//flops away
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golden-trace In reply to LupusAzulli [2017-01-11 20:53:31 +0000 UTC]
HAY LADY (it's mox.)
i'm back on dA again >.> TRYNA' TRACK DOWN ALL MY HOMIES -sends up smoke signals- hopefully you're still active ;~; <3
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galianogangster [2013-08-22 23:06:49 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry if this is a bother, but when do you think you'll be judging your instrumental contest?
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golden-trace In reply to defineDEAD [2017-01-11 20:55:01 +0000 UTC]
'ayyyy beb (it's moxiv )
i hope you've been swell ;~; sorry i've been gone for a gajillion long times.
am back though; i moved x:
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Chi-Akuryou [2013-08-10 01:03:31 +0000 UTC]
Mox why haven't you posted more for so long?! I'm suffering from lack of your drawing awesomeness Β ):
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MartinCi [2013-08-02 21:55:19 +0000 UTC]
oh I like the look of your main page
nice work c;
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