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SycamoreSea [20381026] [] "summer is coming"

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Favourites: 1662; Deviations: 151; Watchers: 86

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# Comments

Comments: 906

Seolhe [2018-01-01 01:54:29 +0000 UTC]

I hope next year will be kinder on us all. Take care, dear, and happy new year

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2018-01-04 02:34:03 +0000 UTC]

Sorry this is late, but happy new year to you as well. Hope it's a good one, we all need that right now.

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2018-01-05 04:13:32 +0000 UTC]

Let us hope this is finally the year of positive change, or at the very least, a break from all the bad shit. Take care

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Lady-DreamSoul [2017-09-16 03:45:56 +0000 UTC]

Hi my love I missed your birthday driving to and from work. Happy belated birthday Kit.
I love you, Lak

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Seolhe [2017-09-15 09:01:01 +0000 UTC]

I didn't get to tell you yesterday (it was a clusterfuck of a day) but happy belated birthday, dear! I hope you had a great day!

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wb-skinner [2017-07-06 15:01:38 +0000 UTC]

thanks for adding my photo to your favorites!

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SycamoreSea In reply to wb-skinner [2017-07-11 10:05:43 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure c:

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Seolhe [2017-06-21 23:55:41 +0000 UTC]

Happy summer solstice!

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2017-06-24 03:18:55 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I hope you had a lovely one.

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2017-06-24 03:42:11 +0000 UTC]

It wasn't anything special, but it was ok. Thanks

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Seolhe [2017-02-24 22:42:39 +0000 UTC]

Just wanted to let you know that I *FINALLY* got to see Moana today and man, I don't even think I have the words to express how much I loved it! I'm drowning in all the feels!

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2017-02-26 18:44:51 +0000 UTC]

!!!! Wasn't! It! Perfect!!! I saw it three times in theatres and I'm ITCHING for it to come out on DVD (1.5 wks) so I can watch it again (and show all my friends I couldn't force to see it in theatres).

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2017-02-28 02:06:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh Gods YES!!!
I can't even remember last time a movie made me feel so many things, it's probably my new favourite Disney movie
I mean just... the characters are great, the story and the major themes just speak to me on so many levels, and THE OCEAN!!! HOLY HELL! Everything about how the ocean is portrayed in this movie just makes me wanna cry! And speaking about crying, Moana's relationship with grandma Tala (I love Tala <3)! That moment during the How far I'll go reprise, when the lights go out and the ray appears... Oh my gods, I was smiling and crying and it just sent shivers down my spine, it was just such a powerful moment! And the I am Moana scene!
And speaking of all these songs, I just ADORED the soundtrack so much! I mean most Disney films has at least a few songs I really enjoy, but this was just wonderful all the way through the soundtrack!
Ugh, I could gush about it all night, I just love it

I really, REALLY want to see it again in the cinema before they stop running the English version. I'm gonna see if maybe I can convince my younger brother or Cess to go see it with me again

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2017-03-04 04:10:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh man yes, I cry every time she sings How Far I'll Go, but particularly that moment when her mom walks in on her and then Tala's ray... And also I just lose it at the "this is not who you are" scene, all the music is perfect, and although I wish the annoying comic relief animal hadn't been annoying (like we've talked about before), at LEAST the chicken wasn't really loud and obnoxious and impossible to just kind of tune out.
Oh, and it has to be said, the COMPLETE lack of ANYTHING resembling romance or a love interest, thank you, thank you.
I just pre-ordered the DVD yesterday, obviously seeing it on a normal TV won't showcase that insanely gorgeous ocean animation quite as well as the big screen did, but that won't stop it from being my new favorite movie of all time.

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2017-03-05 19:02:15 +0000 UTC]

Yes! Same! As soon as the song started I was just like "oh gods, I'm gonna cry, aren't I?". And I did.
And yes, so much yes! That scene is just absolutely stunning! I love it so much! There were just so many times in the movie where my breath just caught in my throat and I felt my eyes tearing up

I do agree when it comes to the whole comic relief animal thing. The biggest worry I had, as usual, coming into the movie was that the tone would be too comedic and that all the comic relief characters would just become too much. I mean, judging just from the teasers and trailers I saw, I was concerned about Moana having 2(!) funny animal side-kicks, and since all the advertisements just showed Maui's comedic side and nothing else, I was worried it would just end up being TOO MUCH. But I was relieved that Maui got to be a real character and not just a clown, and that the animal comic relief moments weren't overpowering the movie (I mean, Pua was barely even in the movie which surprised me, though honestly, I would have preferred if the roles were reversed), and Heihei wasn't nearly as bad as he could have been (he even made me chuckle a couple of times, though probably in large part because his dense personality reminded me of Jaime). I think it really helps a lot that the animals doesn't talk, unlike someone like Olaf, whom I just constantly wished would shut up.
I stand by my opinion that non-talking, regular animals can provide the best comic relief characters, because animals ARE funny by nature, and they don't end up feeling nearly as forced or obnoxious as many other comic relief characters. For an example, in The hunchback of Notre Dame, I find Djali and Achilles a billion times funnier and more endearing than the obnoxious gargoyles.

