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miraxterrik [2961077] [] "mirax"

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Favourites: 880; Deviations: 227; Watchers: 280

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# Comments

Comments: 335

Enyamatrix [2017-03-30 21:22:00 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday    

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LittleFallingStar [2016-10-05 06:22:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the faves ^_^

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doublehorse1 [2015-03-30 19:50:32 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday

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Angie-Farewell [2014-11-20 14:58:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fav!

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IseeButterfly [2014-06-02 14:20:26 +0000 UTC]

Hey Mirax! It's been sooo long since I've heard from you! How are you?? )) Are you still riding the Thorki wave? ^^

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2014-07-09 10:30:30 +0000 UTC]

Heeey!! Sorry for not replying, I'm a terrible human being...
Real Life changed a lot in the past one year, so my Virtual Life is kind of pushed into background (haven't drawn or written anything for a year, it's sort of disastrous). Don't get me wrong, i'm very happy, moved together with boyfriend, so real life issues and priorities are coming up, but sometimes i miss the very active artist's life Still travel a lot, for the upcoming 2 years it won't change too much.
I still like Thorki, but as you see from above part, I'm not active at all. I don't even read anymore. Currently, amazingly, i'm fandomless Which is maybe for the better as i wouldnt have time for it and it would drive me crazy...
How about you? Still tangled? or something new? how is the university going? you are through the first year wow!! How is living separately from home? Did you get used to it? I'm sure you have a lot of friends in the new place, too
Writing anything???
It was so good to hear from you, happy you are alive

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2014-07-14 10:16:08 +0000 UTC]

Yep, I am still alive.
Oh my god, that's so cool! I want you to PM me and tell me about this mysterious new boyfriend of yours. Or probably not new at all, since you moved in together Man, it's been a long time!!
I'm so glad that you're so happy right now, sounds like everything is going really good! And you're still traveling, that's the spirit!
Living seperately from home is a reaally nice experience, I definetely know a lot more about washing, grocery shopping and how long it takes for the floor to get dirty again, now! Which is... maybe not the best about living alone But otherwise it's really great! I did make friends here, and I'm also still closely in touch with the people at home, which means I pretty much just extended my circle of friends instead of finding "new" ones, which is great!
Richt, fandoms god, you have NO IDEA I've been through so much, but flynnpunzel is still one of my all-time OTPs!
I've also read all Cassandra Clare books, which are just so good, definetly check them out, when you've got time! If you're in need of a new fandom sometime, I also recommend Susan Ees Angelfall series, you will definetely add a new OTP to your list after that!
Oh, I wanted to ask you, do you know teen wolf? It has a reaally nice slash-ship (sorta non-cannon, but it's def. there) called Sterek.
I am currently writing in German on a little story of my own, and after reading and writing only in english for 4 years or so, I'm struggling with the language. But it's about time, that I work on that!

Are you still living in Budapest, now that you moved?

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doublehorse1 [2014-03-31 19:31:18 +0000 UTC]


Happy Birthday ;D

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miraxterrik In reply to doublehorse1 [2014-04-01 08:28:19 +0000 UTC]

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doublehorse1 In reply to miraxterrik [2014-04-01 17:54:05 +0000 UTC]

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TechSupportGirls [2014-03-31 01:28:04 +0000 UTC]


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miraxterrik In reply to TechSupportGirls [2014-04-01 08:28:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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TechSupportGirls In reply to miraxterrik [2014-04-02 20:57:06 +0000 UTC]


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Vahisa [2014-03-31 00:26:14 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!  I hope you have a wonderful day!

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miraxterrik In reply to Vahisa [2014-04-01 08:28:01 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much^^

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Vahisa In reply to miraxterrik [2014-04-02 07:01:27 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome!

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AuthorAuroraWilliams [2013-08-10 12:30:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave on "The Year That Never Was"

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IseeButterfly [2013-06-16 20:34:19 +0000 UTC]

Heyho, my Loki lover!
How are you doing? Axiously chewing away your fingernails while waiting for Thor 2 coming out and spending all your free time on tumblr, browsing for Tom Hiddleston pictures?

