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# Comments
Comments: 363
Sol-Caninus [2025-02-06 01:20:43 +0000 UTC]
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2025-02-06 07:08:17 +0000 UTC]
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2025-02-06 22:18:44 +0000 UTC]
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
Sol-Caninus [2019-04-12 19:33:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey, Wiley. I took your advice. Maybe overdid it a tad. What do you think? Working on the balloons moved the single panel idea back to the original scene in the story, which calls for more panels to act it out completely. My thought was that the last statement here (" My ship, My rules") should really be given in a subsequent panel to end the scene.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2019-04-13 14:53:15 +0000 UTC]
Yes. OUTside the frame. And keep it simple. haha.
I think I should practice the paneling without the art work, like this example. Do the script, do thumbnails, then, separately, diagram the panels with these kinds of designs. Then fit the dialogue in the balloons. Then draw in the panel. At least that is what I should be aiming for as I hobble along.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-26 03:13:58 +0000 UTC]
I think I can help with that. I've been looking for a USB Mouse at my Township recycling center (the dump). I always find keyboards and mice with pins. Finally got a keyboard, but still looking for a USB mouse. I'll grab one with pins. I'll let you know Monday if I find one.
In the meantime, if you have a recycling place where you live, cozy up to whomever runs it. Also, some electronics stores take recyclable equipment. You can wheel and deal with them, or just hang out and grab someone who's there to drop off the parts you need.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-27 10:31:26 +0000 UTC]
Got one. Want it? Send it to same address (the return address on your previous correspondence with me?)
This one has a left and right button, no middle button, no scroll wheel. It's not optical. It has a little ball that's friction activated, so has to run on a mouse pad or similar surface.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-27 16:37:42 +0000 UTC]
Note me your mailing address, buibba. I can't find it and I'm swamped with things to do. I'll mail this baby to you today if you get me the address in time.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-11 18:18:56 +0000 UTC]
Oh. I see. Man. That's rough. When do you plan to get a replacement? Anytime soon? (If you have a place nearby that takes recyclable electronics, maybe you can pick something up free? Or put the word out on DA - maybe someone has an old laptop that still works they can donate? )
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-07-11 20:46:37 +0000 UTC]
Its most likely will be awhile.I've just repiped my house for big moolah.I plan on purchasing a drafting desk first,I'm sick of drawing on a surface area of 24 by 12!!!! Oh and thanks a lot,now you got me wanting a cintiq.ya bastard.lol
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-11 22:00:20 +0000 UTC]
You can make a drawing board from anything. It's not something to spend a lot of money on. Any mill will provide nicely planed hardwood. That's all you need. You may even have some in your house somewhere. After that it's just some brackets and rods to engineer a stand. It's cake.
But Cintiq. I started out thinking I could save a thousand dollars and get one. Then I did the research. All told what I came up with is more like $3400.00. That's for the big one (27"). They make a 13" that's 999.00 and a 22 that's about $1800.00. But my interest starts with the 24" that's, what? 2500? I don't remember. My head is still swimming. Right now I'll take the cheapest tablet, or anything with a stylus, so I can stop trying to draw with this friggin MOUSE!
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-07-11 22:45:22 +0000 UTC]
I found a nice desk on amazon for 150 bucks that also works as a light box.yeah I probably won't get the cintiq,but it would be nice.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-12 01:09:58 +0000 UTC]
Sounds like it could be useful. But consider the materials. You don't want a drawing board that you can't stick pins into. If this one has a built-in light box, like a light table, then the top is probably plastic or glass. May look cool, but not practical to work on. In that case you would have to keep a board handy - put the board on in it when you need to pin down your page or tack strings for perspective lines, etc. But if you've got it locked in, then it's a fait accompli (finished work - done deal) . . . like my 24 or 27 inch Cintiq . . . that I'm manifesting right here on this computer cart that is currently empty on top. I can't help visualizing that beauty sitting on it. It's scary. I can't resist. . . . lol.
