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| apocalipsis666
# Statistics
Favourites: 29; Deviations: 79; Watchers: 14
Watching: 6; Pageviews: 11233; Comments Made: 1414; Friends: 6
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: fanartsFavorite movies: OVA, animes
Favorite books: LOTR, HP
Favorite games: Starcraft, AOE
Other Interests: anime hentai internet diseño
# About me
What can I say about me?
i am a survivor;
What it didn't hurt me, it only strengtens me, that's the rule
Current Residence: Aqp
Favourite genre of music: jpop, rock, metal
Operating System: WindowsXP
Wallpaper of choice: Anime, Sci-fi, Cartoon
Favourite cartoon character: Vegeta - Lelouch-Ichigo-Hikaru Ichijyo
Personal Quote: Destroy or be destroyed; Love is the sweetest when you have it, and the bitterest when you lack of it