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| TheArchaeopteryx

TheArchaeopteryx [13593811] [] "Her Highness"

# Statistics

Favourites: 3; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 2

Watching: 0; Pageviews: 1798; Comments Made: 279; Friends: 0

# Comments

Comments: 127

anniejo82 [2010-06-07 03:12:36 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the llama
Here's one for you.

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to anniejo82 [2010-06-09 03:31:25 +0000 UTC]

You're quite welcome.

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powLaris28 [2010-06-04 05:05:35 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the llama.. *gives you a Llama in return*

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to powLaris28 [2010-06-04 16:09:30 +0000 UTC]

No, thank you.

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OwletJessa555 [2010-06-04 02:17:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the llama!

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to OwletJessa555 [2010-06-04 02:21:59 +0000 UTC]

~TheArchaeopteryx would like its llama back, kthx.

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OwletJessa555 In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-06-04 02:26:32 +0000 UTC]


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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to OwletJessa555 [2010-06-04 02:46:21 +0000 UTC]

~TheArchaeopteryx gives its incerest gratitude and appreciation.

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purranormal [2010-06-01 22:29:37 +0000 UTC]

quit spazzing at my old drawings D< they is old and you can stfu. NOOB ON DA. C:

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to purranormal [2010-06-01 22:51:36 +0000 UTC]

Oh gawd you called me a n00b
I'm totally fucked now eh

*hides in emo corner after being LIEK TTLY INSULTED*

And I really don't understand why you people love commenting on my profile so much instead of hitting the "reply" button...

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purranormal In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-06-01 23:11:45 +0000 UTC]

ehehhe sure.

you fail at being sarcastic. c:

Its a dA thing.

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to purranormal [2010-06-02 00:51:47 +0000 UTC]

Apparently I don't, since you were able to pick up the irony in my remark.

And actually, it's a Facebook thing. Because that's what you're supposed to do on Facebook. And wait, what's this? We're on deviantART? And there are REPLY buttons made specifically to.. oh, I don't know.. REPLY to the comment? I never would have guessed at such an ingeniously brilliant idea!

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purranormal In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-06-02 20:14:44 +0000 UTC]


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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to purranormal [2010-06-03 04:27:01 +0000 UTC]


At least I know how to spell 'you.' And make an argument, for that matter. ^^

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AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 02:13:56 +0000 UTC]

sir, or madam
i dont know what your beef with me is
you just decided to get angry with me because your opinion of "good literature" didnt fit what i wrote
so please, if i treat you with kindness, will you treat me with kindness in return? :]

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 02:22:25 +0000 UTC]

Haven't we been through this already? I stopped harassing you a long time ago.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:24:34 +0000 UTC]

oh yes, i know that
but now im coming to you with a request to be your friend, or at least your aquantaince
i think if we could get to know eachother just a tiny bit, things could get better

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 02:29:47 +0000 UTC]

Sounds alright.

You're Alex, correct? I'm Archaeopteryx. Not Arch, not Arhchae. Archaeopteryx. Thank you.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:32:55 +0000 UTC]

thata a very long name!
it's a type of dragon, right? or something similar?

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 02:38:34 +0000 UTC]

Ancient reptile, actually. Dragons are a fictitious species, while the Archaeopteryx lived in the late jurassic.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:41:42 +0000 UTC]

dinosaur was my second guess, but i thought that was wrong so i didnt say it :[
its part birdlike right?

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 02:54:52 +0000 UTC]

It's supposedly the missing link between feathered avians and the dinosaurs, but I don't believe that. I consider it to be just another animal, though it happens to have the characteristics of both suborders, just as a bat is the only flying mammal, or that the platypus lays eggs.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:57:51 +0000 UTC]

cool! 8D
that's an awesome animal to be
im just a red fox ^^

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 03:00:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm not an archaeopteryx, I merely call myself after it.

And, too, I doubt you are any sort of animal besides human. If you were truly a fox, you would not be typing on a computer, much less indoors in the first place.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 03:02:26 +0000 UTC]

it's just the animal i identify with, you silly
just like you identify with archaepteryx

why are you so desperate to make everything literal and make sense? life would be no fun without mysticism.

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-05-28 03:09:35 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see. Then I suppose I am an archaeopteryx, if that's what you mean by it.

