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# Statistics
Watchers: 1672; Pageviews: 62746
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# About me
Contests and Projects are held all over the dA community, offering a wide variety of subjects, mediums and exposures to our deviants. Unfortunately, many fall through the cracks due to lack of exposure. It is our goal to be of help in this area. We are open to all contests and projects. Do drop us a note.
# Comments
Comments: 558
Saichi-san [2024-02-03 18:58:16 +0000 UTC]
Traditional Art High Quality Watercolor and Soft Pastel Anime Drawings.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
GreySparkle [2023-10-03 15:31:54 +0000 UTC]
Grey's draw our OC's Constest Oct.23/Mar.24 (OPEN)It's time again for another big contest hosted by Xrisoka and me! We will have our 6th *woohoo!It's a Draw-Our-OC contest with an open theme called “Love” if it’s love to their Partner, Friends , Family or Love for a hobby or the favorite food you decide. Everyone who creates visual art (traditional, digital, animation etc. ( No AI ) are welcome to join. We hope everyone will find characters that inspire them to have fun and be creative! Any art level is welcome as all entries will be judged by how well you display the characters and their personalities. So even a lower art level can win over someone with better skills that had less empathy for the character.DEADLINE : ~~March 31,2024How to enter:-Draw any of these Characters.https://toyhou.se/GreySparkle_Xrisoka/characters/folder:4853451You will find everything about them in their Toyhouse.Their stats- likes- bio- and relationships. Same as Race info and info about the world itself.Any type of Visual Media is allowed, get creative. ( Traditional, Digital, Animation etc. )We have for you Story: Nothing Demonic Nix and Bo ( as a couple or from their pre phase where they've been more like cats and dogs with a lot of teasing) , same as Nix Pet, same as Harui and Cane from their Airship crew. ( which can be drawn all as friends… ) and Queenie who is a Villian who has a Hate Love relation with Botis. She likes to collect Pretty people to her Crew and wants Botis, but besides some fun in the past he never joined, which left Queenie with some hatred for him. Story: Call in a Dream Lunacy and Cua ( couple), Amai, Akai and Otis ( triplettes), All be friends together and Travel together, Hiding from the Government who want to take Lunacy in to do some more experimenting on her. Story: Alean Blues Mimi and Ye-jun ( couple), Ceres and Theo ( couple) and Olala the Adoptive Child of Ceres and Theo, Both couples are friends and from the same Artist Community.And two Villian who appear in lot of stories Haydes and Azazel ( only forged friends since working together, sure Haydes has a huge crush on Azazel but he just sees her as the child she is.. How to enter:Mandatory- Draw any of these characters: https://toyhou.se/GreySparkle_Xrisoka/characters/folder:4853451 (all info about them included in the link)- Fave and share this Journal +comment with your entry and the link of the shared post.- Tag #GreysContest2023, same as our Names under the Devention GreySparkle and Xrisoka along with a link to our contest in the description of your entry. Optional- It would make us happy if you would share our contest in your other active social media! - If you like our art you can watch us, as it may help you to stay tuned with updates.Money Prizes + Art:Every entry will get a comment from us , no entry will go unappreciated! ( by the end of the Contest)GRAND PRIZE 50$ - no limits, be creative!This is where each entry is run automatically for - no matter which execution or format. ( the winner can only win one prize with the winning drawing, except it's a group picture of 3+ than the subcategory it also entered can be added to the prize)ART1 uncoloured headshot lineart from Taniwharau1 colored bust from VampireSiberianOur subcategories - ATTENTION, we have 4 subCategories which you can head for as well, (counters will count on completed works) BEST Season / Event Each Category is like a sub Contest with its own prizes. ( 5$ Start/ Unlocked - 20$ at 5 entries per group, 25$ at 10 entries)Art: sketch bust from Taniwharausketch bust from VampireSiberian1.Autum, Halloween 2.Winter, CHristmas3.Spring, Easter, Valentines4.SummerImportant NoteYou can enter multiple pieces, and you can win Multiple times in the SUBCATEGORIES SO get in the mood and fall in love with our Babies and get more chances to win with more Entries.Art Raffle for all Participants :To motivate you guys to not only post your entries in the last two weeks of the contest, I offer an Art raffle each month where you can win extra, not connected to the end Prizes. The earlier you enter, the more often you can join this Raffle, without doing anything extra.We will raffle one Badge each month plus Donations we might receive1 Badge from Taniwharausome badges from @BLDanielRichards one bust sketch fom VampireSiberian one YCH from me SparklesForYou,
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
HAKDurbin [2022-12-11 08:05:17 +0000 UTC]
Three weeks left of my contest with cash and art prizes. Check it out.
300+ Watchers contest with cash and art prizes!!!Hey, everybody. This is HAKDurbin with some big news. I have recently reached 300+ watchers here on DeviantArt! To celebrate this occasion just like when I made it to 200, I'm holding an art contest on my original characters in what I call the Geranabowhats Universe. Some of the characters you can choose from are different from last time because there are characters with new official designs, and also because I want some characters to get more attention. I mean, let's face it. There were plenty of entries of characters like Eternal War, Aemelia Pierre, and Morfious in the last contest, so let's give other characters some love. You can draw one or more characters for each entry (please ask what their relationships are with each other first if it isn't shown in their profile), and you can submit as many entries as you want. Just leave a comment on this journal with a link of your entry/entries and attach name(s) of friends who may be interested in competing. Rules1) Any form of art is welcome.2) It must be new work. I know not many people have made pictures of my OCs, but I'm putting this rule in just in case since it's a common rule for contests. 3) Absolutely NO NSFW or lewd content. Please keep things rated G/PG4) Keep true to the characters' outfits and general appearance, though there are some exceptions. Due date for entries: December 31st Prizes1st Place - $50 and a full body picture2nd Place - $25 and a medium body shot3rd Place - $25 and a head shot WARNINGPlease note that with art prizes I will not make anything with sexual, content revealing clothing, or other inappropriate content. If you ask something like that, I will tell you to ask me for an alteration of what you want or something else for your prize. Characters:1) Powuru,Credit goes to @Sanguynee for this picture,,,The marking on Powuru's head.,Background: Raised a slave to the Supreme Dark Lord Abigor under the name Rikmai, which is a name of English origin that means servant to power, Powuru lived a life of hate against all life apart from his own. His master knew that he was strong in the Force, but rather than train him Abigor had him fight in the gladiator pits, where Powuru became a fierce fighter who never lost in battle to entertain his master. Eventually, Eternal War (the main threat in the Geranabowhats Universe) came to Powuru taking the form of a human-like being clothed in all the galaxies in the universe. He claimed to be the universe itself and declared that Powuru's destiny was to rule the universe. Believing him, Powuru allowed Eternal War to enhance his abilities in the Force and put markings on top of his head from various text all over the universe that reads "Powuru: God of the Universe." And so, Powuru destroyed Abigor under the name Powuru, which is a variation of the word "power," to claim that he's power itself. He formed a massive army of troopers, battle droids, and dark force users called the Demoth and began his conquest to rule the universe.Goal: To conquer and gain power to rule the entire universe. Weapon: a red lightsaber with a black center. Powers: Force Lightning, Force, Choke, and other dark side abilities. He can also create armored monsters to fight in his stead.2) Markenel,Symbol on his chest.,Background: Originally, the Sith-Pureblood Jedi Master was a Sith apprentice in Dromund Kass named Aalim. Hating the ways of the Sith, he snuck out of the planet and was found by the Jedi, who let him be a part of his order, and he gave himself the name Markenel. He secretly married a young human Jedi named Tanaz, and she gave birth to twins, a Sith-Half-blood boy named Venarge, and a human girl named Ezria. Eventually, he met me and began to train me in the Jedi ways, believing that it is my destiny to become so powerful in the Force that I will destroy the Sith and the Demoth. However, Markenel's past caught up with him when his brother, Supreme Dark Lord Quadrupala, sent an assassin to kill him. The assassin wounded him in a lightsaber duel, and Markenel fell to what appeared to be his death, but he miraculously survived using the Force. But when he came home, he found that his wife had committed suicide after being led to being he died. Markenel became overwhelmed with grief and anger