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| cookiemonstah
# Statistics
Favourites: 6514; Deviations: 956; Watchers: 1668
Watching: 54; Pageviews: 164542; Comments Made: 8782; Friends: 54
# Comments
Comments: 2374
74-Giatrus [2017-02-27 07:00:04 +0000 UTC]
Invite to join... sexy-r3volution.deviantart.com
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Gamekirby [2014-10-23 05:01:12 +0000 UTC]
In the "My Sister is a Sasquatch" who's feet are they,Β Calliape Ericsson's?Β
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mkmkmkzzzz [2012-07-09 05:40:28 +0000 UTC]
I just want to thank you for being an amazing artist, and having such a wicked thought process (from what I see with your pictures.) And this is where I wonder if you have ever gotten a DD for your pictures, and if you haven't I don't understand how that's possible. You deserve it, kid!
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cookiemonstah In reply to mkmkmkzzzz [2013-05-01 19:11:43 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much, that makes me feel wonderful! I really want to get back into posting my work again! I did get a DD, it was for my "drip drip drop" photo!
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Gamekirby [2012-04-05 02:35:19 +0000 UTC]
Why are you called "cookiemonstah"? You're not big, blue or hairy, or are you a cookie lover?
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Blackusurp [2011-07-23 16:27:07 +0000 UTC]
Have your sister's feet grown since last year? She was a size 7
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hope1920 [2011-02-19 10:23:43 +0000 UTC]
great pictures of your works
hope you've more amazing works
hi my name's Amy
do you mind that i photoshop your works?
i mean , can i photoshop your works?
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19scissors [2011-01-25 10:09:13 +0000 UTC]
omg wow your work is amazing and you are beautiful to boot. huzzah!
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Nutellainside [2010-11-29 11:03:23 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I just realized that I wrote 'it's so inspiring me'. haha, I'm such a weirdo.
Yay! Me too! (As in, I'm seventeen too ^^)
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Nutellainside [2010-11-26 12:18:11 +0000 UTC]
I love your work!
It's so inspiring me!
I hope this isn't too creepy a question - but how old are you?
this is really nice stuff you've got here!
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cookiemonstah In reply to Nutellainside [2010-11-28 19:35:06 +0000 UTC]
i just turned 17 last friday, thank you!
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Saturnine-Sparrow [2010-09-12 03:45:24 +0000 UTC]
I have to say your work is quite amazing
Well done.
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EPoetryGirl121 [2010-09-04 14:50:33 +0000 UTC]
you seem to have an interesting view on things....
what editing software do you use?
i am in liking with your gallery<3
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cookiemonstah In reply to EPoetryGirl121 [2010-09-04 17:04:27 +0000 UTC]
thank you, i use photoshop at the moment, cheers!
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M-Bae [2010-08-31 19:23:32 +0000 UTC]
#Arts-With-A-Message is a group for passionate artists (any media form) that love to create art with a message.
I faved one of your works to add to my group in hopes to spread the message to other people. And I'm leaving you this message because I think a lot of your work reflects what our group is looking for.
Share the love. Share the pain. Share the art. Share the message.
Please consider taking a look at my group and joining ^^
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TheCookiMonster [2010-08-14 02:24:46 +0000 UTC]
Yay! Another cookie monster!
You have a beautiful gallery, dear.
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spoukideria [2010-08-12 10:09:04 +0000 UTC]
ginger pubes! coookie monstaah! i love your username (: *takes a look to her gallery*
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solesearcher In reply to cookiemonstah [2010-08-09 22:53:57 +0000 UTC]
lol! That's like... huh?
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solesearcher In reply to cookiemonstah [2010-08-11 23:04:31 +0000 UTC]
Yeah! I like feets too much to smack 'em. But.. I'm not judging!
Whateva dilla ya pickle!!
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HeroInAParachute [2010-05-12 21:53:47 +0000 UTC]
Hey you :] Just thought I'd pop in and say 'Ello since it's been muy long and that is sad :/ I want to let you know you are an amazing photographer! You're stuff really inspires me. I haven't been to your gallery in a long while and I was pleasently surprised :] Well Miss Calliape, I hope you are doing very well!
Ciao ;]
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cookiemonstah In reply to HeroInAParachute [2010-05-13 19:19:34 +0000 UTC]
thanks missy ) (and oh my i have been saying "ciao" SOO MUCH lately! that's MY word!! haha)
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HeroInAParachute In reply to cookiemonstah [2010-05-14 05:50:17 +0000 UTC]
haha it is a good word, after all ;]
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