What else is going on? Haven't heard from you in some time

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2013-06-24 09:01:52 +0000 UTC]

hey my favorite butterfly A new icon again, this time finally your namesake!!
To be honest, no. The last one month was spent by trying to force myself to write, but i'm sort of... idk, not losing interest, just slowing down maybe. I guess I have an artist block as well, and things just dont work, I cannot concentrate on them. It's mostly personal shit (need to organize my holiday and i'm going to scotland, and it needs helluva lot of organizing... It's kind of crushing me. Then I have some emotional stuff going on as well, and nothing else can have a place in my mind these days:S)

How about you? I see you got nice points for one of your exams, but how is it in general? the results should already be out, right?
How about holidays? You are surely going somewhere Btw, you go again to ENgland for the language course?
And are you Tangled yet? Or there is sth new around the corner?

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2013-06-24 16:48:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh I didn't even do it with the intention of fitting my name
Oh my, that doesn't sound too good, are you okay?
So you're going to scotland, that's nice, I've never been there. But your ultimate vacation goal is Iceland, isn't it? Why not go there then Do you go alone or with friends or your sister maybe?

I'm pretty good, no more school, yay! The results are out, I got 1,0 as Nc, that's the best you can get, yaaaay! With that I can study whatever I want, even medicine. I can't believe I managed to do it, now I can just sit back and relax.
Oh, I've already been on holiday, 10 days in south tirol with my parents and then 9 days in Lloret de mar with my friends (yeah, it was more like a party-holiday, but we had to celebrate graduation)

Sure, Tangled is aaawesome. But I'm hooked for a few other things, like Portal and currently Kick-Ass, too (which is weird, because I hated it, when I first watched it) . Can't wait for the 2nd movie, but I'm a bit scared about the level of violence in it. I heard some pretty disturbing things from the comics :/

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2013-08-10 11:07:48 +0000 UTC]

Hi my favorite person who sees butterflies sorry for being an ass and not answering. I'm back from Scotland and it was AMAZING!!! Such a gorgeous country and the people are extra-nice, so kind and friendly I cannot really complain about anything. The weather was around 20C and rained a bit every day but it was okay because here it was 40C and everyone was dying while I was walking around in sweaters (and i dont have to say that locals were walking around in tank tops and shorts and flip-flops while i was in jeans and sweaters) I went with a friend of mine and we went around scotland, stopping in 6 cities. I even got to travel with the Harry Potter train and and we went across the famous viaduct you see in the movies!!!!! YAAAY. And there are wonderful lands there, the grass is obscenely green, and the skies, the coulds, omg, there is something raw and untouched in it, almost to the way I think of Iceland. Such a nice country. Only con is that I sometimes hardly understood what they were saying, that accent damn!!!
So you go to some medicine studies from autumn? School is from Sept? You need to use the last free days before it starts

Today i'm going to watch Wolverine (eyecandy yay), and looking forward to Red2 and Kick-ass2 as well, aaaaaaand Thor2 trailer is out!!!
Have you seen Pacific Rim everybody is talking about? I havent but i start to be really curious if it really is that good...

Now we have a 5-days music festival here, tomorrow i'm going to Franz Ferdinand concert, then my holiday is over with that and I'm back to work It was great not to think of work during this 2.5 weeks!!

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2013-08-17 14:34:05 +0000 UTC]

hey there  

That sounds so great, I always wanted to see Scotland! And a Harry Potter tour is always the best, I did one in Oxford <3 The scottish accent is awesome, lol, they talk so strangely! I really want to go there too, someday, because it's supposed to be so beautiful! 

I'm probably going to be in Aachen from October on, yep studying medicine I already have a small apartment there, but I can sell it anytime, if it isn't going to be Aachen (I get to know really late where I was accepted :/ ) Right now I'm doing unpaid work in a hospital for a month, it's really tough, because my shifts are so exhausting, I work from 6:30 till 3 p.m and sometimes on the weekends, too, and it's really tough, because I have to run around a lot and it's always stressful. But it's fun!

Oh, how was Wolverine? I'm going to watch Kick ass 2 today, sooooooo excited!! Been waiting for this since FOREVER!!!!!!!! 

Have lots of fun on the concert  

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2013-09-24 12:42:15 +0000 UTC]

Hi again, after a month!
So do you already know where you will be studying? Is it finally Aachen? wow an own apartment sounds amazing! Much better than squeezed in a room with some other people in college! How is school so far? or it means it starts really only in Oct? This is different from other schools then? Here it starts in Sept as well, kjust like other schools.
It's good to hear you still enjoy the job even though it's not paying and it's hard. Is it also usual in Germany that they dont pay for this internship type of jobs? I thought this is sth typical of my region

Wolverine was better than i expected, but to be honest i didnt have the highest expectations
I watched Kickass as well. I liked the first better but the 2nd was good too. How did you like it?