against his brother and the Sith. He decided that he had to continue his crusade with everyone thinking he was dead. Thus, Markenel took dozens of force-sensitive children unknown to the Republic or the Jedi Order, including Venarge and Ezria, and created a league of dark Jedi assassins trained to destroy any spies and sympathizers with the people of Dromund Kass across the galaxy. All the while, he waited for the opportunity to gain enough strength to come back to his homeworld and commit genocide against the entire Sith Order as well as the Demoth, believing that it was the will of the Force with me leading the slaughter.Goal: To wipe out the Sith and the Demoth from existence and kill all life in any planets the Sith or Demoth have rule either willingly or by force to make sure they are gone for good.Weapons: A green double-bladed lightsaber.Powers: Various abilities from both the light side and dark side of the Force.Note: Markenel's outfit is a brand-new design, but feel free to alter it in your entries as long as the symbol is still on his chest.3) Helga Katriama,Gerenabowhats symbol on her coat,Background: Helga is the eldest daughter of a grand martial artist who taught her how to defend herself since she was little. When she was ten, her father became heavily in debt to a major crime family, and so the don took Helga as payment, forcing her to be a pawn to his major operations to pay back the money her father owed. For four years, she was taught how to fight through her father's teachings and later taught how to use guns. Overtime, she closed herself emotionally and focused on surviving and following orders. Fortunately, she found hope when she encountered a superhero named Captain Entei, who saved her from the mafia, and the two began to fight evil together, eventually becoming a couple. Years later when they were of age, Helga and Entei married and co-founded a special group of heroes and adventurers with me called the Geranabowhats Gang. Helga and Entei have twins named Joel and Hillary, and eleven years later they had another daughter named Kristen. Goal: To fight forces of evil that endanger the world/the universe and protect her family by any means.Weapons and skills: skilled in every form of martial arts and armed with her special gun called the Flare Blaster, which shoots balls of plasma. 4) Kim Katriama,The Geranabowhats G tattoo on her arm,Background: A year after the mafia took Helga to be their pawn, her parents had another daughter named Kim. After losing one child, their parents were determined to raise Kim to be a strong-willed, independent person who fights for good as opposed to being a pawn of corruption like her older sister. Their father trained Kim hard in martial arts just like Helga and enrolled her into a school for future heroes when she was eleven, where she developed an interest in using gadgets. Helga and Kim's parents also made sure that Kim would learn to be deeply opposed to using guns and other weapons unlike Helga, who the mafia taught her to use. Despite all of this dedication, however, Kim wanted to meet her older sister, who her parents had not seen since she had been taken. Fortunately, when she was fourteen, Helga, Entei, and I enrolled in the school for heroes, and Kim was finally able to meet her older sister. Kim became the first new member of the Geranabowhats Gang, and she got a tattoo of the symbol of the Geranabowhats Gang to express her pride in being a force of fighting evil with her big sister and her brother-in-law, Captain Entei Goal: Fight forces of evil with HelgaWeapons and skills: Master martial artist and has various gadgets in her belt for missions.5) Ezria,Symbol on her dress,Crossover with My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,,,Art by @NadiaDibaj ,Art by SiansaarBackground: Ezria was raised by her father, fallen Jedi Master Markenel, who believed that the Sith, the Demoth, and anything that has been tainted by them must be destroyed without hesitation. More than anyone in Markenel's league of assassins, Ezria believes she serves the light by fighting the darkness through genocide, and that one day I will lead the final battle against the dark side with my friends unaware that Markenel is dead or that he was married and has children. As Ezria grew up, Markenel heard of my adventures and accomplishments as a Jedi, giving him hope that I really am the chosen one, and would tell my stories to his children. While Ezria's brother, Venarge, hated Markenel for favoring me over his own son, she shared her father's beliefs to the point that she fell deeply in love with me. She slaughters her enemies and those her father deems tainted with twisted delight, yet the idea of saving the galaxy from evil together with me and making me her husband puts her at ease.Goal: To wipe out the Sith and all other forces of darkness and to gain my affection.Weapons: Two dark orange lightsabersPowers: various dark side abilities like Force Lightning and Force Choke Note: The design with the symbol on her dress is the official design to use for any entries of her. The ones with her wearing only black robes are shown as references to her character.6) Drazzema Pierre,,,,,Credit goes to @Sanguynee for this picture,Credit goes to PumpkinEmojii for this picture,Credit goes to @ktou for this pictureBackground: As a child of the new ruler of Dromund Kass, Supreme Dark Lord Quadrupala, Mieze and her brother, Howlpawntin, dreamed of always fighting alongside each other for their father. But when Howlpawntin was 11 and Mieze was 8, it was revealed that while Howlpawntin was powerful in the Force, Mieze was incapable of using it apart from the ability Force Sight that her species, the Miraluka, use to see. Quadrupala was so enraged that he lifted Mieze up by the throat and used Force Lightning with the hand he was using to choke her, scarring her neck. He ordered Howlpawntin to take Mieze to the outskirts of the city to execute Mieze, but Howlpawntin cared for his sister so much that when they went outside, he took Mieze to a landing station to get off of the planet. He sneaked into a ship's cargo hold to assure Mieze that it was safe, but before she could join him, the cargo hold door closed, and the ship flew away with Howlpawntin still inside, leaving poor Mieze all alone. With no other choice, she ran into the forest before anyone found her and had her terminated for being a 'defect.' Eventually, she was found by the secretly light-sided Sith Lord, Aemilia Pierre, and she was kind to Mieze. The two of them created a bond that led to Aemelia secretly adopting Mieze as he daughter and changing her name to her late mother's name, Drazzema.Goal: To escape from the Sith and for her and Aemilia to live a life of good away from Dromund Kass.Weapons: Sniper rifle, knife, beskar sword. 5) Howlpawntin ,Howlpawntin at a young age. Credit goes to @stelamoris ,Background: Howlpawntin is a Sith Half-blood who was a child of Supreme Dark Lord Quadrupala. When he tried to escape from his father, he was separated from his sister, Mieze. He stowed away from ship to ship to escape from his father. Eventually, he was found by Jedi Master Markenel, who is his uncle, which only Markenel knows, and he took him to the Jedi Council, where they sent him to the Jedi world of Tython to be trained in the light side of the Force. Howlpawntin grew up to be a tall, wise, and powerful Jedi sage on Tython. He studied various books about the Jedi and the Force, philosophized with the Jedi elders, and took walks to admire the planet's life. And yet, despite it all, his thoughts would be on Mieze, and he hoped beyond reason that she was still alive and he might see his sister again.Goal: To defend the galaxy from the forces of darkness.Weapon: a green lightsaberPowers: Various light side abilities, including healing and attacking his enemies with rocks and debris or causing the ground to shake underneath his enemies.If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that all said, I hope you will all have fun partaking in this contest!Entries: ,
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
GreySparkle [2022-12-10 13:54:04 +0000 UTC]
Contest - Draw my Oc-Art or Point price,DEADLINE : ~~December 31,2022How to enter:-Draw any of these Characters ( 3 to choose.. like in the picture above) https://toyhou.se/GreySparkle_Xrisoka/characters/folder:3871160 You will find everything about them in their Toyhouse.Hollidays are the main Theme here, YOu not into Chistmas? Don't worry- Wintertime offers many other obtions. Feel free to be inspired. Any type of Visual Media is allowed, get creative. ( Traditional, Digital, Animation etc. )How to enter:Mandatory- Draw any of these Characters (all info about them included in the link)- Fave and share this Journal +comment with your entry and the link of the shared post.- Tag #GreysContestDezemberOptional- It would make us happy if you would share our contest ( maybe also in your other active social media!) - If you like our art you can watch us, as it may help you to stay tuned with updates.- Tagg your friends to enter as wellPrizes: O 500 Points ( under 5 Entries) o runner up will get a mixed Media Bust by @TheKikkaKibaz O You can win this YCH ( unlocks at 5 entries),O The Winner can choose between the YCH or 1000 Points ( Unlock at 10 entries)Than a follow up wins the remeining price.Ofcause i will include a Raffle under all participants i will raffle a dimond batch wich brings you 1 month core....