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-07-12 02:49:08 +0000 UTC]
Yessir its a done deal.I figure for that price I can be wrong,great thing about the computer age is you can always resell anything.I'm anxious to see your work on the cintiq,meanwhile I'll be lurking around eBay hoping for some poor artist in need of quick cash and a spare cintiq.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-12 03:06:57 +0000 UTC]
I'm looking into ebay as a way to sell my mom's belongings. I think there is enough there to afford the purchase, or close enough to make it possible in the near future.
You should press on with traditional. It's the foundation. There is nothing you can do digitally that is going to make you a better at illustration than drawing and painting with traditional material.
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-07-12 05:51:29 +0000 UTC]
Yeah,its not a priority just something I would like to have
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-12 11:58:25 +0000 UTC]
haha. I hear ya. Me too.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-07-01 00:50:15 +0000 UTC]
LOL. Yeah. But it's not really a mistake. It's a learning experience. Of course, it helps if you have a SECOND computer, so you can go online and research the repair videos.
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Sol-Caninus [2015-05-11 03:22:36 +0000 UTC]
I think I found the key for you. Take a look at Sheldon's tutorial See the difference between the sketch (1) and the lay-in (3). In position 2 you see a kind of blue print, plan, or schematic of the sketch showing the flow. It's not something the artist draws - it's just here to explain what he's thinking as he is doing the sketch. After all that comes the detail (4), marked by refinement of the contours. You have the right idea, just loosen it up. Get crazy. hehe. He's got more. I would study them for insight into the process
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-05-12 11:56:19 +0000 UTC]
You have the general plan and you know the individual steps. Just be advised that while the steps look simple, they are deep. The more you learn, the deeper they get. It's a double edged sword.
So don't get discouraged. You hold the key in your hand, which is more than a lot of others can say. That gives you an advantage, but it's not going to excuse you from learning the hard way - which is the only way. Haha.
BTW- Tony seemed to think my crack about pre-fab houses was used pejoratively. It wasn't. It was just a description: no insult intended. The point is you got that far, so raise the standard. Using lathe models, artist's manikins, dolls, etc., was a good suggestion. Definitely draw from them. At the same time study and review anatomy, even if it's just flipping through Bridgman's books looking at pictures. You'd be surprised how much we can learn doing that. I think that's how most artists do it.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-05-13 00:40:17 +0000 UTC]
LOL! Alex Toth. I read ya!
But that's exactly why I mention it. I admire your efforts and am impressed by the results. I see you going through the same phases of development that I went through, struggling with the same issues . . . I would hate to think that anything I say or do would put a monkey wrench in it. I just want to help as much as I can. I figure straight talk and being a hard friend are the best ways to do that.
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-05-13 02:01:46 +0000 UTC]
absolutely brother, I appreciate the crits.
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Sol-Caninus [2015-05-05 12:21:21 +0000 UTC]
The "Greatest Gangster Films" DVD is a blast. I've been watching these classics the past few weeks when there's nothing on TV - G-Men, City for Conquest. This week it will be "Each Dawn I die." Saving the best for last (White Heat). Top of the world, ma! Haha. Thanks for including it. Not only are those films entertaining, but they're good for analyzing storytelling. Lots of flaws in some of them. (City for Conquests - oi!) A real treat.
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-05-05 15:30:32 +0000 UTC]
yeah I love old crime movies,the news reels they included are interesting as well.
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-04-06 13:08:31 +0000 UTC]
Amen to that! TA #1 started my comic collection. Bought it on my 12th Birthday. Thanks for the heads up! I'd be curious to compare the original run with what came afterward.
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Sol-Caninus [2015-03-28 21:13:08 +0000 UTC]
Two words for you . . . Stelio Fenzo! (specifically his work "Jungla" 1970) I just discovered him. It's like discovering Kubert, Bernet, Hoffman, Crane and Canniff. How come I never heard of him before today?
Know him?
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kirbykalibak In reply to Sol-Caninus [2015-03-28 21:34:15 +0000 UTC]
wow nice call.no never heard of him ,you know how much I like to be introduced to a great artist and this guy looks great !
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Sol-Caninus In reply to kirbykalibak [2015-03-28 21:40:12 +0000 UTC]
yep. I posted links to his work in today's journal supplement. I suggest you download what's in Asicosku's gallery.
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