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# Statistics
Favourites: 100; Deviations: 496; Watchers: 52
Watching: 5; Pageviews: 21111; Comments Made: 1300; Friends: 5
# Comments
Comments: 111
GirlWithAHat [2009-10-25 09:47:46 +0000 UTC]
Es gibt da eine coole Gruppe, die devMeets in Deutschland organisiert: ~GetTogether . Auf deren Karte bin ich bisher die einzige aus Braunschweig, bzw. Niedersachen generell. Willst du dich mir nicht anschlieΓen?
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dynoadd [2009-07-28 19:08:16 +0000 UTC]
Hi, and thanks for all your beautiful pictures! I specially felt in love with your oil industry pictures, absolutely incredible.
How was you allowed to get into that area, I would guess that they not allow everyone to take pictures? (I guess you just asked)
But thanks again for those pictures, hope there are more industrial pics to come!
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Hiersein [2009-04-20 23:21:45 +0000 UTC]
I wrote a journal and a news article about Schleswig-Holstein... and featured one of your pictures in there!
If you like this kind of feature, I'd really appreciate a on the article - that would help making your art better known!
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Ich habe ein Journal und einen News Artikel ΓΌber Schleswig-Holstein geschrieben... und darin eines deiner Bilder gefeatured.
Wenn du diese Art des Feature magst, wΓΌrde ich mich ΓΌber ein auf den Artikel wirklich freuen - und das wΓΌrde auch dein Bild bekannter machen!
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mastermayhem [2009-04-04 15:27:48 +0000 UTC]
You've got a great gallery! I'm glad to see another photographer of substance here on DevART.
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roodpa [2009-03-17 08:38:45 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the fave on "Closer to God". I appreciate it!
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danteslash [2009-03-16 11:17:52 +0000 UTC]
Hey you! Thanks for the fav
This photos were taken during the grand opening of the event Lille 3000 in Lille (France). It was amazing !!!! \o/
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NunoFigueira [2009-03-15 15:51:16 +0000 UTC]
hi there! thanks for fav on "Underground" and congratulations on your gallery
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nextDoorARTist [2009-03-11 10:14:13 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for your fav Stefan,
really appreciated
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deghistof [2008-12-11 17:06:23 +0000 UTC]
eine tolle gallerie :/.
you have an amazing gallery
da muss ich mir noch ein (einige) andere "favorita(s)" rauspicken
danke fuer die schoenen bilder
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roccothe [2008-11-19 12:23:19 +0000 UTC]
damn....you have a lot of excelent pics...i like them
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phonHuebenthal [2008-10-06 06:50:13 +0000 UTC]
hallo stefan,
hab gesehen , das du auf meinem profil warst. war ja am wochenende ganz in der nΓ€hevon euch (julia und dir). aber eine interessante galley hast du.
grΓΌΓe, philip
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JuliaLeChatNoiR [2008-02-06 01:28:29 +0000 UTC]
Huhu, ich bin gerade dabei mein Profil wieder in Betrieb zu nehmen & zu diesem Anlass lasse ich dir ein paar GrΓΌΓe hier
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