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
HAKDurbin [2022-09-23 02:09:05 +0000 UTC]
Hello. Holding an OC art contest with cash and art prizes.
300+Watchers Art Contest CASH and ART PRIZES!!!Hey, everybody. This is HAKDurbin with some big news. I have recently reached 300+ watchers here on DeviantArt! To celebrate this occasion just like when I made it to 200, I'm holding an art contest on my original characters in what I call the Geranabowhats Universe. Some of the characters you can choose from are different from last time because there are characters with new official designs, and also because I want some characters to get more attention. I mean, let's face it. There were plenty of entries of characters like Eternal War, Aemelia Pierre, and Morfious in the last contest, so let's give other characters some love. You can draw one or more characters for each entry (please ask what their relationships are with each other first if it isn't shown in their profile), and you can submit as many entries as you want. Just leave a comment on this journal with a link of your entry/entries. Rules1) Any form of art is welcome.2) It must be new work. I know not many people have made pictures of my OCs, but I'm putting this rule in just in case since it's a common rule for contests. 3) Absolutely NO NSFW or lewd content. Please keep things rated G/PG4) Keep true to the characters' outfits and general appearance, though there are some exceptions. Due date for entries: December 31st Prizes1st Place - $50 and a full body picture2nd Place - $25 and a medium body shot3rd Place - $25 and a head shot WARNINGPlease note that with art prizes I will not make anything with sexual, content revealing clothing, or other inappropriate content. If you ask something like that, I will tell you to ask me for an alteration of what you want or something else for your prize. Characters:1) Powuru,Credit goes to @Sanguynee for this picture,,,The marking on Powuru's head.,Background: Raised a slave to the Supreme Dark Lord Abigor under the name Rikmai, which is a name of English origin that means servant to power, Powuru lived a life of hate against all life apart from his own. His master knew that he was strong in the Force, but rather than train him Abigor had him fight in the gladiator pits, where Powuru became a fierce fighter who never lost in battle to entertain his master. He was so skilled that he never gained a scratch in a fight, which made him proud of his abilities. Eventually, Eternal War (the main threat in the Geranabowhats Universe) came to Powuru taking the form of a human-like being clothed in all the galaxies in the universe. He claimed to be the universe itself and declared that Powuru's destiny was to rule the universe. Believing him, Powuru allowed Eternal War to enhance his abilities in the Force and put markings on top of his head from various text all over the universe that reads "Powuru: God of the Universe." And so, Powuru destroyed Abigor under the name Powuru, which is a variation of the word "power," to claim that he's power itself. He formed a massive army of troopers, battle droids, and dark force users called the Demoth and began his conquest to rule the universe.Goal: To conquer and gain power to rule the entire universe. Weapon: a red lightsaber with a black center. Powers: Force Lightning, Force, Choke, and other dark side abilities. He can also create armored monsters to fight in his stead.2) Markenel,Symbol on his chest.,Background: Originally, the Sith-Pureblood Jedi Master was a Sith apprentice in Dromund Kass named Aalim. Hating the ways of the Sith, he snuck out of the planet and was found by the Jedi, who let him be a part of his order, and he gave himself the name Markenel. He eventually married a young human Jedi named Tanaz, and she gave birth to twins, a Sith-Halfblood boy named Venarge, and a human girl named Ezria. Eventually, he met me and began to train me in the Jedi ways, believing that it is my destiny to become so powerful in the Force that I will destroy the Sith and the Demoth. However, Markenel's past caught up with him when his brother, Supreme Dark Lord Quadrupala, sent an assassin to kill him. The assassin wounded him in a lightsaber duel, and Markenel fell to what appeared to be his death, but he miraculously survived using the Force. But when he came home, he found that his wife had committed suicide after being led to being he died. Markenel became overwhelmed with grief and anger against his brother and the Sith. He decided that he had to continue his crusade with everyone thinking he was dead. Thus, Markenel took dozens of force-sensitive children unknown to the Republic or the Jedi Order, including Venarge and Ezria, and created a league of dark Jedi assassins trained to destroy any spies and sympathizers with the people of Dromund Kass across the galaxy. All the while, he waited for the opportunity to gain enough strength to come back to his homeworld and commit genocide against the entire Sith Order as well as the Demoth, believing that it was the will of the Force with me leading the slaughter.Goal: To wipe out the Sith and the Demoth from existence and kill all life in any planets the Sith or Demoth have rule either willingly or by force to make sure they are gone for good.Weapons: A green double-bladed lightsaber.Powers: Various abilities from both the light side and dark side of the Force.Note: Markenel's outfit is a brand new design, but feel free to alter it in your entries as long as the symbol is still on his chest.3) Helga Katriama,Gerenabowhats symbol on her coat,Background: Helga is the eldest daughter of a grand martial artist who taught her how to defend herself since she was little. But when she was ten, her father became heavily in debt to a major crime family, and so the don took Helga as payment, forcing her to be a pawn to his major operations to pay back the money her father owed. For four years, she was taught how to fight for the mafia family through her father's teachings and later how to use guns. Overtime, she closed herself emotionally and focused on surviving and following orders. Fortunately, she found hope when she encountered a superhero named Captain Entei, who saved her from the mafia, and the two began to fight evil together, eventually becoming a couple. Years later when they were of age, Helga and Entei married and co-founded a special group of heroes and adventurers with me called the Geranabowhats Gang. Helga and Entei have twins named Joel and Hillary, and eleven years later they had another daughter named Kristen. Goal: To fight forces of evil that endanger the world/the universe and protect her family by any means.Weapons and skills: skilled in every form of martial arts and armed with her special gun called the Flare Blaster, which shoots balls of plasma. 