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| RandomFox11

RandomFox11 [17811309] [] "Press F to die instantly"

# Statistics

Favourites: 124; Deviations: 14; Watchers: 12

Watching: 36; Pageviews: 5139; Comments Made: 364; Friends: 36

# Comments

Comments: 5

Psykan [2012-05-19 07:54:07 +0000 UTC]

It looks like your profile page is stagnant...allow me to bring into it a bit of life, in the form of:

"Hello! I saw the drawing of your fursona on dA's main page, and - as I do for a number of others - followed it to your profile."

(He reminds me of Fox McCloud, for some reason)

I also see the small, yet meticulously-detailed, conversation between you and LucrataNexarii, which took place almost a year ago, and I have to say, I totally agree with you guys on every point made. I had once studied graphic design, for about a year (I abandoned it because I realized that it wasn't a passion), and was told pretty much everything you two were talking about.

I have confidence issues, myself, and that's only a small reason for my departure from graphic design. I don't make art very often, and honestly, I don't really expect you to find anything noteworthy if you happen to browse through my gallery. Which is okay, mind you.

I also have to give you two kudos for such an INTERESTING read. Not joking. As she said, everyone seems to be content with short comments, rife with text-speak. It's unfortunate to see that, but, hey...not everyone talks/types that way. c:

So, yeah. I just wanted to swing by and say "hi." And if you happen to add something of mine to your favorites, I'll be sure to reply with more than "Thanks for the fave!"

Take care!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Genious80 [2011-09-13 13:44:52 +0000 UTC]

thx for the

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LucrataNexarii [2011-07-22 18:54:40 +0000 UTC]

Greetings, RandomFox.

I see that you have been searching for new materials to add to a curious list of Favorites. I've come to thank you for having added my own to your list.

Ecclectic as such things are, I hope they serve you well, either in your interests or your inspiration - whatever your trek in artwork, or it's appreciation, may be.

In the depths of DA, good hunting, RandomFox.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RandomFox11 In reply to LucrataNexarii [2011-07-23 12:30:51 +0000 UTC]

First of all, I'd like to thank you for even noticing me in the first place, because most people would just take a glance, note that some random fellow had just added their work as a favourite, and move on like nobody's business...like it meant nothing special to them, like the guy was just a mere statistic (then again, aren't we all?). I really was surprised when I received your message.

Secondly, just as many others have done before me, I am truly impressed by your level of artwork...and it takes a LOT to really impress me. I was only disheartened by the fact that you don't seem to recognize the astounding value of your work, even of those which you had deemed "scrap". And the fact that they had NOT been digitally enhanced (correct me if I'm wrong) makes them even more valuable and meaningful. I can tell that you're to some level a perfectionist from 'eavesdropping' (don't mind me!) on your conversations with others, but I understand how you feel because I, too, am to some extent a perfectionist when it comes to my drawings, being hardly ever satisfied with their quality, despite them impressing even complete strangers. Sad to say, I haven't had the time recently to upload any of my work because of the heavy workload I get from school (I'm studying in a polytechnic [a kind of junior college] with a 'Games Design' major.)

I had also noticed how you said that you once aspired to be a concept artist, but was hindered by your lack of education in the correct direction. Well, what I have to tell you is this: "Just try anyway!" Because in the Design And Development industry, employers don't care much about the level of your certificate, but they mainly look for your talent, dedication, passion, and ability in the subject. So just show them your Design Portfolio; you definitely won't fail to impress (unless your audience is a total jerk, or has no appreciation for art, that is). Besides, people of your level of talent are extremely hard to come by. No sane prospective employer would want to miss out on you. And also, judging from the deep explanations that accompany most, if not all, of your work, I can say you already possess 99% of the skills you require...and all without a certificate, too! All you need is just some confidence. They (employers) look at your level of self-confidence too.

That is all; and thank you for listening (erm...reading).

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LucrataNexarii In reply to RandomFox11 [2011-07-23 19:20:35 +0000 UTC]

Greetings, once more.

I should say first that you have surprised me in kind, Randomfox, in much the subtle manner as many small events may.

Any such replies, especially at such thoughtful length, appear to be a humble rarity here within DA - at least so far as my scope of general contact and instances observed indicate.

Foremost, your comment serves as a reminder of those many qualities which I've attempted to preserve, despite my leanings of personality. Unfortunately practicality of life calls to much of my time being devoted otherwise, but it does not keep that certain arc of semi-perfectionism from gravitating to the anchorings of ambition. I admit that I have drifted from some of those, mostly due to practical need, but those same specters remain in the spirit of any artwork.

Your opinion I respect, as you speak from both the current interior of a place of study, but also from your exposure to both peers and professors of your chosen study. That gauge of input is a valuable cross-section into the field, and how it has and has not changed with the flow of time and media.

Aye, I cannot claim that I believe I have a suitable portfolio of works, but at the same time no work goes without need of encompassing some level of improvement or factor of one's own developmental tendencies.

In any case, for fear of echoing both myself or yourself hollowly via repetition, I had best bid you a welcome thanks for your investment of time, mind, and confidence.

Sincerely, I wish you great luck, and strong endurance, Randomfox.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0