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# Statistics
Watchers: 18877; Pageviews: 642332
# Group admins
# About me
TutorialsClub was created with a simple idea, to provide a place where people could find all the tutorials they would need and make it easy for them.
In our club you will find tutorials about just anything, from the usual digital painting to traditional, sketching, vectors, pixel art, but also crafts such as jewelry making, sword making and a lot more that I couldn't even list here without making the list look a lot longer.
If you need some information about a particular technique, we are the place to look at.
Search through our gallery or our favorites, and you are sure to find what you want!
Thank you & have a good day
# Comments
Comments: 1587
Tapirclip [2023-10-27 03:50:55 +0000 UTC]
Hope it's okay to advertise this here:
I wrote an essay about how to get published at Saturday AM tapirclip.substack.com/p/how-t…
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microbe247 [2023-04-20 15:21:35 +0000 UTC]
Interested in joining the group, how do I sign in?
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DemonicRexx [2022-06-21 19:21:25 +0000 UTC]
Hey, make sure you set your group admin permissions to "Subject to Vote" or "Are Not Allowed". There has been two notorious group hijackers for over a month now who apply as a co-founders, delete all the artwork in the gallery and favorites, and replace it with gore, scat and porn.
As an example:
(the disgusting stuff has since been removed, but the galleries have been completely wiped out)
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Lixsium [2021-04-10 11:27:57 +0000 UTC]
🕷️🕷️🕷️OPEN AUCTION🕷️🕷️🕷️
Choose a color for your character!
Auction ends in 78 hours
Mature Content
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Meryosie [2019-07-19 01:38:29 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Please check out my gallery and commissions info
COMMISSIONS (Paypal only) - OPEN
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TextlessKeyArtFinder [2018-12-22 12:08:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for accepting me into your group.
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Soniiiety [2018-07-04 10:01:58 +0000 UTC]
HELLO people i hope we can be friends and that i learn and share some tutorials etc
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izzy-the-hedgehog [2018-05-07 03:37:42 +0000 UTC]
sorry to bother, but i have just a quick question about some art I'm trying to understand.
its pixel art related so, here comes.
in fire emblem sacred stones (GBA) they have these mountains, they seem very specially designed, and for the life of me i haven't been able to figure out the creative process behind making them... I've been searching for tutorials, hence my presence here, and taking them apart myself, but they seem to have hundreds of different tiles, its just incredible.
if anyone has some knowledge on how to make these kinds of tiles, I'd greatly appreciate it.
some links for examples;
in use:
isolated tile maps:
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virinchi9 [2018-03-08 17:02:55 +0000 UTC]
hi everyone............
if you want
some more photoshop tutorials and photo manipulation tutorial works.. click below link
Tutorials link: www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ8bZ…
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khaledzz9 [2017-09-18 13:49:01 +0000 UTC]
Please take a look to my youtube channel if you're interested to learn how to create creative, professional and clean resumes in photoshop and ms word
Thank you
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alicedubois [2017-02-09 12:09:30 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I was just wondering... which equipment do I use to make 2d digital artwork? I'm more of a traditional artist myself. I would LOVE to dabble into digital art, I'm really inspired actually. I know I have to use photoshop and coral. I'm just confused as to what equipment is best? Laptop... tablet... notebook? With babies around its doesn't make the decision any easier.
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AphelionMars In reply to alicedubois [2017-02-28 00:14:10 +0000 UTC]
Hello, random digital and traditional artist here! I know this is a bit late, but I thought I'd try to help you out. ^^
I 100% recommend using a tablet for digital art, since using a mouse or trackpad can damage your hands. Most people, including me, point to Wacom for high quality tablets, though I've heard Huion is good if you want a cheaper option. Tablets without a screen like the Wacom Intuos are good for beginning digital artists (tablets with screens are much more expensive and are more for experienced digital artists). Drawing on a tablet while looking at a computer screen can seem very hard and confusing at first, but it becomes second nature one you get used to it. My first attempt drawing with a tablet was disastrous, but now I use it with as much ease as traditional art, which I grew up with.
As for software, you seem pretty set on Photoshop or Coral, but I just want to put it out there that Firealpaca is a free program a lot of people use, and I personally recommend Sketchbook Pro. While Sketchbook Pro isn't free (it's yearly subscription based), it's easy to use and it's constantly getting new brush sets you can download from their official blog.
I hope this was helpful!
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SaifRygo [2016-12-16 21:05:23 +0000 UTC]
hey ,,hope you guys help me by giving me your opinion about my art because i am new here in deviantart ..
All Characters from my Imaginations
kind regards
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yereverluvinuncleber [2016-11-03 15:22:44 +0000 UTC]
Hello, I am waiting for triage for my submission...
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WatanskayaTatiana [2016-11-02 16:25:17 +0000 UTC]
Hi. I offer you my photomanipulation PSD :
1. watanskayatatiana.deviantart.c…
2. watanskayatatiana.deviantart.c…
3. watanskayatatiana.deviantart.c…
I hope it will be useful for you
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TutorialsGL [2016-09-28 14:11:30 +0000 UTC]
Why my ArtWork Tutorials are refused ????????
What sort of Tutorials this group need?????
Am I ?????????
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Barnes-Daishaun15 [2016-08-18 00:30:59 +0000 UTC]
I need help. I tried asking help from other digital artists and I get ignored by most artists that are out there. I thought that this group can be helpful enough to get me started on what I need to do. Can anyone teach me what should I do on what art program I'm wanting to use.
There should be a Full Complete Tutorial if there is any.
I just need help Getting Started, what should I do, which tools I need to use and how many layers do I need to make a full base form and coloring and cel shading my own Dragon Ball Z character.
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JInkwolf In reply to Barnes-Daishaun15 [2016-11-04 23:51:01 +0000 UTC]
have you tried youtube yet? tons of tutorials there
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Barnes-Daishaun15 [2016-08-14 10:30:30 +0000 UTC]
I'm trying to learn more from Paint Tool SAI with the digital drawing.
Does anyone here knows how to animate your 2D cel shaded anime character in Photoshop step by step.
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Jay-Jazziart [2016-08-01 20:23:54 +0000 UTC]
My submission has expired, is this group alive?
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Starstream18 In reply to Jay-Jazziart [2016-08-15 16:34:56 +0000 UTC]
Mine expired too. Seems it's dead. :/
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Lalyst [2016-07-20 16:48:59 +0000 UTC]
Thanks for the awesome group that this is!!
I'm very new to dA and need help getting a core membership, please help over on my page ;u;
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TutorialsGL [2016-04-22 01:44:07 +0000 UTC]
Thannks so much for accepting my request!!!!!!!!!!!
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Ravn73 [2015-10-27 16:00:06 +0000 UTC]
Hi, i want to ask something: does somebody knows a Tutorial (would be great in german) about how to make Linearts from a scan with Adobe Illustrator? And i mean one that explains about everything (how to get that option, that toolbar etc.).
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