4) Kim Katriama,The Geranabowhats G tattoo on her arm,Background: A year after the mafia took Helga to be their pawn, her parents had another daughter named Kim. After losing one child, their parents were determined to raise Kim to be a strong-willed, independent person who fights for good as opposed to being a pawn of corruption like her older sister. Their father trained Kim hard in martial arts just like Helga and enrolled her into a school for future heroes when she was eleven, where she developed an interest in using gadgets. Helga and Kim's parents also made sure that Kim would learn to be deeply opposed to using guns and other weapons unlike Helga, who the mafia taught her to use. Despite all of this dedication, however, Kim wanted to meet her older sister, who her parents had not seen since she had been taken. By the time Kim was old enough to ask about her sister, it had been several years since the mafia Helga worked for was imprisoned and their parents had no idea what happened to her. As far as they knew, she was either dead or in prison, but Kim chose to believe that Helga was still alive and could be free from living as a criminal. Finally, when she was fourteen, Helga, Entei, and I enrolled in the school for heroes, and Kim was finally able to meet her older sister. Kim became the first new member of the Geranabowhats Gang, and she got a tattoo of the symbol of the Geranabowhats Gang to express her pride in being a force of fighting evil with her big sister and her brother-in-law, Captain Entei Goal: Fight forces of evil with HelgaWeapons and skills: Master martial artist and has various gadgets in her belt for missions.5) Ezria,Symbol on her dress,Crossover with My Little Pony: Equestria Girls,,,Art by @NadiaDibaj ,Art by SiansaarBackground: Ezria was raised by her father, fallen Jedi Master Markenel, who believed that the Sith, the Demoth, and anything that has been tainted by them must be destroyed without hesitation. When she, her brother, Venarge, and their childhood friend, Istawrin were 11, Markenel found me as a child and began to secretly train me to be a Jedi with the belief that it is my destiny to ultimately wipe out the Sith and Demoth from existence. Unfortunately, a Sith assassin disguised as a Demoth stabbed Markenel during a duel and he fell supposedly to his death. Markenel survived, but news of his death filled his wife, Tanaz, with so much grief that she killed herself and accidentally taking their servant, Istariwn's mother, with her. When Markenel returned to his apartment, Venarge, Ezria, and Istarwin were left alone with their mothers' corpses. That's when Markenel decided to fight the darkness through genocide, founding a secret league of dark Jedi assassins with Venarge, Ezria, and Istarwin as his most deadly warriors bent on killing anything connected to the Sith and/or the Demoth while I led the fight against the dark side with my friends unaware that Markenel is dead or that he was married and has children. In the years that followed, Markenel heard of my adventures and accomplishments as a Jedi, giving him hope that I really am the chosen one. While Venarge and Istarwin hated Markenel for favoring me over his son, Ezria shared her father's beliefs to the point that she fell deeply in love with me. She slaughters her enemies and those her father deems tainted in hopes to destroy evil together with me and make me her husband.Goal: To wipe out the Sith and all other forces of darkness and to gain my affection.Weapons: Two dark orange lightsabersPowers: various dark side abilities like Force Lightning and Force Choke Note: The design with the symbol on her dress is the official design to use for any entries of her. The ones with her wearing only black robes are shown as references to her character.6) Drazzema Pierre,,,,Credit goes to @Sanguynee for this picture,Credit goes to PumpkinEmojii for this picture,Credit goes to @ktou for this pictureBackground: As a child of the new ruler of Dromund Kass, Supreme Dark Lord Quadrupala, Mieze and her brother, Howlpawntin, dreamed of always fighting alongside each other for their father. But when Howlpawntin was 11 and Mieze was 8, it was revealed that while Howlpawntin was powerful in the Force, Mieze was incapable of using it apart from the ability Force Sight that her species, the Miraluka, use to see. Quadrupala was so enraged that he had what he considered to be a defect. He lifted Mieze up by the throat and used Force Lightning with the hand choking her, scarring her neck. He ordered Howlpawntin to take Mieze to the outskirts of the city to execute Mieze, but Howlpawntin cared for his sister so much that when they went outside, he took Mieze to a landing station to get off of the planet. He decided that if Mieze wasn't going to be a Sith warrior for their father, then neither was he. He sneaked into a ship's cargo hold to assure Mieze that it was safe, but before she could join him, the cargo hold door closed, and the ship flew away with Howlpawntin still inside, leaving poor Mieze all alone. With no other choice, she ran into the forest before anyone found her and had her terminated for being a 'defect.' Eventually, she was found by the secretly light-sided Sith Lord, Aemilia Pierre, and she was kind to Mieze. The two of them created a bond that led to Aemelia secretly adopting Mieze as he daughter and changing her name to her late mother's name, Drazzema.Goal: To escape from the Sith and for her and Aemilia to live a life of good away from Dromund Kass.Weapons: Sniper rifle, knife, beskar sword. 5) Howlpawntin ,Howlpawntin at a young age. Credit goes to @stelamoris ,Background: Howlpawntin is a Sith Half-blood who was a child of Supreme Dark Lord Quadrupala. When he tried to escape from his father, he was separated from his sister, Mieze. He stowed away from ship to ship to escape from his father. Eventually, he was found by Jedi Master Markenel, who is his uncle, which only Markenel knows, and he took him to the Jedi Council, where they sent him to the Jedi world of Tython to be trained in the light side of the Force. Howlpawntin grew up to be a tall, wise, and powerful Jedi sage on Tython. He studied various books about the Jedi and the Force, philosophized with the Jedi elders, and took walks to admire the planet's life. And yet, despite it all, his thoughts would be on Mieze, and he hoped beyond reason that she was still alive and he might see his sister again.Goal: To defend the galaxy from the forces of darkness.Weapon: a green lightsaberPowers: Various light side abilities, including healing and attacking his enemies with rocks and debris or causing the ground to shake underneath his enemies.If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. With that all said, I hope you will all have fun partaking in this contest!
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Exploring4Life [2021-08-12 02:39:04 +0000 UTC]
Self-Funded Contest Ends 16thThe world is tearing apart by wars since forever. What should we do to stop those who are killing us? There are many wars all over the world. However, they are not apparent to us in the developed countries. We can't live happily while ignoring the lives wasted daily by the thousands by wars or famine. How could one enjoy living while their sisters and brothers are suffering till they die? Our sisters and brothers are being killed and starved as we speak; who says we won't be next? Conditions:Write about a specific ongoing war or famine. for example, one listed on the UNCHR The UN Refugee Agency website.Please keep comments within 200 to 400 words.Answer one or more of the following:How can we become more humane?How can we end wars and famine?How can we raise awareness?Deadline, winning criteria and more:The contest will be over on August 16, 2021. I will announce the winners the following day, August 17, 2021.I will choose the best three comments based on humanity, factuality, and solutions.Stay unbiased; only state facts. War is not the solution, no matter who starts.If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask in the comments or chat.Prize Pool:First 1000 Points (From me)Second 600 Points (From me)Third 400 Points (From me) YouTube video at:Crying Cold...
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Upsetti-0-Spaghetti [2021-06-16 21:14:01 +0000 UTC]
Hello there! Just a little custom character account hosting a celebratory milestone DTIYS contest. Feel free to come by and check it out!