And I 100% agree with you! I'm SO happy to see a Disney movie without any kind of love story! It's so refreshing and makes me so happy! I still want to see a same-sex romance take the center stage in a Disney movie, but I can't say how happy I am to see Disney move away from forcing a generic love interest into every single movie ever, and I think the movie is just so much stronger without an unnessecary romance in there! The story is all about identity and heritage, and in Maui's case, also redemption. Adding a romance would take away from the already powerful themes of the story.

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Mutanlunar [2016-11-05 17:29:33 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the lama badge! <3 <3 

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Lady-DreamSoul [2016-09-14 21:13:49 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday my darling!! <3 

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SycamoreSea In reply to Lady-DreamSoul [2016-09-15 22:55:02 +0000 UTC]

thank you <3

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Lady-DreamSoul In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-09-19 04:42:30 +0000 UTC]

Love you. Hope you had a lovely day <3

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Seolhe [2016-09-14 16:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday, dear! I hope your day is wonderful!!!  

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2016-09-15 22:54:57 +0000 UTC]

thanks, love. <3

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-09-15 23:09:12 +0000 UTC]

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Seolhe [2016-09-02 15:32:11 +0000 UTC]

Hi, dear!
Did you hear this? Some new fairytale-ish music from S.J. Tucker c:

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2016-09-03 02:15:55 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes! I actually saw her at a con a couple weeks ago, and she had an ocean-themed concert where she played that one. (I straight up started crying when she played Neptune, too.) 

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-09-04 19:08:40 +0000 UTC]

Wow, that sounds amazing, I wish I could have been there for that! Neptune is my favourite song of hers (and one of my favourite songs in general), so I would have been crying right there with you!

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Seolhe [2016-06-22 11:57:41 +0000 UTC]

I hope you had a lovely solstice <3
I missed it myself, but I'm celebrating midsummer on friday, so I guess I'll wrap it up with that.

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2016-06-22 21:36:09 +0000 UTC]

Mine was absolutely delightful. <3 Our ball went off magnificently, and we finished it off with a small group - not ritual, exactly, but almost, where we all wrote down things that were holding us back and set them alight. Can't go wrong with fire! I can't wait to show you my ocean dress, either - it's definitely the most complicated thing I have ever made, but it turned out so well. Let me know how your midsummer celebration goes! <3 

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-06-23 19:48:51 +0000 UTC]

That makes me really happy to hear <3
And I don't know, that sounds a lot like a ritual, even if it wasn't a formal one or anything. It sounds lovely either way
I really can't wait to see it, your creations are always so lovely and adding an ocean theme to that just makes it so much better in my eyes ;D

It's going to be a pretty intense midsummer celebration, I'm sure! I'll be visiting my dad and his new girlfriend at their place. I've never met her, so it's a little nervous obviously. Two of my brothers live with them as well, and I haven't seen one of them for a looong time, so it'll be interesting to see how we get along. Though as long as we don't get into a discussion about politics I guess we'll be fine XD
Apparantly they'll have two other friends over, so I'm gonna be a socially awkward and exhausted mess, probably >_>
I'm also bringing Jaime, so he'll get to meet their dog Pluto, as well as my brother's corgi Louie (who is Jaime's best friend and that he hasn't seen since my brother moved out), so it's gonna be... lively XD
I still don't know anything about what to expect. I guess we'll eat stuff? Maybe? Other than that I have no idea XD

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Seolhe [2016-05-01 22:22:50 +0000 UTC]

Happy belated beltane!

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2016-05-02 00:47:46 +0000 UTC]

And the same to you! Although it's actually stilled Beltane here, not belated yet. Did you do anything? I meant to - I was to be camping in the mountains this weekend - but we ended up having about a week of grey culminating in rain and snow all weekend, so I've been too upset to celebrate. I hate not doing anything, but nothing can live up to the year I celebrated it with you anyway. :c

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-05-06 13:59:55 +0000 UTC]

I'm sorry you had to cancel your plans, and because of such a depressing reason :/
I didn't do much on Beltane itself, instead of sorta did a combined walpurgis/beltane celebration the day before. My friend Alex came over, we went to see the nearest walpurgis bonfire, had a delicious dinner and held a very small and humble ritual. It wasn't anything special, definitely not comparable to the beltane we celebrated together, but it was nice regardless.

