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| ed-amone
# Statistics
Favourites: 906; Deviations: 84; Watchers: 801
Watching: 212; Pageviews: 42550; Comments Made: 1169; Friends: 212
# Comments
Comments: 696
supalupi [2013-04-13 20:29:30 +0000 UTC]
Wow! Your work rocks! Both in concept and execution, awesome!
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kandacemarion [2010-04-19 18:13:46 +0000 UTC]
would you be so gracious as to allow me to get a similiar tattoo of Well well well...? please let me know!!
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CallHerAlaska [2009-02-25 21:26:49 +0000 UTC]
love your work... you have an amazing style... love it... i'd like to invite you to join me and other artists at bluecanvas.com and post your work there. it's a multi-genre website with other artists and art enthusiasts like yourself. anyways... very inspiring work... keep on keepin on...
peace and salutations
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serialkillercalendar [2009-01-31 08:39:10 +0000 UTC]
Hi there. This is James Gilks (owner of SerialKillerCalendar.com and editor of Serial Killer Magazine). I love your art and was wondering if you would be interested in being in Serial Killer Magazine. I am not on Deviant Art often so if you are interested could you please contact me at my personal email. madhatterdesign@gmail.com
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GeneratedClouds [2009-01-16 12:12:39 +0000 UTC]
Really like your work. You've got a unique style!
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barbelith2000ad [2008-09-20 02:09:51 +0000 UTC]
So cool,i love your tescos piece,dont know if its meant to be funny but its really funny.
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lili101 [2008-08-12 15:18:34 +0000 UTC]
cool gallery, but dnt take the mick out of the cat! my last kitty informed me in quite an abrupt and painful manner, that they dnt like hats.
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imagesofagirl [2008-04-29 18:25:59 +0000 UTC]
Hello to all visual artists.
We are currently expanding our "Artists" section of the Amok Recordings website. (see amokrecordings.com )
We are looking for creative works. If you feel like you might fit our style/criteria, please submit to info@amokrecordings.com
Amok Recordings
[this is my fiance's website, i thought you might be interested and your work is so beautiful. it's more just to host some excerpts of your work, you'd keep all copyright and everything, and if you wanted to sell prints in the store and such, as far as I know he is not taking comission, he just wants to create a collective of visual and musical artists.anyways, he wanted me to look for some artists, and your work stuck out in my mind. melissa]
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Schlammer [2007-08-24 07:18:30 +0000 UTC]
thank you kindly for the favourite.
your art continually astounds me as always. cheerio.
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spILLforward [2007-08-10 03:43:31 +0000 UTC]
i very like what happens here. and your new work only shows a fine further fer the fyouture.
keep bringing it up.
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brycekresge [2007-08-10 02:29:55 +0000 UTC]
I want to add pretty much your whole gallery to my favorites.
Great, unique, style. I'll be watching you.
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sweetpotato-ABC [2007-08-08 00:11:51 +0000 UTC]
thanks eddy, great beautiful style you have. i'll be back!
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tiffbott [2007-07-31 14:57:07 +0000 UTC]
I love love love your gallery!! So interesting!! Your illustrative style is gorgeous!!
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Muttonstash [2007-06-25 17:48:31 +0000 UTC]
sweet birthday, i love your birthday so much that i'm gonna have it too... nice... i enjoy your gallery but decided not to say anything because everyone's already said it all
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inflatable-reasoning [2007-06-22 14:09:57 +0000 UTC]
I would like to offer a thorough and deep analysis of your artwork. that way it would be a little more constructive than just an adjektive like "awesome!" or "killa!" but all I can say is that your drawings are fucking amazingly stunningly beautiful! pure eyecandy, but also beautiful in contents.
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zaktwist [2007-03-29 16:23:54 +0000 UTC]
Really ace stuff chappy!!Wots the 'crimson comic' stuff?It looks ace
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VertigObscura [2007-03-19 01:44:59 +0000 UTC]
Your line work is amazing. I loved your gallery
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JessieLucidArt [2007-03-11 13:28:25 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the favorite. You have a great gallery with a cool feel to your work. Rock on!
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moejo [2007-02-23 15:45:28 +0000 UTC]
your work and style is odd, peculiar, and rather creepy.
i love it
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ratherlemony [2007-02-10 23:39:54 +0000 UTC]
I rather hope this isn't too forward of me ... but I like your work very much.
I thought you should know.
Your taste in work is also very interesting. I'm enjoying your favourites section right now very much indeed.
I shall continue to lurk for a little while and comment some more when I can think of something interesting and informative to say to you.
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