I will go on holiday again Now i will just travel for a day to Linz because i'm spending my weekend between two work weeks in slovakia again, so decided not to stay in this boring city but take a look somewhere. Vienna i have seen a lot of times so the next best option was Linz. It should be okay for a day. Then i go to Italy again, yay. 2 days in rome again, then down to Napoli there we will check out the vezuvio, pompeii, the amalfi coast (google it, looks beautiful), capri. Hope the weather wont be bad

let me know how you are. Do you have any new topic to replace Tangled?

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2013-10-29 20:54:40 +0000 UTC]

Hey!! here is my  super late reply  

Yes, it is finally Aachen. University already begun, which is why I'm so super busy right now! 

Soooo, I moved out! Three weeks ago. I'm living in Aachen now and I'm already studying really hard, because guess what, first test the day after tomorrow... But it's "only" a script of 100 pages I need to know. And it's like 100 pages full of facts and numbers and statistics and symptoms and stuff like that.... Because the first three weeks of semester are like an orientation, where the students learn basic emergency stuff and then at the end, there is an exam 

 Already! So, university is suuuuper hard, I mean, I kinda expected it to be, but that I have to study this much right at the beginning is a slap in the face. Nonetheless Aachen is such a university city, it's full of students and there are campus parties and bars and clubs every day of the week. Today is acutally my first (!!!) evening, where I'm not going out. My friends at home envy me for my college life, but I have to say, even though I really do go out a lot, it's different than I expected. 

Living on my own is terrible! I HATE it! It's so quiet and silent and lonely. And you know, this is a new, strange city and I don't know anyone here, I have no friends or family here. I'm completely on my own and that was like from one day to the other... bam, suddenly I was here, all by my self and everything was so complicated and stressful and new and I had to deal with so many things at a time. I have university till 5 p.m everyday (in the first 3 weeks, then we'll get a different schedule) and then in the evening, there is always an event you want to take part in, because I want to meet people and stuff like that. But I have to eat and cook and shop and clean, too! And I have to study so much already. I'm running on 4 hours sleep each day... 

But the worst is, that I never expected to be homesick. I mean, I'm a total family person, but I was always someone, who needed a lot time for myself and "alone" time, so I didn't expect to feel so horrible living all by myself. I still drive home on the weekends and will for the next time, because I am still in conctact with all my friends there and I don't want to change that! 

Okay, that's enough for my part..... 


Sooo, you're going on vacation again! Or you were... How was it? It sounds like a pretty amazing trip! You've seen so much already, I think that's really cool! You're such a traveller  

Yes, I saw Kick ass 2, of course, as I love the first one. I don't know about the second one, I'm kind of disappointed, because I felt like it didn't really have that much of a rounded plot, it was more like loose plot strings, not like the first one, which was a round, complete story... but kick ass 2 had it's moments and chris mintz-plasse was awesome!! 

Are you excited about Thor 2??? In our cinema at home, there are three huge posters of Loki, Thor and Natalie Portman's character (Jane?!). I really like Loki's hairstyle btw, what do you think of it? I think it's not as good as in the first thor movie, but it just is.... really special or something, I dunno. It's very cool, very god-like. 

Oh yes, I still love tangled, but while I still love that movie, I developed a new obsession... I played portal like 8 month ago or so and I love it!!! Portal 2 is´the best game in the world! And it has the best humor in the world. If you haven't played it, I encourage you to do so, it's worth it!! 

Right now, I'm also watching X-men evo again (for like the 100edth time, lol) and I still love it! I wish I could erase my memories of it, so I could watch the whole show again without knowing all the lines... 

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SeraphimCrystal [2013-06-02 09:49:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for faving one of my Loki pictures!

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iamthecharmingfreak [2013-04-28 18:16:55 +0000 UTC]

hi, it's Einon! is that you, my Mirax? ...

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miraxterrik In reply to iamthecharmingfreak [2013-04-29 21:22:32 +0000 UTC]

igeeeeeen, jesszumpepi!!! vagy dA-n? te jo eg, hogy találtál rám?