Yes, but life would cease to exist without reason and order. However, I am not against amusement and merrymaking.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 03:14:07 +0000 UTC]

so far you have tried to pick apart most everything ive said and make sense of it
ever heard the song "Dancing Through Life?"
Those are the lyrics I pretty much try to live by
I mean, minus the brainless part
because I am quite smart, i made it into college after all :]

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-06-04 03:20:16 +0000 UTC]

I tend to do that often. I take pleasure in order and neatness, because although the world would cease to be itself without the chaos factor, it would, too, without order. In addition, it makes things less confusing, and eliminates most confusion in conversations.

However, those are enjoyable lyrics, and I can see your motive for using them as a life model. You are definitely somewhat intelligent in your thinking, from what I've seen.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-06-04 03:23:34 +0000 UTC]

and you are too, when you weren't calling me names, you made relevant arguments
but the whore bit was unnecessary :[

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-06-04 03:37:50 +0000 UTC]

Bringing out this subject was a tad unnecessary, too. I had once thought you wanted to "start anew" and become "friends, or at least acquaintances." Now I begin to question your motives, and memory for said motives.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-06-04 04:03:25 +0000 UTC]

i do deserve to know why you decided to call me a whore, though
so i can avoid further triggers in the future

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-06-06 16:04:18 +0000 UTC]

I was merely being a troll, of course. You can't avoid trolls.

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AlexKingOfTheDamned In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-06-06 16:11:51 +0000 UTC]

but doesnt being a troll entail trying to put someone down without making yourself look bad? calling someone you dont know a whore...

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to AlexKingOfTheDamned [2010-06-09 03:41:33 +0000 UTC]

Not always. There are many different ways one can troll. I usually do it just for the sake of pissing someone off and getting a reaction, so I guess I'm more of a flamer than a troll. The more dramatic the reaction, the more enjoyable and overall hilarious it is for me. Of course, this is only my own opinion. Another troll might tell you differently.

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The-Spork-Alliance [2010-05-24 03:29:36 +0000 UTC]


This is honestly becoming pathetic.

You, my friend, suffer from an
unfortunate case of dementia.

You have been a deviant for about one month. Your favorites consist of two semi-original deviations and you ever-so-cleverly wrote down "your mom" as your sole interest, which clearly shows your low general intellect, or lack thereof.

You have hidden all of your information, including your basic activities.

This leads to only one conclusion - your unappreciated existence on this site is solely for the purpose of putting down one deviant by the name of ~AlexKingOfTheDamned .

And to be honest, your alleged 'put downs' are very pathetic.
You overuse curse words, and your abuse of the word 'dick' and 'cock,' which follow in pursuit of each other after almost every other word, show that not only is your vocabulary limited to that of an uneducated underclassman, you also have absolutely no idea how to bitch slap somebody.

Whatever you are, little boy or little girl, learn your place.

If you dislike his deviations, if you disagree with his style, if it pains you to look at his art, Godspeed. It is your decision whether or not you appreciate his creations.
However, if you are going to harass his work, and harass him, publicly or privately, you will be reported.
And if you come back, like the sad worm you are, you will be reported again.
And again.
And again.

Before you start harassing someone for their literary work, learn to spell correctly.
Learn to use grammar correctly.
And stop relying on the word 'fuck' so much.

The reason he no longer responds to your sad excuses of offends is because they really are nothing but pathetic. He doesn't waste his time with you.
And no one in their right mind should.

You are rude, disrespectful, and from the way you are behaving, you come off as being socially inept.

Stop harassing him.

If you can't say anything smart, say nothing at all.

And dear, so far, nothing at all - not a speck of anything you've written - has been anywhere near smart.

So do the world a favor.

Stop your dirty typing.


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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to The-Spork-Alliance [2010-05-28 01:25:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh look, another of Alex's butthurt slaves coming to save him from the mean old troll. :'c

Don't get me wrong, I admire the fact that you're wasting your time on a such a supposedly pathetic person as myself. But if you're so keen on calling me "dirty," "socially inept," and "disrespectful," then why try? Am I not the things that you called me? Does this mean you actually have hope for me? Anyway, by insulting me in the many ways you have in the 6-or-so replies you've made on my profile and various other places (which would actually be considered spam, so you, too, could be reported), you're no worse than I am.

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The-Spork-Alliance In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 05:53:05 +0000 UTC]

While I appreciate that you didn't go off and use your typical come backs on me, I can't help but disagree with your reasoning.

I wouldn't have bothered writing to you had Alex not complained to me himself. And trust me, he only comes to me as a last resort. I'm not trying to salvage you. I believe if you were raised to behave the way you do, there's nothing I can do about it. You're not my child, it's not my job to educate you in the ways of courtesy and etiquette. However, I cannot turn a blind eye away when someone is harassing a person dear to me, and causing him mental and emotional discomfort.