DTIYS Milestone Contest
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indigo-chan99 [2021-02-10 01:40:07 +0000 UTC]
[DMOC CONTEST]: Fantasy Focus! [OPEN, $75 prizes!]I am getting back into contest hosting after a long time! This time I am looking for some art of mine and my friends' DND Characters! There are some really great OCs here so I am happy to share them with you guys. The theme is Fantasy/ Medieval, and there is variety for drawing a calm scene, action, or whatever else you feel!,============================================[PRIZES]: more will be unlocked as more entries come in!Share this journal with your friends to help unlock more prizes! Click links for prize examples.To donate more prizes and get rewards, click here! 1st Place$50 USD from me! (paypal)A large, 2-character fullbody painting w/ background from me (T or D)A 1 character halfbody traditional sketch from meA physical, custom-printed metal d20 die from my friend Froggy! (shipping included)A set of 5 digital "chibi head" emotes from meA month long feature on my profiles: DA and InstagramA llama and a warm hug and a pat on the back from me uwu,2nd Place$25 USD from me! (paypal)A medium, 1-character fullbody painting with background from meA T + D colored sketch fullbody from meA bust shot colored painting from TenzinsBeard14A set of 3 digital "chibi head" emotes from me (picture above),3rd Place [Locked! Unlocked after 10 entries]$10 USD from meA T + D colored sketch fullbody from me (picture above)A bust shot colored painting from TenzinsBeard14 (picture above)Public choice award [Locked! Unlocked after 15 entries]$5 USD from me2 digital "chibi head" emotes (picture above)====================================================================[DEADLINE: APRIL 14, 2021, @ MIDNIGHT CST (GMT -6)]====================================================================CHARACTERS: Please ONLY draw the characters in this folder! Other character drawings will not be accepted.>>>>>>>>>Click here to go to Toyhou.se<<<<<<<<<<<<====================================================================PROMPT: Draw one or more of these DND characters in a way that makes sense for them! For instance, don't draw the serious edgy character joking around. If you're interested in a character and want to know more, feel free to ask!You can draw these characters together with each other! All of them in a subfolder together is fair game for a matchup. Check the "Links" Tab on their profile for relationships to NPCs and each other.Please note these are in a medieval setting so don't add technology in your piece (exceptions)You can change or simplify the character's outfits if needed, as long as it still makes sense.====================================================================RULES:No NSFW entries please! No sexual stuff, but light gore in an action scene would be ok (i.e. blood splatter on a sword)Your entry MUST be submitted publicly and it MUST link to this journal somewhere in the description.Ask about ships between characters if it's not already canon.Visual Art only please! Digital, Traditional, Animation, Pixel, etc. is fine. No writing, music, etc. Be courteous to other entries and don't discourage others from joining.Each person can submit as many entries as they like, no limit! However, only one can place per person.Art must be original and your own, not made prior to the contest, stolen, or made using a base.Late entries will not be accepted! Competitors are responsible for their own time conversions Please don't draw together with other OCs without permission.====================================================================How to win: Judging and point scoringThings that will score you extra points: Doing some reading about the character to draw them in a unique way beyond "they look cool"Including pieces of their story in the piece (i.e. the weapon they carry on their sheet, or fighting a specific enemy)Drawing more than one characterPutting more effort or details into the piece.The judges will be scoring based on 4 criteria:Appearance . Effort . In character . Originality====================================================================Thank you so much in advance to everybody helping to make this contest happens! I hope we can all have some fun with it : ) I will link the Fave folder of all of the entries so far:====================================================================Want to help out by donating prizes or advertising for the contest? Click here for the other journal! Prize donors will receive a small sketch from me as a thank you! <3Featuring this journal would help me a lot to get the word out to more people!!! QAQ If you can make a journal post, status update, or image with the link, I will feature you here and also give the top 5 people a chibi head! Thank you so much for your help everyone to help make this contest a success!!Helpers so far:TenzinsBeard14NightmareLuigiRules64,
$75 + art in prizes! A DMOC contest to draw any of 30 different DND characters Deadline is April 30, 2021
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Pumpkin-Days-Game [2020-11-18 19:12:40 +0000 UTC]
Fanart Contest for my farming rpg game Pumpkin Days on Steam.
1st prize is $100 and other cash prizes and steam keys to the game.
Deadline Jan 8th 2021
Pumpkin Days Fanart Contest! 1st place $100
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GlorysiaMelodyYT [2020-10-17 08:51:51 +0000 UTC]
Hey everyone! My name is Glorysia Melody, crossover artist!
I've been planned to make a contest, for those Vocaloid fans too!
(ROAD TO MY BIRTHDAY) Yume no Katachi Contest!15 DAYS LEFT! COME JOIN THIS AMAZING CONTEST BY ME! ALSO YOU'LL GET A FREE ART IF YOU WIN THIS CONTEST BY ME FOR GIFT!!! HURRY UP!Update 1: FUEE!!! This contest is available on @Contest-Office! You guys come here to join and invite your friends too!UPDATE 2: Added cover image too! I just wanted to help me to celebrate my birthday on October! Come and help me together to celebrate my birthday! Don't miss it okay?,This is part of my project "Road to my Birthday" and this contest is for Vocaloid fans and celebrating my birthday too!What is "Road to my Birthday"?The "Road to my birthday" is the project that Glorysia created to celebrate for her upcoming birthday. However, her birthday is on October 30th, which means the next day will be celebrating Halloween on October 31st. This project has planned for her birthday with some of her friends and fans and she will turns 15 years old.However, this project is starting at September 30th, the last day of September, and ended on October 30th, one day before the Halloween. This is because of the one month to celebrate her birthday.What's the contest, Glorysia?I made this contest for my upcoming birthday is... (long space alert!)Yume no Katachi!,Wait a minute, Yume no Katachi?Yes that's right! Yume no Katachi is the song by Fuwari-P and it is sung by Hatsune Miku, Kagamine Rin, Kagamine Len, Megurine Luka, KAITO, MEIKO, GUMI and Camui Gakupo! This song has the full of magical rainbow! YAY!However, by the way, why did you make a contest, Glorysia?It's because this contest for my upcoming birthday to celebrate it! However, You need to read the rules before join the contest!RULES-This contest is mainly used for Glorysia's upcoming birthday on October 30th. Her birthday will be celebrated on Last two days of October, and she will turns 15 years old.-You can choose any character if you want, such as, Miku, Luka, or Rin.-Some of eight characters are appears in this video. However, you can draw any background if you want.-Gore, NSFW, blood, etc. are forbidden or prohibited. Let's keep it friendly, okay? ;)-Speedpaint is allowed! Before you make a speedpaint, please remember to read the Speedpaint rules after the art rules.-You are now available to post your arts outside of DeviantArt if you can. (Such as Tumblr, Twitter, PiaPro, etc.)-Choose some of the scenes you want to draw what you like, I would look foward to it too!-Your art or submissions must be uploaded with the tag “#YumenoKatachi” and also "#HappyBirthdayGlorysia" at the "Add up to 30 tags", and please make sure you added the tag on the Add up to 30 tags.SPEEDPAINT RULES-If you recorded some of your videos via Bandicam, OBS, Camtasia, etc. while you draw, you can make it as a preview if you want.-Some funny videos, scenes, or the vines you like is allowed. You can choose at the beginning, at the end, or the both too, but not very funny.-You can choose some video length if you can, but too short are not allowed. If your speedpaint video was too short, I'll decline your entry.-Your video must be uploaded with the tag “# YumenoKatachi”, "# ゆめのかたち" and also "# HappyBirthdayGlorysia" (without space), and make sure you added the tag to the description about the video.UPADATE: I extended the date and time, so there's no time to draw one before my birthday starts!DEADLINE WILL BE ON OCTOBER 30th, 21:00 GMT (Malaysia Timeline)!___________________________________________________________________________________I've been choose four winners in the start!WINNERS:First Place: lined + colored + shading + background art (2 contestants)Second Place: lined + colored + shading art (3 contestants)Third Place: lined + colored art (4 contestants)Fourth Place: lined art (6 contestants)SPEEDPAINT WINNERS:First Place: Base with shaded and background with effects (1 contestant)Second Place: Base with shaded and background (2 contestants)Third Place: Base with shaded (3 contestants)Also, for the help of the @ultimimega and @sailorsprouts, those winners will be get into the comic Equestria Fantasy as the interactive role, background role or minor roles if you have MLP OCs on your page! I'm really appreciate your contribution, you two! ___________________________________________________________________________________~~~~~~~~BONUS~~~~~~~~I've been searched for the special art winners are first, second and third whose won the contest, I'll make a special collab with Princess Lily Love too!Here's the preview of the art: ,Please remember to see Princess Lily Love's information how did she become a princess.,If you have any questions regarding this contest, please don't hesitate to ask!Please to join if you want, be creative, and do an inspiration! I'll see the results if you want to!Have fun!NOTE: To join the contest, please say "KIRAMEITA!" If you fully read the rules.
Join the amazing contest and please remember to read the rules!
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LPAki [2020-08-20 11:12:29 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I'm LPAki - comic and character artist.
My commissions are open! My styles consist of both anime and cartoon.
I have both digital and traditional commission, so feel free to stop by!
|| Digital Commission Prices || Traditional Commission Prices ||
|| Patreon || Ko-fi || Instagram || Twitter || Tumblr ||
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Viiburnum [2020-07-18 18:50:47 +0000 UTC]
I'm holding a character design contest!
The grand prize is $50 USD + 1 chibi + 1 experimental bust.
