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addigdifworld [312127] []

# Statistics

Favourites: 137; Deviations: 121; Watchers: 29

Watching: 230; Pageviews: 13804; Comments Made: 1329; Friends: 230

# Comments

Comments: 215

KrisSimon [2011-02-08 10:44:42 +0000 UTC]

Servus - als Würzburger bitte ich dich gleich mal in die WÜ-Gruppe einzutreten

Liebe Grüße aus Grombühl, Kris

WÜ-Gruppe [link]

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thosch66 [2010-03-28 13:51:07 +0000 UTC]

I am visiting all the deviants I am following for years. In the last years I was not very active.

The result of the most visits is, that the deviants are inactive or left devArt without any traces. That's sad.

Looks like, you still here from time to time, but inactive.

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atyclb [2007-02-11 09:39:57 +0000 UTC]

Hi! Tolle Gallerie - gefällt mir sehr gut!

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nonnyUK [2007-01-31 08:23:51 +0000 UTC]

You have very very original composition on your shots and I like that.
Its good, keep up the excellent work

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duk90 [2006-10-08 20:28:00 +0000 UTC]

hi, wo wohnst du`?

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laroose [2006-10-05 23:12:16 +0000 UTC]

dont be such a stranger... you are missed

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alexmayr [2006-02-13 13:10:09 +0000 UTC]

schöne fotos, gefallen mir gut !

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cdaile [2005-06-21 04:16:40 +0000 UTC]

some very lovely work here!

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RuBroken2 [2005-03-03 21:53:32 +0000 UTC]

just found u at my nearbys...
where r u from? do u know walskraiburg?
greez yvi

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vibesman [2005-02-15 18:49:39 +0000 UTC]

hi...thx for being your friend how do i come to such an honour? and how did you reach my deviantpage? you make me happy

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londonxpress [2004-12-20 22:28:11 +0000 UTC]

I hate leaving generic messages on user pages, but it’s a hard habit to break – and since I’m writing to so many people there really is no other way to go about it. Sorry if this all seems redundant, I’ll do my best to make this letter as warm and personal as possible.

The year is drawing to a close; so much has happened over the past twelve months in my life, and in some respects I’m still trying to make sense of it all! DeviantArt has played a major part in my life over the past year – it has shaped me as a person more than University ever has – and I have all of you to thank for that.

During high school my father handed me a leather bag – I didn’t know what the contents were. When I opened it up I found to my delight an old Pentax 35mm with an assortment of lenses. I was thrilled. I had never tried my hand at photography before but immediately went out to the nearest store, picked up some film and joined the school newspaper. A week later I got my first rolls of film back – all underexposed and ruined. I had failed miserably and put the camera away in my closet.

In early 2003 I took a trip to Quebec City for the Winter Carnival – and I took the camera with me. In April of that year a good friend from High School introduced me to DeviantArt. I submitted some of my photos from the trip (that were not underexposed – hurrah!) and a handful of pencil drawings of Totoro. It didn’t take long for me to become hooked and soon I was taking pictures again and learning from other photographers. That summer I bought my first digital camera, and I haven’t looked back since.

As of this moment I have been taking on small commercial jobs, doing commission work and creating a portfolio that I will take to local galleries in early 2005. I have started to sell prints both online and offline, and I have started to think of photography as a serious profession down the road. Perhaps it will be as a photojournalist, perhaps as a researcher – maybe simply as an artist trying to capture the beauty around me. In the course of just over a year photography has become my one true passion – I can’t put the camera down, and I can’t stop flipping through books, magazine articles, collections etc. It truly is addictive, and it changes the way I view the world around me.

I owe this tremendous change in my life to all of you. Since the very beginning you guys have been incredibly supportive, and incredibly inspirational. The amount of constructive feedback that I have received is overwhelming to say the very least. The other rich aspect of this community is the ability to see what others see – I have enjoyed viewing your work since joining – there have been some very moving / thought provoking / gorgeous imagery produced. This artistic community is a blessing for those starting out as an artist, or for those who simply want to share or observe work.

