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# Statistics
Watchers: 2835; Pageviews: 205982
# Group admins
# About me
PhotoLust is an interactive photography resource for photographers of all ages and skill levels. Members can submit their work during allocated periods and it's a great meeting place for fellow photography enthusiasts, with hundreds of tutorials and featured artists to discover.
# Comments
Comments: 1331
NudePhoToClub [2024-01-25 17:12:32 +0000 UTC]
please buy and support me!
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Mature Content
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Doll-Ladi [2015-07-11 02:45:32 +0000 UTC]
you said the group was open for submissions as you have really been inactive for months I submitted two photos as you said and they have not been accepted and therefore expired. I do not understand what the real problem is with this group but it is no longer worth it to be a member of this group....enough is enough. Goodbye!
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REN703 [2014-08-13 20:04:54 +0000 UTC]
Submissions expired from weeks ago, is this group dead?
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TazzyDee In reply to Bitch0nline [2013-03-28 20:34:43 +0000 UTC]
If you can't submit anything it means monthly submissions are not open. Photolust has never been a group based solely on submissions (there are TONS of groups for that), and you can only submit one per month anyway. Apologies for being away for quite a while, personal problems.
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Bitch0nline In reply to TazzyDee [2013-03-29 02:39:07 +0000 UTC]
doesn't make any good sense to me
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TazzyDee In reply to TazzyDee [2013-03-28 20:38:00 +0000 UTC]
Uh, BitchOnline; just looked at your page.. Why complain about being unable to submit if you aren't an artist and have nothing TO submit? o.0
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TazzyDee In reply to black-cat16 [2012-08-05 17:48:48 +0000 UTC]
Hi, submissions are normally one per month, I have been very busy lately!This month's submissions will be open shortly, keep an eye on the journal (:
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AkumaHarmony [2012-05-03 03:45:14 +0000 UTC]
Thanks so much for accept my first submission in this group
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TrendyAlize [2012-04-18 15:49:27 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for have a place for me to join in your group, is my pleasure to be here!
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Doll-Ladi [2012-04-08 15:31:26 +0000 UTC]
I have been a member of this group for a while now and this is the first time I have submitted a photo I have not heard anything since so could you tell me if it was neither accepted or declined.
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TazzyDee In reply to Doll-Ladi [2012-04-17 23:32:56 +0000 UTC]
Hi. Sorry, March Submissions are closed, and the April's are about to be opened, you will then be able to resubmit to the correct folder. Apologies! x
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EvileikO [2012-02-21 14:57:57 +0000 UTC]
How do we subbmit art?
Thanks, and greetings Photolust!
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TazzyDee In reply to EvileikO [2012-02-22 04:06:27 +0000 UTC]
Please see the latest journal
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fumuldetigara [2011-10-27 10:05:50 +0000 UTC]
hi there everyone. i've submitted a new photo to the group, and i hope it will be accepted. i hope you'll like it,. please let me know what you think about it, maybe even about my gallery.
PS: thank you for your time
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ikoshima [2011-09-12 00:26:13 +0000 UTC]
I didn't realize my photo was in the July 2011 gallery until now, silly me!
Thank you for placing my picture there. <3
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dutchshun [2011-07-18 17:37:17 +0000 UTC]
After sending a note to which I have not received a reply I will try it this way. Could you please remove my photograph Evening in Gold from the club as I will not be using my gallery here on DA any longer. This due to repeated theft of my images. Thank you so much for your co-operation. I appreciate it.
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TazzyDee In reply to dutchshun [2011-07-19 00:00:39 +0000 UTC]
hi. Sorry to hear you're leaving, and no problem removing your image, if you could just tell us which folder it's in please! x
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dutchshun In reply to TazzyDee [2011-07-24 10:56:52 +0000 UTC]
I know I said ok and thank you, but if you check this link my photographs still shows up as being included in the club?
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TazzyDee In reply to dutchshun [2011-07-24 15:20:29 +0000 UTC]
All i see are the stamps and 4 images, non of which are under your username...
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dutchshun In reply to TazzyDee [2011-07-19 06:36:27 +0000 UTC]
The comments added by the club are copied below, I assume the August 08 Gold theme corresponds to a folder. Thank you for removing my photograph from the club.
This is a submission for August 08's Gold theme at *PhotoLust by *dutchshun.
To comment and fav, please visit the original photo in the artist's gallery HERE.
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dutchshun In reply to TazzyDee [2011-07-24 15:55:37 +0000 UTC]
It looks as if its worked and nothing is there to view now. Thank you so much and I am sorry for all the messages.
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Calibre-Not-Output [2011-07-03 01:03:39 +0000 UTC]
I've been a member forever and I can never submit a deviation. How does this work, is it only open for a few days each month?
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TazzyDee In reply to Calibre-Not-Output [2011-07-08 01:46:24 +0000 UTC]
Hey. I'm very sorry, i'm barely on dA at the moment.
Our submissions *should* be open for about 2 weeks of each month. One submission per member, and July's will be opening shortly - watch the polls
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TazzyDee In reply to BreathOfIndustry [2011-06-23 23:54:07 +0000 UTC]
Keep a lookout for the July submissions which will be opening soon!
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TazzyDee In reply to WolvenVisions [2011-06-23 23:54:12 +0000 UTC]
Keep a lookout for the July submissions which will be opening soon!
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AkumaHarmony [2011-04-09 16:31:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for accept my fist photo in this group!!!
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