All information can be found here: fav.me/de1ijui
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Xhaliz [2020-06-24 11:04:40 +0000 UTC]
Click Image Down Below!Thanks
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Xhaliz [2020-06-18 19:24:12 +0000 UTC]
Click Image Down Below!Thanks
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Xhaliz [2020-06-09 18:57:27 +0000 UTC]
Click Image Down Below!Thanks
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Nekir96 [2020-05-13 01:23:42 +0000 UTC]
Hello!! I opened a raffle for thank the +100 watchers! There are 4 different prizes: 1 bust commission, 1 OC design as you wish, 1 half body or full body illustration, 1.000 + 3 toyhou.se codes! Feel free to join!
+100 Watchers ART RAFFLE!
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Miisyu [2020-03-30 04:22:19 +0000 UTC]
Holding a Draw My OCs contest Deadline on April 30!
Beartie on dA by Miisyu USE THIS FOR REF AND COLOR by Miisyu SURAISU
Beartie on dA by Miisyu Most accurate in design n color by Miisyu
[Star!] DOLLY
Beartie on dA by Miisyu Laliiyeaah on Twitter by Miisyu
[Star!] SHELBY
Beartie on dA by Miisyu Shelby Morana by Miisyu
[Star!] CASSIA
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Caomha [2020-02-29 23:04:43 +0000 UTC]
Giving away points to celebrate my birthday4/10/20Tickets:
2 ticket - Be a watcher.
1 ticket - Read one of my four comics on webtoon, say which page is your favorite. (search caomha on webtoon)
2 ticket - Fav my commission journal My best quality commissions
2 ticket - Advertise my commission journal ^
1 ticket - write me a little about yourself so maybe we can be friends.
1 ticket - join me in wow classic or minecraft! (on my wow server on classic or lemoncloud on MC and join my town.)
3 tickets - Draw one of my characters for my B-Day!
Ticket 2 - Advertise this give away!
My OCs
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Ampraeh [2020-02-02 00:38:36 +0000 UTC]
Hiii I'm hosting a contest !
have a look !
[Contest] Make a wish !*Inhale*
Heeeeeeere we go !!
Thank you for the 2 000+ watchers ! I know, I'm late, but I had so much to do (for exemple I had my very first publication ♥ ovo)
SO :
And if you share this journal it would be great ♥
Imagine :
You've heard a legend about a mystical nymph who can grant any wishes : wealth, power, health, love, future... everything!
We call her "Velouett"
Without hesitation, you decide to try your luck and to go to an adventure.
Finding this creature and ask her to fulfill your deepest desire is your goal.
Only one thing : she appears and disappears randomly in the world, and we don't know why.
You have two notes from ancient adventurers to help you :
Now years have passed, and you
Prizes :
1st : 85USD (or points)
2d : 50USD (or points)
3rd : 15USD (or points)
+ Drawings from artists and moar !
Deadline : 3rd march 2020 !
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queenofeagles [2020-01-13 14:49:03 +0000 UTC]
I'm hosting a dragon contest! If you could turn into a dragon, what would you look like? what would you do? show me!
Winner gets signed paperbacks of the Lilith trilogy by Kim ten Tusscher, which follow a young dragon shapeshifter.
deadline: March 8
Contest: show me your dragon form!Hello again!
Not so long ago I asked if anyone would be interested in a dragon-themed contest. I got a good response, so here it is!
The theme
Dragons, obviously, but not just any dragon...
Show me what you would look like as dragon AND what you would do in that form!
For example, I'd be a dark starry nebula dragon who breathes molten hotglue because that would be sooooo useful when I'm crafting costumes. I hate waiting for my gluegun to heat up. But that's just me, now I want to see your dragon form!
The prize
Paperbacks, signed by the author, of the Lilith trilogy (in Dutch or English) by Kim ten Tusscher.
Kim is a Dutch author (and an awesome person ). I
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teztastiic [2020-01-04 00:49:12 +0000 UTC]
Birthday Art Contest [DRAW MY OC]Hey everyone! With a bit more planning this year, I present you you my birthday art contest. The deadline is four months from now, on the first of May. If you want to submit/finish your entry for my actual birthday, it's April 11th >:]
Let's start with the interesting stuff: prizes!
Multiple entries are allowed, but you can only win one prize!
First place:
Fully coloured fullbody couples illustration with simple background
(can be split into two separate pieces if you prefer)
Second place (locked until 5 entries):
Half-body full coloured couples illustration with simple background
(can be split into two separate pieces if you prefer)
Third place (locked until 10 entries):
Black and white full body of a single character (experimental)
Fourth pl
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vyafay [2019-12-28 09:01:31 +0000 UTC]
Xmas & New Year Promo
$5-$10 OFF on all Auction Adopts & Commissions!
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LPAki [2019-11-29 03:43:41 +0000 UTC]
Hi there, I'm open for commissions. I specialize in both character commission and character design commission. All links can be found here!
Character Commissions [OPEN]Hi all,
commissions are open!
For reference:
SH = Shade n' Highlight
FC = Full Color
Choice 1: Digital Waist-up
Lineart: $8
Flat Color: $13
SH: $18
FC: $25
Additional Options:
Additional Character (3 Max.): +$6
⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙
Choice 2: Bust
Lineart Style: $5
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Nyeopatra [2019-11-21 23:56:22 +0000 UTC]
Artist Promotion Contest OPEN 1000 Points in Price
Hey so I decided to h
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Nertivity [2019-09-07 18:49:26 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I opened a Contest for fun I hope you may consider~
(Repost because of Deadline! ;_; )
ART CONTEST [+RAFFLE]: DRAW MAS TER CHARACTERSEdit: Sorry!! I didn't notice I wrote June instead of January! I hope you can forgive the mistake, I am deeply sorry!
DEADLINE: 10th January 2020 (MIDNIGHT, GMT+2)
1rst - 50$
2nd - 30$
3rd - 20$
RUNNER UP - 1 chibi from :iconariakey:
13 partecipants/entries = 4rth place unlocked (10$)
23 partecipants/entries = 1rst place addon (+15$)
30 partecipants/entries = 2nd place addon (+10$)
The cash prizes will be sent through PayPal.
Anyone who enters the contest can apply to join the raffle!
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HumanityAfter [2019-09-05 11:40:55 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I`ve got six different animal characters to choose from to draw, and you can win 4000 points worth of money! Prices will be delivered via PayPal
Win 4000Points worth of money! Character drawingHello everybody!
To celebrate my new job, and how well my biology studies are going, I am throwing a
The contest will have first, second and third place.
- The first place price is 50$ (equivalent to 4000 points)
- second place is 20$ (equivalent to 1500 points)
- and third place is 10$ (equivalent to 800 points)
If you want to participate, please leave a comment, and I will put you on the list right below here.
The prices will be given via PayPal)
I`m not American, but I use USD to advertise since it`s more commonly known.
Now, how do I win this contest, you may ask Let`s move on to the challenge!
For the last year and a half I`ve been working HARD on my creative universe, and have finally fles
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aroughcun [2019-08-17 21:49:13 +0000 UTC]
I'm currently holding a webcomic artwork contest that comes with $5000 prize money:
Webcomic Artwork Contest with $5000 Prize Money!I'm Oliver Knörzer (Novil), the author of the popular webcomics Sandra and Woo and Gaia (proof). I’d like to inform you about the special 10th anniversary Sandra and Woo + Gaia artwork contest that is currently going on! It comes with a total prize money of $5000! The winner will receive $1000! Here is the distribution of the prize money in detail:
1st place: $10002nd place: $7503rd place: $5504th place: $4505th place: $3506th place: $3007th place: $2508th place: $2009th place: $15010th place: $10011th place:
Any kind of art is allowed. The deadline is Friday, 18 October 2019.