No matter how sad your "attacks" are, he still sees them, and the fact that they exist to begin with on his page is enough for me to get plenty irritated. I do not need to explain myself to you. If I wish to spam your unvisited page, I damn well will, especially since you so graciously decided to do the same with Alex's page. Feel free to report me if you are so inclined. I've done nothing wrong.
All the comments I posted, I posted on Alex's deviations and his page.

The only time I ever "spammed" your profile was when I wrote the original comment, the first time. I just felt like I'd make my point clearer if I posted that very same comment on some of your other replies. Sometimes, children need to have things repeated to them for them to understand.

Now I don't know who you are or what you want, but for goodness sake leave well enough alone. Alex has done nothing to you - and if he has, this is a sore way of making him understand your position. Though I'm fairly sure you're just another stranger with far too much time on your hands.

I couldn't care less what your view of me is.
You could think I'm the same as you, you could think I'm polar opposite of you. You could think I'm Alex's "butthurt slave," as you oh-so cleverly described me. I honestly don't give a rat's ass.

Whatever your issues are, sort them out quickly, please. Your negativity is stifling.

However, I do appreciate the proper grammar in your reply.
Thank you very much.

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lukewarm-chilipepper In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 01:41:54 +0000 UTC]

aww, poor baby cant even count
she left two replies, dumbshit
alex doesnt need "saving" from someone he couldn't care less about
he has chosen to ignore you and be the better person. one needs no saving from being a better person.

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to lukewarm-chilipepper [2010-05-28 01:48:57 +0000 UTC]

Then why do his loyal servants come to his rescue?

And dude, you didn't see my inbox. She replied to all of the arguments I started on his deviations and profile, and posted a comment on my page. That's definitely over two replies.

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lukewarm-chilipepper In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 01:53:41 +0000 UTC]

then she knows how to troll a troller
you obviously feel threatened, saying that she could be "banned" for sticking up for a friend

you need to understand something

Alex isn't some pitiful kid who is sending his big brother out to fight his battles
He's the general, and we are his army

He fought his turn, but when you started getting pitiful, he lets his warriors take over
because he has better things to do than sit online for hours defending the honor that you so pitifully try to attack
unlike you. who DOES sit online and do nothing but pitifully attac the honor of said general.
and others, so I've seen.

get a life, dude
you're nothing but amusing now

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to lukewarm-chilipepper [2010-05-28 02:17:17 +0000 UTC]

What is this, Lord of the Rings? We're not in a war, dumbass. You're not part of an army, and he's not your fucking general, but most of all, you're not "defending his honor." Where'd you get that bullshit? World of Warcraft?

It's not like he doesn't sit at home all day and write pornography and draw naked children, instead. That would be inconceivable.

And she's not trolling, she's detrolling. You obviously don't know what a troll is.

"you're nothing but amusing now"
That's exactly what I've been saying ever since I first saw Alex's work. And again, you obviously don't know what a troll is.

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lukewarm-chilipepper In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:19:08 +0000 UTC]

LIFE is a war, you retard

he goes to COLLEGE
he has COURSES
he does NOT sit at home all day

besides, have you not seen most of his recent deviaions? none of them are even remotely pornographic!!

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to lukewarm-chilipepper [2010-05-28 02:26:39 +0000 UTC]

He said the one of the supposed 18-year-old originally had an erection. That is porn.

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lukewarm-chilipepper In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:35:58 +0000 UTC]

no, he did not POST anything pornographic
if you wanted the nude picture, you could email him for it
but he doesnt post anything "porno" anymore

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to lukewarm-chilipepper [2010-05-28 02:43:42 +0000 UTC]

He's smart.

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lukewarm-chilipepper In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 02:46:15 +0000 UTC]

yes, he is

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to lukewarm-chilipepper [2010-05-28 02:56:16 +0000 UTC]


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LondonQueen001 [2010-05-17 19:37:11 +0000 UTC]

wat an ass. you're bloody pathetic you know. attacking people you've never even met for no apparent reason other than it makes you feel good about yourself. do your parents hate you or something?

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TheArchaeopteryx In reply to LondonQueen001 [2010-05-22 22:16:40 +0000 UTC]

B'aww, someone's butthurt because I made their idol cry. I sowwy, I'll go call the WAAAmbulance.

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lukewarm-chilipepper In reply to TheArchaeopteryx [2010-05-28 01:55:42 +0000 UTC]

hah, idol?
you know LondonQueen001 is alex's EX-LOVER right?
i know her too
alex is NOT her idol
he is her friend

how funny.

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