I don’t want this community experience to end anytime soon – I hope to remain an active member of the site and play as much of a part in your lives as you have played in mine. Sometimes I do get busy with school etc, but don’t ever feel that I’m ignoring you! Leave a message; kick me from time to time (even a slap to the face will do). I say this from time to time, but I’ll say it again here – if you ever want feedback on your work just let me know – I really don’t mind stopping by to comment / offer input! It is always nice to see what other people are using their imagination and creativity to produce.

Regardless of what your background is, I hope that you find the time over the next couple of weeks to relax and sneak away from the hectic pace of life - enjoy the company of family & friends! All the best to you in 2005


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Wandelfalke [2004-10-18 09:17:10 +0000 UTC]

schöne gallery
tolle bilder

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blademm [2004-10-09 15:58:07 +0000 UTC]

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neocpmn [2004-10-08 13:21:47 +0000 UTC]

Hey! I just stopped by to say hi. I haven't been around in a long time. Talk to you later. Have a great day! D

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sportygirl4114 [2004-08-01 00:43:59 +0000 UTC]

just stoppin by to say hey

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mofo84 [2004-03-28 11:37:34 +0000 UTC]

some really breathtaking photography here Adrian, keep it up!!

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dreamdrawers [2004-03-16 19:18:55 +0000 UTC]



We need your contribution to a scientific project from the Information Society class at University of Fortaleza (UNIFOR) - Brazil, Social Comunication course. You are invited to visit, frequently, the project's deviantArt page at https://dreamdrawers.deviantart.com to comment and participate.

The project consists into interpretate "dreams" through images, where you can tell your dreams and comment other dreams visualy interpreted.

We count on you,

Dream Drawers




Estamos precisando da sua ajuda para um projeto científico sobre Sociedade da Informação, da Universidade de Fortaleza – Brasil, curso de Comunicação Social. Convidamos você a visitar, freqüentemente, nossa página no deviantArt, https://dreamdrawers.deviantart.com , para comentar e participar.

O projeto consiste na interpretação de sonhos através de imagens, onde vocês possam relatar seus sonhos e comentar sobre os sonhos visualmente interpretados das outras pessoas.

Contamos com você,

Dream Drawers

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vaiblack [2004-02-17 15:53:44 +0000 UTC]

great pictures


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clearbreach [2004-01-03 19:31:14 +0000 UTC]

Hey there!

Firstly, I want to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, even those it's a tad late. I really want to thank you for having added me to your deviantArt watch list, it's so much appreciated and it's one of the few reasons I stay here and still post any photography.

I'm sort of passing this same message around to everyone who's watching me, and I'm hoping you could read my latest journal entry ([link] ) and give me your thoughts, and maybe pass the link around to a few people. I'm not looking only for support, not at all. I'm looking for some feedback of agreeance or disagreeance.

Thank you, and take care!

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stayorgo [2003-12-31 13:59:06 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for the watch and the support!

Wishing you a Happy New Year for 2004!

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alteredreality [2003-12-28 05:39:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for all your comments over the past year.

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macrocosm [2003-12-25 23:31:50 +0000 UTC]

Hi Adrian,
You're missed around here. I hope you are able to come back soon. Have a very Merry Christmas!


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olddragon [2003-12-24 12:00:42 +0000 UTC]

Frohe Weihnachten!

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hexentanz [2003-12-23 11:48:24 +0000 UTC]

Happy Holidays!!!

and thanks for watching me.

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stayorgo [2003-10-27 19:50:05 +0000 UTC]

This is just a quick note to say thanks for the devwatch. 100 people are watching as of today and all of the comments and the encouragement is truly appreciated.

So thanks!

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huldap [2003-09-20 23:57:35 +0000 UTC]

You've got a really nice gallery!

Greetings from Iceland

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gerion [2003-08-25 10:45:34 +0000 UTC]

Diverse Gemeinsamkeiten veranlassen mich Hallo zu sagen:


Nein, im Ernst: Ich nutze die kleine Schwester Deiner Kamera und wohne auch in der Nähe Münchens... LK DAH. Bei den Kommentaren zu Deinen Bilder werde ich wieder ins Englische umschlagen .

In diesem Sinne...


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sullen72 [2003-07-06 12:02:09 +0000 UTC]

You certainly have a rare talent for photography....your gallery is a joy to browse..

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asgaron [2003-06-29 01:19:01 +0000 UTC]

Tks for yr comments on my "have the answer" dev.