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Tirquaz [2019-07-26 15:14:37 +0000 UTC]
Win a one month Core membership! Art Contest
Monthly Contest! LighterIt's time for the first Mother/EarthBound contest!
Every month (the 25th) a new contest will be posted. Starting today, you'll be asked to draw a character from one of the three games, the character might not be popular and most likely unplayable; the reason for that is to make the contest and the entries more interesting!
Anyway, who's that character? This month is for the one and only, Lighter!
A one month core membership!
There will be one winner only since there are a few members, but there's a chance for runner-up prizes (most likely a half body drawn by me)
If you'de like to donate for next month's art contest please send a direct message to Tirquaz
How to Join/Rules:
1.You must draw the character given in anyway you'd like as long as he's wearing the same outfit and pretty much recognisable.
2.No nudity or NSFW
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CentaurWorks [2019-07-20 17:53:14 +0000 UTC]
Hosting a contest!
First place gets $100!
Ends August 19th, 2019. Click the Journal for more details!
Month of OCs: Road to 365 - ART CONTEST!
With July (the Month of OCs) coming right up, I feel like this is a great time to do another contest after so long! So, since this is an important month in my eyes, why don't we have another contest?!
UPDATE #6 | July 15th, 2019:
The End Date of the contest has been pushed from August 4th to August 19th!
UPDATE #5 | July 10th, 2019:
The contest has hit 10 entries, 2nd Place is now unlocked!
UPDATE #4 | July 1st, 2019:
The Prize Pot has increased from $150 to $175 - The final amount for the contest!
UPDATE #3 | June 20th, 2019:
The Prize Pot has increased from $125 to $150
UPDATE #2 | June 12th, 2019:
The Prize Pot has increased from $100 to $125
UPDATE #1 | June 7th, 2019:
The Prize Pot has increased from $80 to $100
The prize will be USD, distributed via PayPal or Points depending on the winner(s) choice
Current Prize Pot: $175 USD
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x-Winter-Coffee-x [2019-07-18 15:05:48 +0000 UTC]
Hi there, I'm hosting my third contest!
There's core prizes/point prizes up for grabs, as well as art from myself and other artists.
More places and prizes unlock with more people who join!
For more information, please see this journal!
Coffee's Contest: #3 [OPEN - CORE PRIZES]
Greetings One and All!
Welcome to yet another contest, hosted by yours truly.
While my first contest went quite well, my second one wasn't as popular.
I know my second contest is still running, but I wanted to get this one uploaded and ready.
But despite that, it hasn't put me off hosting yet another one. This time, I'm upping the ante.
Please see below for the details of the contest itself, and make sure you read it all very carefully.
You will find various tips, hints and clues on how to make your entry stand out more, and increase your chances of winning.
The deadline will be: August 1st 2019.
. ~ WHAT TO DRAW ~ .
Your challenge is very simple, just pick one of the couples below and draw them. Couldn't be easier.
This is limited only by your imagination, so go wild guys! Just nothing NSFW guys, alright? Ke
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CupidTheSparrow [2019-06-21 11:58:06 +0000 UTC]
Personal-Emotions is now hosting a InsideOut 4th Anniversary Contest with Emotionalfanclub (2000 in total for prizes)
For more information please refer to this journal:
Inside Out 4th Anniversary ContestPersonal-Emotions Inside Out 4th Anniversary Contest co-hosted with Emotionalfanclub
(2000 in prizes)
Its true that time really flies, within the blink of an eye today already marks the 4th year anniversary of Inside Out!
The details of this year's contest are as follow:
--------------------------How to enter-------------------------
1.You must be a member of/join either one of the two groups:
:iconpersonal-emotions: Personal-Emotions / :iconemotionalfanclub: Emotionalfanclub
2.Then make a status update/journal mentioning this contest journal.
(Qualified contestants will be mentioned in this journal)
:iconcraigthecrocodile: CraigTheCrocodile , :iconsonicfazbear15: SonicFazbear15 , :iconcupidthesparrow: CupidTheSparrow
(The entries will be judged for the effort,complexity,creativity...etc. Also to be fair,judges are not allowed to participate in the event.)
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x-Winter-Coffee-x [2019-06-01 03:07:55 +0000 UTC]
Coffee's Contest: #2
Good evening everyone!
I hope you're all well and having a lovely day.
As the title suggests, this journal will be detailing my second contest here on Deviantart.
My first contest went better than I expected it to, and after saving up some points, I want to do another.
Now, onto the details of the contest itself. Please make sure you read everything below carefully.
The deadline will be June 30th 2019.
. ~ THEME ~ .
For this contest, I have chosen the theme: Young Love
Despite having my heart broken recently, I still enjoy romantic pictures, fictions and themes. I'm upset, not a Grinch.
Your challenge:
Pick one of the pairings below and draw them in a romantic scenario.
They could be on a first date, celebrating an anniversary, or cuddling in bed. Whatever you conjure up.
The ideas are only lim
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Kryptalyx [2019-05-24 05:43:39 +0000 UTC]
200+ Watchers Raffle (OPEN)!introduction
Greetings, fellow Deviants. Welcome to Kellsyy's first ever Raffle! This event is hosted to celebrate the following milestones/achievements Kellsyy has achieved:
200+ Watchers. 8000 Page Views!12585 Views (72 Deviations).913
s from 72 Deviations.Highest Views on 1 Deviation: 1915 (as of May 23, 2019).Admin of 9 DeviantArt Groups.100+ Comments, 50+
s, 5+ Features, and 6000+ across the first 3 Articles of Art Exhibition! Being offered a job due to her artworks on DeviantArt.
Kellsyy, from the bottom of her heart, wants to thank each and every one of you for making all of these events possible. Give yourself a pat on the back and an applause!
feature for donators.
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hinaii [2019-04-08 10:06:48 +0000 UTC]
DRAW OUR OC'S CONTEST (200$ PRIZES)Goal of the contest is to draw one of our Oc's. You can choose an OC of MisereL or hinaii
1st place 100$
2nd place 65$
3rd place 35$
The price will be paid through paypal from MisereL & Hina seperately so you'll get two payments.
Prizes are in USD.
Since this is a contest hosted by two people and we'd like to see our characters equally represented in the contest, there needs to be and equal amount of people drawing either one of Hinaii's or MisereL's OC's.
You're free to choose either of them but when a certain amount is reached for one of them the next people that join the contest, they will have to choose one of the other Oc's.
To enter, leave a comment and say which character you'd like to draw.
and when you upload your entry, you can comment here again, tag both of us, or note one of us
OC's to choose from:
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LPAki [2019-03-28 02:51:18 +0000 UTC]
Hello! I'm hosting a raffle with prizes of art, comm discounts, points, and toyhou.se invite codes. Feel free to check it out and maybe join !
[OPEN RAFFLE] Art, Points, and Toyhou.se CodesHi there ! As a thanks to my watchers, and new watchers to come and in celebration of my birthday, I'm hosting a raffle / giveaway. The prizes include: commission discounts, toyhou.se codes, custom drawings, and points. Below are the prizes as well as ways to enter and how to possibly gain extra entries to heighten your chance of being picked . This site (link) will be used for random selection.
Donations are accepted but not necessary, so feel free to contribute. Deadline to enter is May 1st, 2019!
Participants so far:
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MidePan [2019-03-09 17:42:51 +0000 UTC]
As a 1K members celebration, Comm-Wishes is holding a big giveaway with 55+ prizes to win !
Join us if you'd like to win points, art and features !
1K MEMBERS GIVEAWAY [ OPEN ]Hello everyone !
