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| darklion

# Statistics
Favourites: 5323; Deviations: 243; Watchers: 427
Watching: 268; Pageviews: 68098; Comments Made: 8617; Friends: 268
# Comments
Comments: 1335
darklion In reply to WolfwithGlasses [2018-01-04 05:03:04 +0000 UTC]
Hey you! long time! How're you?
π: 0 β©: 1
WolfwithGlasses In reply to darklion [2018-01-04 23:01:09 +0000 UTC]
I am doing allright, got a nice job with better pay and much better workhours.
How about you?
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darklion In reply to WolfwithGlasses [2018-01-09 00:35:01 +0000 UTC]
Grad school *facedesk* It's trying to kill me and all that I hold dear with a sadistic pleasure that I have never seen before. But I have a year left hopefully, so I should be fine LOL
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Goregoat [2017-10-23 07:08:10 +0000 UTC]
Hey Dusk! I'm also here (and more active) on dA if you prefer.
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SkyGiratina00 [2017-08-24 11:02:46 +0000 UTC]
I really appreciate your watchΒ Β Β Β Β
Here are my others if you wanna check out^^Β
Β Patreon Β Β Β Β Instagram Β Β Β Tumblr Β Β
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OriiPrincess [2016-08-29 23:56:05 +0000 UTC]
Bro you guys need to chill I was only making a joke. But I'll explain the pig is a thug for calling the sheep out and telling him to get over himself. The sheep is deep because it's SEEMS to me like it recognize his own imperfections. At least that's the way it appeared to me. Never said in anyway in my comment that I want to emulate anything...sheesh.
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darklion In reply to OriiPrincess [2016-08-30 20:32:08 +0000 UTC]
I'm not your bro. Also, comma after bro because you make the statement "you guys" after it which is redundant. Also a "joke" is a study in homor. Humor is the ability to spot or use the ironic. Humor is irony. I fail to see the irony in what you said, except maybe at your expense XD. Also? if indeed you were joking, A: why Are you coming here butthurt? and B: The greatest truths are most often expressed in the form of a joke, so using that as a shield is actually ineffective. Next, Please define "thug". How does calling someone out for a fallacy in their behavior equate to a person associated with street gang violence. Sources for use of phrase needed, please. Your definition of deep isn't wrong, but deep doesn't mean good. Ah emo kid is deep, but he also drags everyone around him down. Reading comprehension much? The sheep expressed no remorse or apology for it's actions and thus was stating what it was like as a metaphor for a person like that and their true nature. The author even indicates as much in the comments. in your comment, you actually did express emulation. You failed to see the intent of the piece and instead, took sides with the object of the authors disdain. the comment read as self-defensive and more than a little butthurt. I see this a lot. whenever someone makes a piece that is intended as social commentary or venting about the way certain people act, they inevitably get people that take it personally and then try and throw a wrench into it. When they get caught it's "BAAAAAW I was just joking an' you guys are mean and horrible" Which, Ironically, is EXACTLY how the sheep in said piece may have handled such a situation, thus proving my point. Now that's humor XD Thanks for the laugh, dear.
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OriiPrincess In reply to darklion [2016-08-30 21:49:42 +0000 UTC]
Too long didn't read. Have a nice day!!π
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darklion In reply to OriiPrincess [2016-08-30 22:52:36 +0000 UTC]
Lol, yes you did! Classic butthurt cover, aaaaand your comment back to me references this one so nope! Nice try XD
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OriiPrincess In reply to darklion [2016-08-30 23:58:55 +0000 UTC]
No I didn't and thus is stupid and pointless. You replied to my comment from the beginning because obviously you were butt hurt over something I posted in the original comment, which you didn't have to do by the way. So...yeah. Anywho, I'm done so I guess you can put this as a win if that's how you roll because I'm washing my hands of you. Good day, bro!!
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darklion In reply to OriiPrincess [2016-08-31 01:03:39 +0000 UTC]
TL;DR and actually, I really didn't. LOL you're all "OH NOES! WE MUST HIDE THE BUTTHURT! HURRY!" XD wanna troddle off now, cuz I have sarcasm to spare if not XD
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lethe-gray [2015-01-04 00:27:11 +0000 UTC]
heh now you're old.
Happy birthday!
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darklion In reply to lethe-gray [2015-01-04 02:59:27 +0000 UTC]
Oh NOOOEEEZZZ It's like having the zombie virus, but not nearly as cool. I am now infected and have become "one of them" XDDDD
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darklion In reply to RageDarkfox [2015-01-04 02:59:55 +0000 UTC]
XDDD Thank you mate! XD
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mrcrazy134 [2014-12-07 00:05:07 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry about my response on SoFurry. I was just stressed as all hell.
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darklion In reply to mrcrazy134 [2014-12-07 04:32:10 +0000 UTC]
yeah? I'm not sure who you are but from this and the merry christmas, I'm guessing Wounded Knee? if it is you, appology accepted mate. let me know and I'll unblock you. just please remember that my journal space is for me to express myself. I don't mind other people's views but I won't put up with lack of respect there, ok? cheers. XD this is wounded knee, right?
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Emmanation [2014-11-19 14:32:05 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave on Lady Jaye and Beach Head
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El-Mono-Cromatico [2014-08-09 01:03:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for faving my work
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darktigerfire [2014-07-14 03:23:58 +0000 UTC]
Hope you like it ^^Β darktigerfire.deviantart.com/aβ¦
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Kitsune516 [2014-05-10 05:53:01 +0000 UTC]
hiiiiiiii!!! It's been a looong time! Hey, I'm doing free commissions right now if you are interested? I know i'm not as good as you, but i'm just trying to get my stuff out there if you would be interested in helping! I hope all is well!
π: 0 β©: 1
darklion In reply to Kitsune516 [2014-05-11 04:03:18 +0000 UTC]
Oh hey! Actually, I'd be quite flattered to have you draw something for me. You have beautiful work XD btw, how have you been?
π: 0 β©: 1
Kitsune516 In reply to darklion [2014-05-11 04:06:43 +0000 UTC]
awww, you are so sweet! I've been crazy, but i've missed hanging out with you! Kins told me that you left the state and you are somewhere far away I hope you are doing well!!! What have you been up to??? Anything you would like me to draw???
π: 0 β©: 1
darklion In reply to Kitsune516 [2014-05-15 01:08:09 +0000 UTC]
Hey, did you get my note with the character I was asking for ok? Again, thanks for offering, I just havn't heard a reply and your journal still has me marked as unknown. If for som ereason that didn't get back to you, I'd love tp see ypour attempt at this character: darklion.deviantart.com/art/Cyβ¦ here's a couple more ref's darklion.deviantart.com/art/Daβ¦ and darklion.deviantart.com/art/Noβ¦
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