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iamthecharmingfreak In reply to miraxterrik [2013-05-01 15:12:36 +0000 UTC]

nos... beújítottam ezt a DA accountot, hogy ne akadjak fenn többé a mature content filteren [], és akkor gondoltam, egyből vadászok is pár csodát. szóval beírtam keresőbe, hogy "Thorki". kijött egy szép kis fanart, rányomtam, és ott virított alatta, hogy ~miraxterrik... na mondom: whaaat?

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miraxterrik In reply to iamthecharmingfreak [2013-05-01 16:34:58 +0000 UTC]

oóó hát igen, mostanában (régi követőim bizonyára hatalmas örömére) mást sem talál itt az ember, csak Thorkit... csak nem azt shipeled?? *fangirling* mert téged inkább Frostironnak titulálnálak

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iamthecharmingfreak In reply to miraxterrik [2013-05-01 18:36:10 +0000 UTC]

hú, ez kicsit hosszú kifejtés lesz... azt megértem, hogy a Frostiront nézed ki belőlem, mert Avengerek közül valóban Iron Man rúlzik nálam, de vannak olyan fazonok, akiket nincs annyira kedvem slashelni. Tony is ilyen. bár persze, bejönnek a slash fanartok róla, de nincs külön igényem rá. Thor és Loki kapcsolata azonban különleges helyet foglal el jégszívemben. egyik haverommal élőben és neten egyaránt hozzuk ezt a bromancet. egyet találhatsz, én melyik fél vagyok elég az hozzá, Vele nagy örömünket leljük abban, hogy elvigyük túlzóan-romantikus irányba a dolgokat. now give us a kiss

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miraxterrik In reply to iamthecharmingfreak [2013-05-01 20:07:21 +0000 UTC]

oké, az valami olyasminek hangzik, mint ami az én fejemben morajlik összevissza - bár ömm, a romantika nemtom mennyire figyel be nálam, és mennyire inkább az angst

Hopp, a nem slash Tony most meglep bevallom, gyenge pillanataimban néha egyenesen élvezem a jobban megírt Stony sideplotokat a Thorki storykban Erős pillanatokban Pepperoni a ship (bakker ezek a nevek)

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iamthecharmingfreak In reply to miraxterrik [2013-05-01 20:18:00 +0000 UTC]

furcsa szó a "romantika", csak nem tudom rendesen megfogalmazni, amit művelünk. talán olyan, mint amikor Tapsi Hapsi lesmárol mindenkit, csak épp jóval felnőttebb verzsönben
ez mondjuk egy külön dolog, amit pajtimmal csinálunk, aztán az meg megint más, hogy én egymagamban hogyan viszonyulok a Thorkihoz. nem mondanám, hogy shipelem, mert ficet valószínűleg nem fogok írni róla és rpgzni sem szoktam ilyen témában. de ha shipelni általánosságba véve azt jelenti, hogy baromi szívesen merülök el a fanartokban róluk a Gtől az NC-17 legperverzebb változataiig, akkor... igen, shipelem őket

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miraxterrik In reply to iamthecharmingfreak [2013-05-02 11:27:52 +0000 UTC]

Thorki témában annyira szuper fanartok vannak, hogy besírok. Persze az is igaz, h nem nagyon nézek más shipet, szal nemtom ott milyen a valasztek, csak néha látok Frostiron és ott is vannak ügyesek (csak hát fujj)
amugy ficet irsz akarmilyen Thor/avengers temaban?

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iamthecharmingfreak In reply to miraxterrik [2013-05-02 11:39:46 +0000 UTC]

igen. van egy elég lightos asgardi hangulat ficem, meg írok folyamatosan egy amolyan kisregényt, ami egy ThorAvengers-Life crossover. vágod a sorozatot? magyarul Életfogytig zsaruként futott. dobjak linket a fanfic oldalamhoz? ott a régi HP holmikat is megleled de különben inkább RPGzni szoktam Asgarddal [meg egyéb Hiddleslorddal] kapcsolatban privátban, és azzal mindig kielégítem az írási igényeimet... sajnos. azért mondom, hogy sajnos, mert persze, én és a játékostársaim baromira élvezzük, csak a világot fosztjuk meg tőle, na meg az utókort

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IseeButterfly [2013-04-28 15:47:49 +0000 UTC]

OMIGODOMIGOD!! Thor 2 trailer!!!! Did you see it?!?! LOKI'S HAAAIR!!!! (i think he looks awesome btw)

soooo amazing!! Raaawr

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2013-04-29 21:24:06 +0000 UTC]

omg, you think i didn't see it? I'm basically living n tumblr!! I saw it on the day it came out, and i was completely destroyed, so much that i had to write a fanfic quickly, and put some gifs together and and and odkjfasdfhlsfkhsdjaÉDKÉALJDLAHSDK

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2013-04-30 16:06:38 +0000 UTC]

hahaha So what do you think of his hair? Dunno if I said it already in the last pm, but I like it!