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ayembee [2003-06-26 21:46:54 +0000 UTC]

wow - thanks for the commenting frenzy!! i'll come back at the weekend to catch up on your latest work - my job is taking over my life these days, i just don't seem to have any time anymore, argh!

thanks again! really very much appreciated - and you were definitely on track with your comment on Collateral Damage. another title i was considering was "After The Firing Squad"...


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averyage8 [2003-06-26 05:51:53 +0000 UTC]

i just saw a couple of pictures but the ones i did see i loved them. so i'm going to deviantwatch you. keep up the good work.

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wintersnow [2003-06-25 10:30:22 +0000 UTC]

Hey your really really really good. thanks for adding me to your devwatch

Best wishes


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nicewood [2003-06-24 12:39:55 +0000 UTC]


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foureyes [2003-06-23 01:44:42 +0000 UTC]

you have an AMAZING gallery !!!!!

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macrocosm [2003-06-22 19:18:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the sweet comment on sophistication . I'm really glad you liked it

I'm glad it reminds you of your grandma's glasses. I think my mom got these at Pottery Barn

I see you've posted new work. I always love when you do--you post a lot at a time so it gives me a lot to look at, plus they're never drab (some people post thirty pictures in a row that all look the same ). Going to comment now.

Thanks again,

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olddragon [2003-06-22 15:39:51 +0000 UTC]

i thought about coloring them, but it did not look as good as i hoped. and it's hard to color them, because sometimes you have got the reflection of the glass there.
thanks again for your comments.

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galatee [2003-06-22 09:40:02 +0000 UTC]

morning adrian! thanks again!

you have loads of lovely new art in your gallery, i'll make sure to check more often from now on!!


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landplage [2003-06-22 08:51:43 +0000 UTC]

moin moin, wollt nur mal sagen, dass du wirklich geile bilder machst. die natur(-vor allem wald)bilder sind wirklich sau schön. ich kriegs nie hin, solche lichteinfälle zu erleben :/
naja, mach weiter so

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lizababe [2003-06-22 04:11:53 +0000 UTC]

I hope you feel better soon..

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bobbieo [2003-06-21 20:21:28 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for your comment on one of the it's a small world series [link]

I wish I had been able to get a more focused shot of that tiny spider. Bur since it was less that this * big, I figured that was a pretty lucky macro in itself.

You have a wonderful gallery, I will look forward to exploring it.

warmest wishes,
Bobbie O

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asgaron [2003-06-21 16:06:03 +0000 UTC]

Hi! I was lucky to find yr comments regarding fav abuse and groups; I do agree with yr view.
Since I came across yr work, glad to notice you´ve got an awesome set of pics. All of them very well captured and greatfully composed. Excelent gallery, congratz!
Hope more people on DA can see even more from your amazing eye/heart/arts. Take care.

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tumultus [2003-06-21 11:21:42 +0000 UTC]

thank you for your feeback

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hexentanz [2003-06-21 03:16:55 +0000 UTC]

Hi i just want to drop a quick note to say i have add you to friends from germany section in my journal.

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welder [2003-06-20 21:50:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much...the comment and the fav are very appreciated, especially on this particular picture.

Also, I really like your featured deviation...I wish I had more time to go through the rest of your gallery in more detail, but I'm moving tomorrow and will be travelling for a month or so. But I'll try to stop back in the future

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fangedfem [2003-06-20 20:01:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much for all your comments and favs! Really appreciate it-- sorry its taken so long to stop by but I am still catching up on things since a move I did a couple weeks or so ago Happy you enjoyed my work- take care and have a great weekend

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aelix [2003-06-19 22:04:10 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for your comments on my deviation! Exquisite!

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nuozek [2003-06-19 10:44:38 +0000 UTC]

thankyou so much! that was quite the serious of comments *smiles* thanks!

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chavez [2003-06-18 18:29:11 +0000 UTC]

..wow dude
thanks always!

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mutor [2003-06-18 15:59:07 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for everything, you always make me feel happy

thanks for the fav on Burst of Rage.

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lunaizar [2003-06-17 16:27:35 +0000 UTC]

You always amaze me with the great things you can say about my photos..Thank you so much

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