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| aliceazzo
# Statistics
Favourites: 108; Deviations: 292; Watchers: 709
Watching: 41; Pageviews: 68905; Comments Made: 404; Friends: 41
# Comments
Comments: 73
Adalack [2020-05-19 23:13:51 +0000 UTC]
Happy Early Birthday,Β Alice.
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Adalack [2019-05-19 19:48:49 +0000 UTC]
Happy Early Birthday,Β Alice.
Sincerely one of your fans;
P.S. Please do keep the artwork coming.
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Adalack [2018-05-22 01:30:35 +0000 UTC]
Happy Early Birthday, Alice.
Sincerely one of your fans;
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Awkwardsauce [2017-10-29 01:16:23 +0000 UTC]
You are a Goddess! Fullmetal Alchemist, Avatar, and Dragon Age. Plus Treasure Planet!?! I love your art style and wish I had the time to create the way you do. You are a great artist and deserve recognition
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KuriKurimu [2016-04-13 22:49:39 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to Steven-Universe-FC! If you have any questions, please ask an admin, we'd love to help
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Toshinden-fanclub [2015-02-28 22:38:33 +0000 UTC]
Hello could i well ask you for an request? Or an Art exchange?
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HerrJanik [2014-01-15 00:29:26 +0000 UTC]
Wow. You drew so beautufulΒ lieutenantΒ Hawkyeye.
...and I'm absolutely in love with your ID picture
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Anonnim [2013-03-28 15:02:00 +0000 UTC]
Susan Ivanova and Talia Winters kiss art please! (From Babylon 5)
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Tamyli-chan [2012-11-22 04:20:58 +0000 UTC]
Hey! I used your picture of Mrs. Coulter ([link] ) for a presentation of His Dark Materials I'm doing. I'm going to reference it by using the picture's link and your devian page link (because I don't know your name)
I would like that you knew this :3
(btw, it's lovely, sorry for not commenting on it now, i'm running out of time x.x)
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LittlePrincessMay [2012-09-24 13:50:09 +0000 UTC]
Your art is Amazing!! You really are talented!!
could you also make a tutorial for drawing faces of people?
I would totally appreciate it!!
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tytina [2012-05-12 12:00:09 +0000 UTC]
hi! used your pose ref. here's the link.[link]
hope u like it ^_^
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Jockrox [2011-10-26 10:04:40 +0000 UTC]
Ah! Doctor who <3 I officially Love you!! *not like love love.. it's speech* xD your artwork is beautiful too!!
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killmesweetlyplease [2011-09-11 17:04:40 +0000 UTC]
Ok.... I don't know if you like yaoi.... but I have a request if you do!! can you draw a RoyEd (fraom FMA ) in relaistic!!! I really love all of your drawings they're incredible!!! soo you don't have to but.... I''d really appreciate it if you do!!! Thanks
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akabeko [2011-06-07 09:34:11 +0000 UTC]
Ohmigosh, I just realised (because of the Mme Vastra fanart) - are you enigmaticagentscully over at Mark watches/reads?
Lol, that's awesome! I've been lurking there since Mark was reading HP, it's one of my most favourite places on the internet (maybe I should delurk one of these days, but mostly people have already said all I would have had to say, so I just give them upvotes XDD)
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aliceazzo In reply to akabeko [2011-06-07 11:20:42 +0000 UTC]
YES I AM. Behold the power of the internet! I do occasionally cross post stuff but people rarely notice!
I LOVE Mark watches/reads! I actually only started watching Avatar:The Last Airbender because he was! And I swear, I feel like I should campaign so hard to get Mark to read some Jasper Fforde, because wouldn't he just love them??
~Internet Soulmates~
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akabeko In reply to aliceazzo [2011-06-07 12:02:54 +0000 UTC]
Internet Soulmates indeed! XDD
I've known ATLA before, but I watched Firefly/Serenity because of Mark and his wonderful community.
Oh, and Mark would definitely love Jasper's stuff. Especially Thursday Next, because it's so wonderfully, unobtrusively feminist and has all those great literary references!
(Btw., Jasper made me read "Great Expectations", I just had to find out more about Miss Havisham! I was a bit disappointed she isn't quite as badass there )
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aliceazzo In reply to akabeko [2011-06-08 18:40:15 +0000 UTC]
It was the other way around for me, I'd seen Firefly before but not ATLA.
Ha, I read Great Expectations for the same reason! I'm not a big fan though, Miss Havisham is waaay more fun in Jasper's novels!
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akabeko In reply to aliceazzo [2011-06-09 08:24:07 +0000 UTC]
Oh, somehow I always thought you Brits have to read GE at school, anyway, which is why everybody knows it...?
Me neither, I wasn't a big fan of the novel - it had a few good scenes and likeable characters, but all in all it was unnecessarily drawn out and horribly boring in parts
Marks away cycling at the moment, right? Ahhh, I can't wait to hear how he liked the mid-season finale~
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aliceazzo In reply to akabeko [2011-06-09 09:14:04 +0000 UTC]
I think some schools do...you can hardly get away without reading SOME Dickens during English. My class did Oliver at one point but never GE. Though I did actually really enjoy Bleak House - I think maybe because I watched the TV adaptation first so it was a whole lot easier to understand.
Mark's bound to flip out at the mid-season finale! Are you following his Golden Compass reviews?
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akabeko [2011-05-27 12:31:26 +0000 UTC]
It's on!!
And we already have 3 members (I went and invited everyone I could find who has posted Jasper Fforde related stuff to dA... yes, that's how bored I am at work T__T)
Still need to figure out how to put the "About us" widget on the front page, though... and do you have a good idea what to write there?
And what about rules...?
Btw., I hope I'm not overzealous and totally bothering you >_<;; And please feel free to change anything in the group however you like, ok?
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aliceazzo In reply to akabeko [2011-05-27 13:10:44 +0000 UTC]
Of course you're not bothering me! This is fun!
I'm going to go and look at some other groups for inspiration for what to put in these things! I haven't the faintest clue what to have as rules, for example!
This is ~serious research~
I'll get back to you!
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OrStayHypnotised [2011-05-13 15:07:08 +0000 UTC]
Welcome to iconeleventhdoctorlaplz:
We're very happy to have you with us
Have a llama
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Ai-Alchemy [2011-05-05 04:39:41 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry it took so long, and that its not as good as your art <:[ [link]
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jam-bad [2011-04-29 12:26:46 +0000 UTC]
youve got some excellent portraits.
keep up the great work ^_^
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Ai-Alchemy [2011-04-04 00:06:51 +0000 UTC]
congrats on getting second place please tell me wat chibi you would like
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aliceazzo In reply to Ai-Alchemy [2011-04-04 15:20:09 +0000 UTC]
I'd love a chibi of Olivier Armstrong, if that's ok...keeping with the FMA theme!
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WierdCat [2011-01-20 22:33:16 +0000 UTC]
You really seem to be good at this whole "digital painting" thing.
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kit-katinator [2010-12-08 00:11:41 +0000 UTC]
I used one of your poses!
Thanks for making them btw! I also love your art!! :3
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Azula35 [2010-12-05 07:23:35 +0000 UTC]
i really like how you can draw anime characters in realistic style ^^, your work in general is great!
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