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2013-05-01 11:34:42 +0000 UTC]

well it makes sense that it looks like that. first i said WTF is this?? then ever since seeing one million fanarts making fun of it, or just fangirling all about it, i start to think of it in a different way. but i cannot wait to see how he will wear it - from the short look of it he will swipe it back again, withou the X-mas tree style
so, what do you think of that short scene at the cell between Thor and Loki?? i was totally devastated

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2013-05-04 17:55:23 +0000 UTC]

well, I hope he doesn't swipe it back. With what, gel or something?! That would probably look like Lucious Malfoy
Why devastated? I think they didn't want to give too much away, that's why the showed only that little. Or were you expecting Loki to apologize to Thor or something? Because I don't think they would put something like that in the trailer ^^
So far I think it's left pretty much in the dark how their relationship will be... I just hope Loki returns in Avengers 2!

Another thing, seen Iron man 3 already? I have... hmm Robert dw jr *drool

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miraxterrik In reply to IseeButterfly [2013-05-05 19:53:50 +0000 UTC]

From the trailer it looks like it's combed back. Also there was this action figure that came out a few months ago, and on that it looks all gelled back, yuck. Iwanthisfirstmoviehairbaaaaack!!!

jfc, noo, no apologizing Loki *cringes* No. I was devastated by Thor's line "When you betray me, I will kill you." 1. it is WHEN *cries* It's like he gave up all hope in Loki. Yeah, we can interpret he has no more illusions of his brother, but still, it kills me more than IF would... 2. Kill him???? seriously, Thor??? Whatthefuck is that line coming from Thor's mouth, for fukc's sake??? *cries more*

Tom tweeted something about not playing Loki again but I'm not sure if it was a joke because he tweeted it on 1st April

Yep, just saw Ironman3 yesterday. It was good, really, but still there was something just... not making it for me. I don't quite know. There were some cheesy one-liners and the necessary-kid in it, and idk. But Pepper. PEPPER!!!<3 (also: sure rdj is mmmmmh)

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IseeButterfly In reply to miraxterrik [2013-05-06 15:48:02 +0000 UTC]

haha, relax, wait till you see the movie, I'm sure there are gonna talk about their problems or something! Marvel knows what the audience wants after all... And I think at the beginning it is only natural for Thor to distrust Loki! He tries to be all tough and "I'm not gonna be fooled by you again" - like, but really... Who is gonna fall for it? even at the end of avengers he was still like "come back on my side, loki" That was, of course, before Loki stabbed him in the side with a blade, but I think Thor still would like to make up with Loki.

Sounds like an april's fool for me... I'm pretty sure he was kidding Didn't he sign a contract of seven movies or something?

You like Pepper?! Why? She's soooo annoying! Robert take me!!! I'm much better than her!
I liked the movie, too, except for the end, which was kind of too constructed for my tastes. Best scene was Robert dancing to a jazz version of Jingle Bells in his cellar. That was just hmpfff....

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Oak-Deer [2013-03-30 13:40:43 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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miraxterrik In reply to Oak-Deer [2013-03-30 19:00:43 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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Oak-Deer In reply to miraxterrik [2013-04-02 07:12:12 +0000 UTC]

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Dragonlily2993 [2013-03-30 09:02:03 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!

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miraxterrik In reply to Dragonlily2993 [2013-03-30 11:45:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god, thank you so much I forgot it is visible here

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Dragonlily2993 In reply to miraxterrik [2013-03-30 22:47:34 +0000 UTC]

I hope you have a wonderful day!

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Oak-Deer [2013-03-21 21:16:08 +0000 UTC]

I love you
le watch

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miraxterrik In reply to Oak-Deer [2013-03-26 00:45:35 +0000 UTC]

omg, thank you

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Oak-Deer In reply to miraxterrik [2013-08-05 06:52:53 +0000 UTC]


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