Yes, you read it right ! We finally hit 1 000 members !! That's so great ♥ I'm so happy to see the group growing well
Aaaand here's the opening of the promised celebrating giveaway ! I'm proud to say that we have a lot of prizes to offer so there'll be plenty of winners ! RULES
The giveaway will end on saturday, march 23 at midnight (UTC+1)
Winners will be announced on sunday, march 24 at 6pm (UTC+1) Joining
You must be a group member. We are celebrating the growth of our community so you need to be part of it !
Of course, new members are more than welcome ! Just please don't leave the group just after the end of the giveaway, that'd be really rude.
Prize donors can participate but they can't win their own prizes, of course.
How to get tickets ?
Fav this journal (+1)
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keys007 [2019-02-05 19:17:10 +0000 UTC]
200 watcher CRAFFLE
Yayy we made it to 200 watchers and the means...CRAFFLE TIME!!!!!!!!!
for those of you who are new a Craffle is a Contest & a raffle together...
if you are too busy to enter the contest you can just enter the Raffle but if you submit an entry it adds 2 points to the raffle...
so let's begin..
(also thank you to everyone who has made this contest possible, point donators, watchers and commissioners)
How it works:
(If you're a watcher please comment if you want to join, i don't want to annoy you if you're not interested)
+1 being a watcher(new watchers Included)+2 making a status or journal+1 to 5 tagging up to 5 people(+1/person)+2 following any social media(not DA obviously)+2 enter in to the con
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DeadOtakuGirl [2018-12-16 20:21:59 +0000 UTC]
Christmas Raffle!!!Holy Schnitzel, I now have over 250 followers, and IDK why. Considering a couple months ago I had fifty, (and was super excited about it) this is truly amazeballs. Thank you to all my Wonderful Weebs!!!!
Heres to you! Merry Christmas you Ho-Ho-Hos.
Round two----BEGIN!!!!
1st Place;
500 pts and shoulders up art piece
2nd place;
200 pts
3rd Place;
100 pts
How to enter + Additional tickets
1; To enter you must leave a comment! A weird fact about one your oc's, the funnier the better. It doesn't have to be funny, but if it is, I'll give you another entry!!
This is the main criteria here!
(If you don't want to do an oc, or have none, leave a funny comment or fact about yourself!
2; +1 if you leave a meme.
3; You will get +4 entries if you make a post, or tag someone you think would be interested!
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ruli-cchi [2018-12-16 14:02:34 +0000 UTC]
Hi there! Feel free to join any of these 👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Contest + Raffle ! WIN $80+ Prizes Hello! I am so excited to announce that I can finally host my own contest after joining so many!
The link to the raffle is at the end of this journal~
⏰ DEADLINE: 20 January 2019
📣 Winner announcement: Approximately 7 DAYS after contest end
Earn 1 number:
1. Watch ruli-cchi
2. Tag 3 friends on the comments
Rp 50.000 / $3.50 / 280
Bust up Art Request (Style B)
Nekinu-the-Outsider [2018-11-26 02:05:12 +0000 UTC]
Join my art raffle!
Art Raffle! Special +800 watchers [OPEN]The winner will be chosen with Random.org and the evidence will be displayed.
My main is furry/anthro/feral (animal) art, but I can try other species (like humans or monsters).
MUST be a watcher (and DON'T unfollow later).
Leave the OC reference (if you have many and are not sure, just put as many options as you want).
Put the number of entries you collected (if you send me proofs, better).
I won't draw anything sexual (unless it's artistic nudity).
Be patient.
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Phytias [2018-10-20 09:12:34 +0000 UTC]
Hey everyone, I opened my second art contest, I hope it might be of your interest!
CONTEST (SPLIT) + Mini Art Raffle! [ONGOING]
Deadline: 20th January 2019
Welcome to my second Contest!
1rst place: 30$
2nd place: 20$
3rd place: 10$
Honorable Mention will receive one drawing from me (one free commission)
The money prizes will be distribuited through Paypal.
The prizes CAN'T be converted into dA points .
Anyone can contribuite to the contest and any contribuition such as points, offering art or even simply sharing the contest is highly appreciated ^^
Anyone who joins the Contest will automatically join the Mini Raffle!
In t
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DaigoVirus [2018-10-17 21:38:30 +0000 UTC]
200 USD IN PRIZES + RAFFLE - Draw my OC contest!((OPEN))
Hi guys, I've gathered some money and stuff and I've decided to hold a big contest!
How to enter
That's simple! Draw my OC, Dorian! And feature this contest in a journal! Anyone can join!
Basically everything you need to know is written on his reference sheet, although, if you need more in-depth character information, feel free to check out his Toyhouse page: https://toyhou.se/2892014.dorian
Not in the mood to open Toyhouse but still wanna get his personality right? Sure!
He's basically harmless and innocent, he does know some scary magic but only uses it for self-defense if he has to use it against someone.He LOVES insects, so he'll often be seen crouching down near patches of flowers or burrows and befriend them. The mystical forest he lives in also has really big, dog-sized bugs; he makes friends with those, too! He is very afraid of spiders though, regardless of size. He can use ma
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ImoutoChao [2018-10-03 14:05:29 +0000 UTC]
Design a humanoid character contest!Because I love yall and I love torturing and stressing myself out, here ya have another contest *sobs*
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EmpTwiNesse [2018-09-05 13:52:02 +0000 UTC]
OPEN Draw my OC's Contest [9500 pts + art prizes]
Hello everyone!
I can proudly announce that it's time for a new contest! Yay Ever since my last contest back in 2014 I've been wanting to organize another and I've finally gathered the points to make it a BIG one too!
The theme of the contest will be to draw my characters
Any kind of visual art is allowed: traditional, digital, animation, plushies (would die if someone did this >3<), sculptures, etc etc!
No literature, sorry. I don't feel like anyone could capture my characters well enough ;o;
No NSFW please, mild or artistic nudity is okay.
Gore is allowed! =3
You can draw multiple characters together (I very much encourage this ^^)
You can make as many entries as you want (only one can win).
No tracing, using bases or heavy referencing of other artworks. All art has to be made by you! (You're free to use references tho).
Please mention me and link my contest in the description of your work.
Only art made specifically for this contest can
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Andromeva [2018-08-26 19:09:00 +0000 UTC]
So, I finally have the guts to host a contest despite all odds. Let's hope it goes well! Since the poll was pretty all-round, but the Free-For-All with my OCs stood out most I decided to mix things up and provide a bit of everything for everyone.
Anything is possible. Just let inspiration lead you!
+ Participants entering also get a number for the raffle, as well as people who share this journal!
The deadline is currently set for the 13th October.
Maybe this deadline will get pushed further, depends on pa
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psto1464 [2018-08-02 13:03:57 +0000 UTC]
Divine Contest And RaffleSmall Pixel Glowing Jack-o'Lantern by EmpressOfRoses
Flying Bat by EmpressOfRoses
Art Trades
Commissions Website
Flying Bat by EmpressOfRoses
Flying Bat by EmpressOfRoses Explanation
Welcome to Divine a world that this writer god is in the middle of creating! This contest covers a lot of different things, and there is bound to be something here where you can shine. The world Divine has many different creatures, from humanoids, monsters to clothing and landscapes. This contest has no visual aids.
All art mediums allowed. 4,000 points and features to be won so far. Choose between humanoid and monster characters. Or design clothes or do background pieces. Also holding a raffle fr those who help advertise!
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Ikemura-Hiroichi [2018-08-02 04:33:26 +0000 UTC]
Iris(Cat girl) Illustration ContestIris(Cat girl) Illustration Contest
About Iris (Cat girl)
Iris< "Hello everybody! This time is the 2nd anniversary since I appeared.
Thank you everytime! So, "Iris Illustration Contest" will be held♪ :>"
"I asked my birth parent Ikemura Hiroichi to organize and to give a prize money!"
The prizes
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