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Seolhe [2016-03-20 09:43:29 +0000 UTC]

Happy spring equinox! I hope you'll have a nice day, and that the weather is less shitty than here! <3

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2016-03-20 17:08:24 +0000 UTC]

Haha we had four inches of snow a couple days ago... it's trying to melt, we have a bit of sun, but it's still pretty gross. My dad's in town today so I suspect I won't do much for the equinox, but there was a time travelers ball last night to celebrate it so I already had my party, I suppose. c: Hope yours has been alright, despite the awful weather. <3 

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-03-21 00:00:02 +0000 UTC]

Oh no, that sounds shitty DX
But I hope you had fun at the ball last night, and that you had a good time with your dad

The weather for the last couple of days have been lovely, pretty warm, sunny and dry, and we were finally almost completely rid of the snow bullshit. This morning, however, it was snowing a bit, and since I was going out today I was really concerned (my adventures today involved fire, so, yeah, snow wouldn't be great). Luckily it stopped before we left and the weather held up until around the time we were leaving anyways.
So yeah, I spent the day with the almost relatives in Alby (where we celebrated Walpurgis night when you visited) to enjoy some good, old Swedish friluftsliv ;D
We had decided to grill some hot dogs, and we brought tea and cheesecake and some kind of chocolate cake for fika. We brought Jaime, so about half of the company walked there with him, the other half (including me) went by car. The car group obviously arrived much quicker, so as the only ex-scout in the group with the most experience, I was tasked with starting a fire (did I mention that I LOVE starting fires, there's something incredibly satisfying about it XD) so that we'd have a nice bed of embers for grilling when the rest of the group arrived. It was wet and muddy and cloudy, but despite that we had a great time, and I really felt good about reconnecting with the concept of friluftsliv again, it made me miss my scouting days, and really makes me wish I could go out camping sometime. So even if I wasn't "celebrating" in the traditional sense, I did spend the day in a way that felt meaningful and fulfilling c:

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FrancescaBaerald [2016-02-23 07:43:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much for the Llama!

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SiwySzczur [2015-12-25 07:47:46 +0000 UTC]

Nice gallery

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SycamoreSea In reply to SiwySzczur [2015-12-25 07:50:54 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thank you! I'm flattered! C: C: C:

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SiwySzczur In reply to SycamoreSea [2015-12-25 08:01:42 +0000 UTC]

No problem, I like good art I invite you to my galleryIf you like my work, watch me

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Seolhe [2015-12-24 18:41:05 +0000 UTC]

I know it's not Christmas where you are yet, but have a merry Christmas eve

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2015-12-25 07:25:47 +0000 UTC]

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Eve, and a happy Christmas to you, my dear. <3

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2015-12-25 23:01:47 +0000 UTC]

I had, thank you <3

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Seolhe [2015-12-21 21:25:17 +0000 UTC]

Happy winter solstice!

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2015-12-22 05:24:18 +0000 UTC]

And the same to you, love. <3 Any celebrations for you?

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2015-12-22 05:55:57 +0000 UTC]

Not this time, I'm afraid. I was just soooo tired and kinda cranky, and I just had absolutely zero motivation :c
(maybe I'll just do a belated solstice celebration)
How about you?

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2015-12-22 07:09:02 +0000 UTC]

Well, the solstice is technically the 22nd this year, so you haven't missed it yet. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do, but I always open whatever presents have arrived by now on the solstice, and do some sort of candlelit ritual in the snow. It's my day off this year, so most likely I'll probably just do some art or get some chores done. I had a friend mention a tradition of staying up all through the longest night and I love the idea of that, but I've been so emotionally and physically exhausted recently that I doubt I'm actually capable of staying up all night, but I might try! 

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2015-12-23 04:54:47 +0000 UTC]

You're right! I have no idea why I was so convinced it was the 21st, because I remember checking it up a while ago, haha.
Anyways, I still didn't really end up doing anything, I was out doing a bunch of Christmas shopping which really just took all of my energy. But meh, I can just fit it into my Christmas celebration.

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2015-12-23 07:01:49 +0000 UTC]

It seems everyone I know thought it was the 21st this year. xD But yeah, that's totally fair... it's not a good day for having energy anyway. Or just. You know. A good time. >> I actually did decide I'm going to stay up all night and I have no idea how I'm going to manage it. Lots of sugar, probably. 

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2015-12-25 23:03:02 +0000 UTC]

Haha, well, at least then I'm not the only one ;D
So how did it go, staying up all night?

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SycamoreSea In reply to Seolhe [2015-12-28 05:58:54 +0000 UTC]

It was much easier than I expected, actually! I did a little ritual (which would have been better if it hadn't been windy and snowing - my candles wouldn't stay lit this year, which about sums up how I feel about this year, too...) and then stayed up all night painting, made pancakes with my roommate about 5:30 in the morning right before she left for winter break, and then took the candle I'd had burning all night to an open field to blow out at sunrise. It was sadly way too cloudy to actually see the sun rise, but it was still fun. c: Did you end up doing anything for the solstice at Christmas?

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Seolhe In reply to SycamoreSea [2016-01-02 08:19:31 +0000 UTC]

Glad it worked out for you
Well... not really? I just... I have no spiritual energy basically? I feel really disconnected from everything spiritual, so trying to force it would feel dishonest and wrong. I guess it's better to just wait until I'm in a better place.

I will definitely do some sort of ritual soon though. I want to do something before my trip to Norway, in honour of the sea and the whales I hope to encounter <3

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